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Ahobilam,Blessed with sacred dream of Sri Narasimha – Nava Narasimha Darshan

Sairam friends,

Since Janmastami – Auspicious day for Lord Krishna is getting close, I wanted to write article for devotees of Sri Lakshmi Narasimha.

I had a small incident last afternoon and prayed Saibaba and also Remembered Lord Lakshmi Narasimha. I slept off and had a dream as if the father of a girl calls me and tells me her last name. I keep asking him where is she and what’s her name but there was a festival and lots of sound in the road because of which I cannot hear. Then I see a Dog behind me. Am scared of it as he barks but he actually is a loving Dog and takes me to the right home.

After this dream, I read the article written by me about Lakshmi Narasimhar – Lakshmi narasimhar Jayanthi pooja and mantra

I went to Shirdi Sai Baba temple in my hometown and was thinking about writing about Ahobilam which is a sacred place for Lakshmi Narasimhar. There’s a devotee who used to bring me regularly from Lakshmi Narasimhar temple. He requested me to come to the newly build Saibaba temple in Udumalpet on the way to Palani. I told him, I may not be able to come but shall write about the Temple in temples category if he provides me the Photos of Temples and Statues.

There’s a devotee who regularly comes to Sai Temple and used to speak very devotedly about his pilgrimage to Ahobilam. I requested him to tell me about Ahobilam.

Ahobilam Narasimha temple Gopuram

Ahobilam Narasimha temple Gopuram – Photo courtesy of devotee

Sai blessing during Pilgrimage to Ahobilam:

Shirdi Sai Baba always has encouraged devotees to worship the Gods and Goddess they love and which was worshiped by their ancestors. Sai has helped during pilgrimage of many devotees to have blissful darshan of their favourite God.  It seems these 2 friends planned to go Ahobilam for first time and didn’t had any idea how to reach there.  They had taken a share auto from Allagadda and kept traveling. They were worried as the road seem to go into a very forest kind of area in both the sides.

Sai devotees have habit of worshiping Baba before starting their journey. They felt bad for not going to Sai Temple before starting to Ahobilam. Finally the Auto men has asked them “Do you want to go to Sai baba Temple or Perumal Temple”. They felt surprised about how come there will be a Sai Temple in this place and requested auto men to show the temple.

They saw a beautiful painting of Shirdi Saibaba blessing with his palm. It made them feel happy like the story of Shama going for Gaya trip in Sai Satcharitra where Sai assures him “I will be there before you reach there”

m Narasimha Temple map

Ahobilam Narasimha Temple route map – Nava Narasimha darshan

A Sacred dream of Ancient Temples of India this morning

I told my Mom that I was speaking about Ahobilam to one of my friend in Temple. I slept off hugging Sai Satcharitra and remembering Lakshmi Narasimha. I had a very beautiful dream like this

There were three Temples.I could see the aerial shot of the Temple and doing photography. It seems there’s a festival in the Temple and many devotees are watching Abishekam done to the Lord. I see a small temple adjacent to the big temple and hear some one telling “This is where the Goddess takes flowers to offer the Lord”

I am standing in the compound wall of the huge ancient  Temple. To do abishekam to Sri Lakshmi Narasimha, devotees were taking water from the well and offering to Lord. I am telling someone that I lost my ring in this Temple but I feel its very sacred.

Then I hear one of my Aunt saying “The Photos you took of the Gods were good”

I wanted to present the Adobe of Lord Lakshmi Narasimha courtesy of wikipedia and pictures taken by Devotees. Thanks to the wikipedia Authors.

narasimha ahobilam

Narasimha in Ahobilam Temple – Photo used with courtesy of devotee

Ahobilam- The abode of Lord Lakshmi Narasimha

In ancient years, Ahobilam is said to have  situated in the Jungle in which even Gods can’t enter. So its really possible to reach Ahobilam only by grace of Lord Lakshmi Narasimhar. Now a days, there are many facilities for devotees to have peaceful Darshan of Narasimha in Ahobilam.

There are Nine Holy shrines of Lord Narasimha but some Temples requires climbing the Temples.

Ahobhilam (Telugu: అహోబిళం,  Sanskrit: अहोबिलं) also known as Ahobalam is located in the Allagadda mandal of Kurnool district in Andhra Pradesh, India. It is located at a distance of 40 km from Nandyal and about 150 km from Kurnool, the district headquarters. There are two temple houses, lower Ahobilam and upper Ahobilam.

According to the legend, this is where Lord Narasimha blessed Prahlada and killed the demon Hiranyakashipu.

Meaning of Ahobilam – The Mighty Energy

Aho is an exclamation word. Bhalam (bhalam means energy). It is equivalent of ‘oh the mighty energy’ and thus aho-bhalam of lord Narasimha swamy. One famous slokam that explains this is:

Aho veeryam! aho shouryam! aho baahu parakrama!
Naarasimham param deivam aho bhilam! aho balam!

Meaning: Oh! what a great valour he has! oh his great gallantry! oh those great powerful shoulders of the greatest of the Gods Lord Narasimha, and what a mighty cave it is! and what a mighty divine strength He has!

Annamacharya also mentions in his slokas about Ahobalam.

garuDAdri vEdAdri
rachachla velasinaTTi ramAvanita eepe
machchikagala alamElumanga eepe
ichchaTi venkaTAdri née ahObalamunandu
nichchalu tAvukonna nidhAnamu eepe

Meaning: She is goddess Ramaa who established herself amidst us. She is Alamelumanga dear to all. She is the eternal treasure established on Venkatadri and Ahobalam.

Legend – Ahobilam Nava Narasimha Temples

There are nine temples around the Nallamala Forest range, and in terms of sculpture and architecture all these nine temples stands to be an ultimate testament for the ancient sthapathis in planning and sculpting these temples.There are nine temples around the Nallamala Forest range, and in terms of sculpture and architecture all these nine temples stands to be an ultimate testament for the ancient sthapathis in planning and sculpting these temples.

According to legends it is believed that when the Devas saw the manifestation of Lord Vishnu as half-lion, half-man, they shouted “Ahobala” (great strength) as well as “Ahobila” (great cave in which the current sanctum is). Hence, this place could be called either “Ahobalam” or “Ahobilam”. The mention of this place is present in Brahmanda Purana. The place where Lord Narayana appeared from the stone pillar to kill Hiranyakashipa can be seen in this place. The name of this pillar is Ugra Sthambha, which is now referred as “Ukku SThambha” in Telugu, which incorrectly translates to iron pillar.

The legend says Lord Narasimha, after slaying Hiranyakasipa was roaming around the forest hills of Ahobilam making fearsome laughs and settling at nine places to bless the devotees. Here are the Nava Narasimha temples. Another legend describes when Lord Garuda did penance to see Lord Vishnu in Lord Narasimha form. Thereafter, Lord Narasimha took nine different forms in this hill.

Nine forms of Narasimha – NavaNarasimhas

Lord Narasimha in nine forms are

Bhargava Narasimha Swamy

This Lord is present on a hillock at a distance of 2.5 km from Lower Ahobilam, with Akshaya (inexhaustible) thertha (lake). Lord Parsurama is said to have performed penance for Lord Narasimha. An worship of the Lord after a bath in the Akshaya Theertha would make the Lord give Lakshmikara (hand possessing Goddess Lakshmi or prosperity) thus blessing in all manners.

Yogananda Narasimha Swamy

This place is suitable for meditation. Prahlada is said to have obtained all the prosperity after meditating upon the Lord here. The compassionate Lord here rescues the people who seek help out of difficulties.

Chatravata Narasimha Swamy

One of the astrological planets, Ketu is said to have worshipped the Lord here and gained all comforts. People willing to study fine arts seek blessings from this Lord.

Ahobila (Ugra) Narasimha Swamy

This is the main Lord of all Nava Narasimha’s and is also referred as the main temple in Upper Ahobilam. Goddess Chenchu (local forest tribe who have been ardent worshippers of the Lord for ages) Lakshmi is with the Lord. Heart-felt prayer to the lord destroys all fear and timidness.

Varaha Narasimha Swamy

Located at a distance of 1 km from Upper Ahobilam,Present with the divine consort Lakshmi, Lord removes the obstacles and ensures success to the worshippers.This temple is also referred as Kroda Narasimha swamy. The statue is in side a small rock cut formation facing the perennial stream of water.

Malola Narasimha Swamy

Malola Narasimha lakshmi devi

Malola Narasimha with lakshmi devi is the most auspicious as Lakshmi devi is happy she’s married to Narasimha

I captured this Photo of Malola Narasimha from the below documentary especially because it seems, the priests and many devotees feel this Narasimha is very merciful of all . Lakshmi is very happy here as she’s has done tapas under a Tree to marry Narasimha and the Lord Marries her in this sacred place.

This temple is present in Lakshmi Parvata (Hill). Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi along with the Lord, bestows blessing on the devotees. Worshipping this Lord brings Brahmananda (unlimited joy) to this world and the higher world.

Lakshmi is here to shower her devotees with blessings as she’s very happy and peaceful with her beloved Lord.

Jwala Narasimha Swamy

Lord Narsimha appears fierce slaying Hiranyakasipa with his nails. Serving the Lord ensures success in all efforts, marriages are made. Lighting a ghee lamp in the month of the Karthika and meditating on Lord dispels all sins and brings fame and name. This temple is the toughest to reach compared to other Narasimha temples. A small red water pond named “Raktha Gunda Theertham” can be seen on the way to the temple which is said to be the place where Narasimha swamy washed his hands after slaying the Demon.

Paavana Narasimha Swamy

This is said to be the most peaceful form among the Nava Narasimha Kshetras. This is said to Kshetra Ratna (jewel among the Kshetras)and is also referred as Pamuleti Narasimha swamy. Sages have said that the Lord here liberates the devotees from all the sins in the past lives and sins in the current life (knowingly or unknowingly).

Karanja Narasimha Swamy

Serving the Karanja Swamy with three austerities (thought, word and action) brings enlightenment and the Lord bestows all desires.

Every year, in the month of Phalguna Brahmotsavas (ceremonies performed by the Lord Brahma) are held. Apart from this, every month, on the star day of the Lord, which is Swathi, Gramotsavas (village ceremonies) are celebrated. On that day, Thirumanjan Seva (service) is performed with 108 Kalasas(holy vessels) grandly, A lot of pilgrims visit the temple on the auspicious Swati nakshatra day.

Each of these nine forms have a beautiful story woven with strands of myth, fancy legends and epic tales. According to popular belief, one form of the Lord, the Pavana Narasimhaswamy, when offered the prasad returns half of the offering back to the devotee. On these lines, the Jwala Narasimhaswamy is supposed to be the ferocious form. This form personifies the cumulative and intense anger of the God. It is believed that the original site of shrine of Jwala Narasimhaswamy was the mouth of a volcano and it is only the proxy shrine which is accessible to the devotees.

Belief is that the navagrah’s attained their power of being the planet by worshiping these deities of Narashimha. It is believed that the people having malefic effect of any planet could get some reprieve by worshiping Narasimha.

Legend also states that Goddess Mahalakshmi took birth as a human in a tribe, named Chenchu Lakshmi and married Lord Narasimha after the death of Hiranyakashpu. Narasimha Jayanthi will be celebrated with pomp and glory. The local tribals celebrate the marriage of Goddess Mahalakshmi as ChenchuLakshmi and Lord

Legend of Chenchu Lakshmi

After slaying Hiranyakashyapa, Lord Narasimha proceeded to the Nallamala forest in his UgraAvataram (aggressive form). The devas were worried about this form and prayed to Goddess Lakshmi to pacify him. She took form as Chenchu Lakshmi, a tribal girl, in the same forest. On seeing her, Lord Narasimha asked her to marry him. She put him through a lot of tests to calm him down completely before agreeing to marry him.

Documentary about Ahobilam and the Nine Narasimha Temples

While trying to compile this article, I was looking for some good Videos from youtube which will be information for devotees who travel to Ahobilam and also for whom who wish to have darshan of all Nine Narasimha in Ahobilam. I came across the below wonderful, divine documentary by youtube user Sri Chaitanya – Its journey of a devotee Druva who’s devoted to Narasimha. I feel really happy to see this documentary well made and kept asking my Father to have a look.

Ahobilam – Lord Nrsimhadeva – Documentary Courtesy of Devotee – Sri Chaitanya and Druva

One of the very beautiful thing I experienced in this Ahobilam documentary is the following

Lakshmi Narasimhar appearing before Hanuman and taking form of Rama

karanja narasimha rama

Karanja Narasimha giving Darshan with Bow and Chakara in the form of Rama to convince Hanuman

Next to the old Karanja Swamy, there’s a Temple of Hanuman.  Once Hanuman was doing Tapas in sacred mountains of Ahobilam  He was chanting in mind deeply in meditation – “Ram….Ram….Raaam”

Immediately Narasimha appears before Hanuman and said “Yes ! Did you Call me?”

Hanuman saw a different form of Narasimha and angrily asked “What’s this? Who are you. You are disturbing me. Get away from here or I will make you”

Narasimha replied “I am Ram. You called me. So I came”

Hanuman was surprised and said “How can you be Ram? This is not Rama’s Form”

Immediately Narasimha Manifested himself like Rama with Bow in one hand and Chakra in the other like Lord Rama himself.

Hanuman was deeply moved by having darshan of his beloved Rama and from then on started worshiping Karanja Narasimha.

I wrote this article especially because of the Dream I had yesterday and this morning friends. I don’t have enough knowledge to write various sacred topics in StarSai. So Sai gives me some experiences and inspires me to read about Gods, Temples and devotees experiences so that I can compile all the divinity and present it for you.

While writing this article, I recollect the dream I had as if a Goddess is offering flowers to the Lakshmi Narasimha and realized it could be Goddess Andal who brings the flowers for her beloved Narasimha.

Very powerful Lakshmi Narasimhar Mantra

I wish to tell you one of my experience when we believe Sai and Lakshmi Narasimhar Saved my Father. In 2005, we went to Kumbakonam to many temples . While we had darshan in Kal Garudar Temple, I felt a inner divine voice asking me to drop 7 coins near the Kodi Maram – Sacred Pillar in each temple we visit.

After staying for 2 days we were coming back in train to Coimbatore. My father got fainted during the journey. One of the nurse near by took his arm and saw the pulse was going down. My Mom kept chanting a Mantra of Lakshmi Narasimha and by Gods grace 7 people helped us in the train. I realized Gods come in the form of Human and really no matter how bad our karma is God has his own way of helping us.

The dakshina we offer in Temple is actually to remove our bad Karma and bless us with a peaceful life. Secondly, this incident made me realize the powers of Lakshmi Narasimhar.

“Maathaa Nrushimha , Pitha Nrushimha :

Pratha Narashimha , Shaga Narashimha :

Vidhya Narashimha , Dhravinam Narashimha :

Swaami Narashimha , Sagalam Narashimha :

Idho Narashimha, Pradho Narashimha:

Yadho Yadho Yaahi, Thatho Narashimha :

Narashimha Dhevaath  paro nagasith

Dhasmaan Narasimha Saranam Prabadhye ! “

There are many more sacred Mantra’s you can either listen or learn to recite. I posted a article about Lakshmi Narasimhar Sahasranamam in

Accepting little pain while doing  Seva for Suyambu Lakshmi Narasinga Perumal Temple

There’s a very beautiful Lakshmi Narasimhar temple in Virapandipirivu road in Coimbatore. Couple of years back myself and my friends used to go there regularly. Where ever I go, I look at the place they light lamps. Many devotees used to light lamps for Lakshmi Narasimha in this temple but there won’t be much place. I used to light the lamp which is put off due to wind and if the Ghee is over, I pick it two fingers and quickly drop in a vessel as it will be too hot.

A Old man offered a handle made in steel to pick the lamps but I never liked to use it much. I like to get my finger burnt a little while picking the lamps and accept it as Gods Gift. I do the same in Saibaba temple also. We never know what sins we did. So its good to accept little pain while doing seva to the almighty who is ever caring and merciful.

Recently, When I went to the same temple, They had constructed a separate place for lighting lamps and its spacious also. I believe every Temple must have a good spacious and safe place to light lamps.

Let Lakshmi Narasimha Open his eyes and bless his ardent devotees

I came across the below wonderful Lakshmi Narasimhar Suprabatham courtesy of devotee Anand Reddy in Youtube and wish to present it to you. Thanks to the devotee. Kindly purchase the original Audio Dvds there by encouraging the singers.

Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Suprabatham & Stothras (Sanskrit Version)

Hope you liked it !

OK friends, I tried my best to present the article on Ahobilam. I will be happy if devotees of Narasimha shares their experiences and their love for Lakshmi Narasimha.

Aum Namo Narayanaya


My parents again started marriage topic and I was really worried. I told my Shall I go to Lakshmi Narasimhar temple this evening and went there. I could relate my dream to it as there’s a Andal’s sannidhi in this Suyambu Lakshmi Narasimha temple. Then I went to Saibaba temple and bought a book of Lakshmi Narasimha Saharanama and read all the 1000 holy names of Lakshmi Narasimha sitting in Dwarkamai and also near the Thulasi plant.

I came home and feel depressed now.

I prayed Sai and Lakshmi Narasimha that they must show me the girl whom I will really like or better make my parents not to worry about it.




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  • dear sai venkatji

    I came to know from sai sat charitha that reading a chapter of the sat charitha on krishna jayanthi, guru poornima and navarathi days – in particular vijayadasami day.

    i would like the message to reach millions of sai devotee – if they have forgotten about it – as a gentle reminder.


  • wonderful pictures of Lord Narasimha, I consider this is a reminder to me to keep up the promise of reading saisatcharita, which I postponed. Baba bless us all.

  • i request all the viewers toshare energy andgoodthings which we get from darshan of nava narashimaswamy
    temples ahobolam and getvandished of sins made by and your family thank you

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