Sairam friends,
She’s called Bhooma Devi in Tamil and Bhu Devi or Bhumi by some devotees. She’s our the Goddess of Earth – Mother Earth and because of her patience the Earth is still breathing. Bow to this holy Goddess of Earth Bhu Devi. Though I may not have worshiped her Photo or statue, I have mentally worshiped her spending hours together in 2005.
I used to pray for welfare of Earth, Air, Water, Space and Fire and dedicate it to Nature Goddess which to me is Bhooma Devi. I was doing it coming around Holy fire of Sai – Dhuni and consider it one of the golden time of my life. The reason she is worshiped as Fertility form of Lakshmi could be because she’s responsible for all that we are blessed with on Earth. What ever we enjoy and have comes from her. She’s our real gift of God.

Some information about Bhu Devi from wikipedia
Bhūmi (Sanskrit: भूमि), also Bhūmī-Devī (Sanskrit: भूमी देवी), or Bhū-Devī, is the personification of Mother Earth. She is also the divine wife of Varaha, an Avatar of Vishnu, the mother of Sita (note the symbolism of the baby Sita being found in a ploughed field). According to the uttara-kanda, when Sita finally leaves her husband Rama, she returns to Bhumidevi. She is the mother of the demon Narakasura .Bhumi Devi is also believed to be one of the two forms of Lakshmi.
The other is Sridevi, who remains with Narayana. Bhudevi is the Goddess of Earth, and the fertility form of Lakshmi. She is the daughter of Kashyap Prajapati and known as kasyapi. According to some she is also Satyabhama, wife of Sri Krishna in Dwapara Yuga and the divine saint Andal.
Several female deities have had births similar to Sita. Alamelu Mangamma or Sri Padmavathi Devi of Tiruchanur had a similar beginning, being found in a ploughed field by Akasa Raja. Andal from Srivilliputtur in Tamilnadu was found under a Tulasi plant by Periyaalvar.
Greatness of Bhooma Devi
The Hindu article author has to be appreciated for telling the below story:

Maha Vishnu took Varaha Avatar and saved Mother Earth – Bhooma Devui
The demon Hiranyaksha took away Bhooma Devi, and Brahma prayed to Lord Narayana to rescue her. As Brahma prayed, a tiny boar appeared from his nose.
This varaha grew in size, assuming gigantic proportions. It was Lord Narayana who had appeared as varaha and fought and killed Hiranyaksha. He then rescued Bhooma Devi and perched her on his nose. If he could make the Earth appear so small, his size can be imagined. But Bhooma Devi, when rescued, did not seem happy.
The Lord asked her why she looked sad. She said she had been rescued, but what of all those on Earth who were trapped in the prison of samsara? How were they going to get out? Who was going to rescue them, she wondered. She declared that she would be happy only when those on Earth could be saved. This is where Bhooma Devi scores over Sri Devi, the other Consort of the Lord, Damal Ramakrishnan said in a discourse. – Courtesy The Hindu – Greatness of Bhooma Devi
I am writing more of the pains I am going through in Relationship and other stuff which may not be important to Sai. I wanted to think something that really matters and Sai inspired me to see couple of Documentaries – One was a Documentary about what would happen if the Earth at present doubles its population? – 7 Billion of us become 14 Billion.
Need of Space to live
There will be immediate need of Space – Architects will be designing more innovative sky scrapers. The places which were Gardens in many Cities will be converted into tall towers as high as 200 floors. In one project Architects will try to accommodate more than 10,000 people.
Need of Food
Its not just Shelter, Feeding all the 14 billion people will be a huge task. We really don’t have enough farm land to cultivate food. Every where, there will be demand for Food and people will not be able to get quality food. A single visit to grocery store will be more expensive than what we now spend for the whole month. We need to produce more food. Hence the places which remained forest for millions of years will be made as farm land. Yes. Most of the Trees which gave us oxygen will be cut.
Need of Water
Water fulfills our thirst. An average Human requires at least 2 liters of water per day to drink. If we don’t have water, the body starts to dehydrate, our mind cannot think and work properly and we eventually might faint. The little water that’s available will be dirty as it gets polluted. Though Mother Earth is occupied by 70% of water, its Salt water and cannot be consumed. There will be more efforts to end the water crises by the government but there surely will be a civil unrest due to unavailability of water.
Do we have enough trees and plants to supply Oxygen to 14 Billion people. Yes we do but we are also polluting the air. There will be more diseases due to lack of pure water and air to breath. People will realize the importance of Plants and trees at last.
Many times, I used to wonder what will happen if people continue to buy so many vehicles. Do we have enough fuel to run them in the years to come? Do we have such a huge roads to accommodate all these vehicles.
What if we are 14 billion people?
New york alone will have more than half billion people.
New york city – Cars are Banned. Only public transport and bicycles are allowed.
And what will happen to India?
Let’s assume our population is little more than 4 billion.
You can’t imagine what will be India like. There will be crisis every where. People will have to face several struggles even to get their basic needs in life – Food, Shelter and Water.
In Mumbai and major cities Cars will be Banned. All over India, people will be asked to park their cars outside the cities and take to public transport. We will be finding all possible ways to build tall towers, Price of water will rise and availability of water will be considered as Treasure.
With in few years of all these changes to accommodate 14 billion of us, there will be disasters.
The sewage system starts to leak every time there’s a rain making all the available water resources in the City dirty.
Mother Earth may not be able to bear the weight of Tall towers and the people living in it. It might fall down due to Earth Quake. There will be disasters of all kinds and we might loose Millions of people just because of impurity in water and the new diseases that will spread fast.
What I wrote is some information from the Documentary but honestly, Its truth.
When ever people used to tell me that India was a wealthy country before hundreds of years, I would tell them but the population of India would have been less than 10 crores. Imagine the whole Tamilnadu state with out few lakhs of people. There were poor people even during ancient times but there was basically prosperity on the whole.
Our population is quickly growing high. By 2050 there will be approximately 9 Billion of us. Providing water and food to the people itself is a big question. Do we have farm lands to cultivate so much food? Are there enough pure water when already Billions of people in Africa and other countries don’t have access to pure water?
The reason I write this article is because what ever I write in StarSai is not for today. I want to write for Sai Children for the next thousands of years. There will be peace prevailing but we must lead a simple life and realize we are gifted for getting Good food, Water and shelter now. We have a responsibility to give the Same beautiful Mother Earth for our generations to come.
One side, Scientists say there will be crisis for water and on the other side, Antarctica is melting. Even if the sea level rises by 2 to few foot, most of the coastal cities will be filled with a feet of water. Imagine people having small boats to travel from one house to another.
I can’t pin point on what might happen to us but I can surely say spread the message that we must be responsible in using Water and consuming it. Try have some Trees or plants around your house which surely will be your little contribution for Mother Earth.
I really don’t have time to add content but I know Sai wants me to write for people in the coming years.
I was blessed with a dream today about my personal life which upsets me a lot but to me StarSai is not just for me. Sai has given me a reason to live and I want to keep writing things that will make the world a better place to live in.
I leave this article incomplete especially because I want you to think and realize how Mother Earth has been breathing for us. We must Bow to her and be responsible.
True words. will follow the same and will also spread it