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Sai Baba Articles

Health is Wealth – Shirdi Saibaba and Dhanvantari Bhagavan blessings for Good Health

Sairam friends,

I am writing this article when my Amma is not feeling well and have been suffering from severe pain in the past few days. At times we wonder why Sai is not giving us immediate cure no matter how much devoted we are. Every time Amma comes to the prayer room, she comes with the words

“Noyatra Vaalve, Kuraivatra selvam”

A healthy life is wealth without the misery

From my childhood, I have seen Amma telling me that her Mom used to say the same, and when she gets older, she realizes its Value. Today being my birthday, I too wish to pray Sai the same to bless us all with Good health and long life.

There are people who worry about problems in a relationship, education, career, and other issues and feel Shirdi Saibaba has not helped them and that Sai let them down.  Even i used to worry a lot about the disappointments I face and say baba that you are taking care of my baba. Only when my Mom tells me “Health is Wealth” I realize how much Sai must have done for us to keep us healthy.

We never know how many evils and miseries Sai has averted in his own ways.  During his lifetime in Shirdi, Sai asked the Shirdi villagers to spread the grinned wheat flour in the border of Shirdi Village to stop cholera from coming into the village. Similarly even today Sai must be making us do various things subconsciously to avert dangers ahead of us. Probably we are too ignorant to realize how much Sai and Lord Dhanvantari Bhagavan has blessed us to stay in good health.

Note – There are so many ways to show devotion to Shirdi Saibaba or any Saints/Gods you love. I am just showing you the way that’s simple to adapt. You are most welcome to worship Sai the way your heart wishes you to…

shirdi saibaba pooja

Shirdi Saibaba blessings for Good Health and Long life

Shirdi Saibaba Pooja for Good health:

For Shirdi Saibaba devotees, I humbly request you do the following

1. Offer a Glass of water or Milk to Shirdi Saibaba statue or Photo in your house

2. Chant any mantra of Shirdi Saibaba or the best to do is any recite or listen to Shirdi Saibaba aarti. You can download it to your mobile and play it.

3. Then chant

Sairam Sairam Sairam for 5 minutes

4. Have the Water/Milk as prasad wholeheartedly

Since my mother is having severe pain, I felt this Birthday (November 4th, 2012), I must write about Lord Dhanvantari. My Mom calls him “Dhanvantari Bhagavan”. Let’s first worship Lord Ganesha to bless us all with Good health.


Shristi Ganapathi – Lord Ganesha bless us all with good health – Photo used by courtesy of devotee

Let’s Worship Lord Ganesha regularly and

Dhanvantari Bhagavan – Lord Dhanvantari

Dhanvantari (Sanskrit: धन्वन्तरि) is an Avatar of Maha Vishnu. He appears in the Vedas and Puranas as the physician of the gods (devas), and the god of Ayurvedic medicine. Dhanvantari Bhagavan is worshiped for Good Health and Long Life.

If you are in India, you can worship Lord Dhanvantari Bhagavan by visiting any nearby Temple of Lord Dhanvantari. If not you can visit any temple of Vishnu – Lord Rama, Venkateswara, Krishna, and remember Lord Dhanvantari Bhagavan.

You can recite the Gayatri Mantra of Dhanvantari and recite any Sloka you can learn by heart.

I have provided a few slokas which I found on youtube and other resources. Thanks to devotees who originally uploaded them.

dhanvantari bhagwan

Dhanvantari Bhagwan also called as Dhanvanthri Bhagavan – Blessings for Good Health

Friends, I truly loved the below Dhanvantari Mantra as it is recited in a divine voice with devotion. There is some noise in recording but its truly wonderful. Thanks to the devotee.

Click here to download Dhanvantari Mantra in Google Drive

I bow and humbly request Lord Dhanwantari, who is the embodiment of perfect health — respected by great seers and evil people — to remove old age, disease, fear and death through His divine presence in all-natural herbal medicines.

Salutations to Him, Danvantari, who is holding with his four arms: a conch, a wheel or disk of energy (chakra), a leech, and a pot of amrita (celestial ambrosia). In whose heart shines a very subtle, clear, gentle, and pleasing blaze of light. This light also shines all around his head and lotus eyes. Who by his mere play destroys all diseases like a mighty forest fire.

“Namaami dhanvantari maadi dēvam suraa surair vandita paada padmam
loke jara ruk bhaya mrutyu naasham daatarameesham vividoushadeenaam

shankham chakram jalaukam
dadhad amruta ghatam charu dorbhi chaturbhih

Sukshma svacch ati hridyam
sukha pari vilasanam
maulim ambhoja netram

Kalam bhodojo valangam kati tata vilasan
charu pitam baradhyam

Vande dhanvantarim tam nikhila gada vanam
praudha davagni leelam”

There’s another very good Dhanvantari Mantra which can be recited 108 times .


Dhanwantari Bhagavan with his sacred Amrutha Kalasha with powers to heal

Offer water in a vessel in your Pooja place to Gods. Chant below Dhanvantari Mantra for 108 times and have the water as prasad for yourself and family members to get healed.

Dhanvanytari Mantra

“Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasu  devaya Danvantraye,
Amritha Kalasa Hasthaya,
Sarvamaya Vinasanaya,
Thrailokya Nathaya,
Sri Maha Vishnave Namaha.”

“Obeisances unto the Supreme Bhagavan known as Sudarshana Vasudev
Dhanvantari, the holder of the Kalasha full of nectar of immortality,
who removes all fears, who removes all diseases, the well-wisher of
the three worlds, and sustainer of the three worlds, He is Vishnu
Swarup, by the name Dhanvantari, empowered to heal the Jiva souls.”

I shall write more about Lord Dhanvantari in the days to come friends..

May Sai and Dhanvantari Bhagavan bless us with good health.




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  • Hello Mr. Venkat,

    Wish You Happy Belated Birthday !!!!. Hope your Amma also recovers fast. I pray to Baba for that. Keep writing more articles it is really very relaxing to read when mind is agitated and in pain. I have been doing the 9 Guruvar Vrat after reading your blog. Hope Baba will shine some light in my life and fade away all the miseries I’m facing.

  • Hi Dear Venkat, may you always lead a healthy & wealthy life and Sainath bless you with all good things in the world, belated birthday wishes to you. Venkat, as per your directions, I sometimes lit Coconut lamps, which are really very beautiful and peaceful to heart. Venkat, as you blessed my son Cheenu, he has now become an Engineer and has started his Training in a Telecom Company. Please pray for him that he should be well placed and progress in his life successfully. Venkat, If I am not inquisitive, have you found a good life partner, as you always wanted? I am praying for your amma and definitely she will be healthy throughout.

    Everyday I visit Starsai thinking that I am talking to you and Sairam is blessing me. Keep your mission on to keep us all on.

    Ever praying for your welfare, warm regards, Shankari

  • i feel very happy to read this kind of articles. Please keep update the new articles we will thankful to you.Baba is reducing the karma of life for her better life, once the karma will be finished she will be cured and happy.Always baba shows on devotees that he will try to reduce the karma .Only thing you’ve to do is patiency and leave on him everything he knows when to releif.But don’t worry she will get cured.i’ve lot of experiences like that.

  • Om sai ram Mr.Venkat. thank you so much because you have give more information about my beloved sai throught your. im really happy because i get on what i wanted to about Shirdhi Sai Baba. May Sai bless you and your amma with good health and wealth..i know m english is not so good but the important thing is , you understand on what i trying to write..OmSaiRamThunai

  • So many thanks.Mr Venkat.Im starting my prayers to Lord dhanvanthri and sai for my family’s heath.So peaceful after reading this.My mind is clear,i got hope.
    thanx again

  • Dear Venkat,

    Thanks for all the articles.

    I recently came across Lord Dhanvatri mantra with meaning and here it is –

    ” Om Namo Bhagavathe Maha Sudarshanaya
    Vasudevaya Dhanvataraye;
    Amrutha Kalasa Hasthaya
    Sarva Bhaya Vinasaya
    Sarva Roga Nivaranaya
    Triloka Pathaye Triloka Nidhaye
    Sri Maha Vishnu Swarupaya
    Sri Dhanvathri Swarupaya
    Sri Sri Aoushada Chakra Narayana Namah”

    Meaning –

    We pray to God, who is known as Sudharshana Vasudheva Dhanvantri . He holds the Kalasham full of nectar of immortality. Lord Dhanvatri removes all fears and remove all diseases . He is the well wisher and the preserver of three worlds. Dhanvantri is like Lord Vishnu, empowered to heal the Jiva souls. We bow to the Lord of Ayurveda.

  • Please bless my family.with healthwealth and happiness….ours is South entrance…iam worried

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