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How to make parents happy – Mother, Father, Guru and God

Sairam friends,

There’s something my mother taught me and my sister when we were kids and fight with parents for all those silly reasons. . My Amma used to shout at us saying parents comes first even before Guru and God and so you must respect their words.

Mata, Pita, Guru, Daivam – Amma sonnadha kekalena kastam varum.

Mother, Father, Guru and God – If you don’t listen to your Mother, you will only face difficulties.

Several years later, i feel i am still the same little son of my mother who doesn’t listen to her. I love my mother and father so much. So much that i really see Sai in them. This time, i don’t listen to them when they ask me to marry some girl.

I say, No. I only want the girl i love and this girl’s parents might never accept me as their son in law. I believe it will happen because i met this girl by Sai leela and i believe it’s saibaba’s responsibility to make her parents realize it’s Sai who united us together.

I am suffering these days to core. I forget things and sometimes don’t feel like having food. One side, i want to be true to my love and other side, have old parents to take care of. When my father comes in my room every morning with a coffee, i think why you love me so much Appa? I am not listening to what ever you say but you keep loving me for what i am.

I keep praying saibaba to show me a way. I pray saibaba to go in dream of my girls parents and tell them to come our home and speak to my parents so that i can marry her once her studies gets over.

Today when i came home from temple, saw my mother laid down with pain in stomach. I gave her the little Rose flower, i got from a aunty in Saibaba temple. Can this rose make my Mom happy? All my old parents want is to see me getting married.

sometimes, i cry to saibaba saying at least to make my parents happy, please do a leela to unite the girls family with ours. Sai keeps silence and the silence kills me every second. May be my karmic deeds are so bad i have to suffer and with me, my parents also suffer.

For four years, every Wednesday, when ever i go to Saibaba temple in my hometown, i used to offer Garland to Shirdi Saibaba statues on terrace. Today i kept worrying why my girl din’t call me and forgot to do my seva. It’s shocking how i forgot something i have been doing for years.  Anyway, that’s the kind of mental state i am in these days. I am too sad and smile and laugh at times to convince the world that am normal.

I wish every one who reads this article, try their best to make their parents happy. Many of you will be worried about career issues, financial issues, health and also relationship problems. Your parents might be worried about your welfare as to them, our happiness is everything.

So How to make parents happy?

I really don’t know. All i know to do is every morning after pooja, i make them come to pooja room and fall in their feet. This i do to tell them indirectly, though i am not listening to you, i still love you Amma and Appa.

I do nothing else to make my parents feel i am for them and with them. When Mom or dad is sick, i stay near them and take care of them but every son/daughter do this for their parents.

Being a Sai devotee, calling myself as servant of shirdi saibaba, i regret to say because of the trust i have on Sai Leela that sai will bring the girl as my wife, i am not able to listen to my parents. My Mom keeps telling,i will be very happy if you marry the girl you love, but practically her parents won’t accept it. My mom cries, some times she shouts and i feel like shedding tears.

I humbly request all sai devotees to love their parents and keep them happy. I regularly see my parents in dream and sai uses my parents to give guidance to me. There are few things for which you can’t write a “How to” Article.  Its Love. Its pure love. You can’t get ideas from anyone to make your parents happy as you alone can see their heart.

Shirdi Sai baba and Lord Ganesha blessings to make your parents happy:

I wish to share a beautiful photo of Lord Ganesha sent by my sai friend Reshma as she has read Vinayakar Puranam

( Maha Ganapathi puranam) in 21 days and did a special pooja for Ganesha. She sent the photos to me and i felt happy that Ganesha will soon do leela to make my parents happy.


Pooja for Ganesha after parayan of Maha Ganapathy Puranam

Hope you love to see the beautiful offerings made to Lord Ganesha after holy reading of Maha Ganapathy puranam. These books are also called as Vinayakar Puranam and can be bought in any famous temple shops or online.

How you wish to make your parents happy:

You are most welcome to write “How i wish to make my parents happy”

Sai Ki jai



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  • Hello. You are doing a great job with starsai. I know you might not need this, but I have a suggestion for you. I take the liberty to write it down here, as we all are sai devotees and trust that he takes care of us. I know and can totally understand that you would like to get married to the girl you like and at the same time keep your parents happy. I hope and pray that this happens soon. I am sure sai is working on it. But, sometimes what we ask for cannot happen and that’s life. We need to face it. I am not discouraging you here.

    Having said that, I can quote my own experience here, whenever there is something I want and if I am in doubt of whether I would get it or not, instead of asking sai to give me what I want, I ask him to give me the courage to face it when I dont get what I want. Similarly, I would suggest, instead of praying to sai to get you married to the girl, try praying to him to give you the courage to face situations, IF things might not work out for you. Again, I sincerely hope and pray that you get what you want. Sorry, if I have said something wrong. But, all the best and omsairam.

    Reply to devotee who wrote above…
    Dear friend, Ya that’s what i am doing. Thanks for your kind words…I am trying to move on believing Sai will bless me with a good life..Venkat

  • Om sai ram its indeed a great task.

    You are a true sai devotee go on write teachings of baba help others and get peace.

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