Sairam friends,
Sometimes, the only happiness i get are the mails I receive from Shirdi Sai Baba devotees. Some Sai devotees write me about their Love for Saibaba and how sai showed them a way in life. Some tell me their problem and ask them to pray or suggest a simple Pooja.
The sweetest thing about writing in Star Sai about the temples I visit and Pooja I do is that someone, some where in some corner of the world is inspired by it. I might be at office or sleeping or simply sitting in temple doing nothing and worrying about my own life but star sai keeps working. Sai brings his sweetest children to this temple to inspired them, motivate them and bring divine feeling in them.

Shirdi Saibaba 108 deepam Pooja – Sai is sitting amidst flowers
Couple of years back, a devotee mailed me that she got cured of cancer and she has been following Star Sai for over 2 years and wrote me after she got well. Some devotees write me that she had come to Nagasai mandhir in coimbatore and searched for me near Dhuni. he he…( epavume vaa anga irpuen? Saiku bore adikaadha. Sai drives me away at times). Though I love the Dwarakamai and Dhuni – Sacred fire of Nagasai mandhir, If you want to reach me personally, you could have mailed me at
Once when I was in Mumbai, a devotee mailed me and I told her if you come near the Shirdi Sai Baba mandhir in first floor of seepz, Andheri east, I shall give you udi as I had been to shirdi recently. I met her there and went back to office. I got a mail like this “Reading your articles, I thought you must be over 60 years old”…he he….Thank God now a days Sai makes me write about problems in my relationship issues. I am single…ye yee yee and I have Sai to love me .

See how beautifully puja is done to Saibaba lighting 108 lamps
Anyway, The reason I started this article is that I wish devotees makes Saibaba happy by lighting 108 lamps in their home or any temple they visit to any Gods or Goddess they love. This morning i got a mail from a Sai Child..
hope this mail reaches u with lots of luck,sound health and baba’s blesings.With the inspiration of starsai i did 108 deepam puja to baba.baba bless u and starsai, u know venkat my perception of doing puja to baba has completely changed after reading ur articles in star sai.this is a divine work venkat pls keep it going on .
Sairam..theres a powercut while writing this article..will update with more photos
thanks to Sai’s sweetest devotee -Vidya Bharathi.

Saibaba loves lighting lamps in Dwarakamai during his lifetime. When you light lamps at home , It becomes Dwarakamai where Sai lives
I wrote this article without her permission because I wish many Shirdi Sai Baba devotees gets inspired having darshan of Sai with 108 lamps and how devotedly she has done Pooja for Saibaba.

Light real lamp with gingelly oil or pure Ghee which is auspicious.
I really love the way lamps are arranged in front of Saibaba and all Hindu Gods and Goddess pictures. Truly Sai must have felt happy for this expression of devotion. There are devotees who light candles in Saibaba temple even when Ghee lamps are available. How can I go and request devotees to light lamps instead of Candles? At times I can’t stop myself saying devotees how auspicious it is to light real lamps. That too ghee lamp.
Its always auspicious to Light real Lamps with pure Ghee or try to use lemon to make lemon lamps:
If you live abroad like this devotee does, Its hard to get earthen lamps (Lamp made of Mud). So you can consider buying affordable lamps made of bronze etc when you come India. You can light candle lamps but I always wish to encourage devotees to light real lamps. If you can’t get 108 bronze or earthen lamps, Please cut 60 lemon in two halves, carefully, take off the juice, twist it inwards. Now these will give you 120 natural lamps. Its hard to initially make such lemon lamps but if you try its easy to make.
There are few families where elders request not to light lemon lamps at home. Personally, I recommend it as i believe instead of lighting candles, its great to light lemon lamps.

Shirdi Saibaba Samadhi – Sai has said, Day and night i keep thinking of my devotees welfare
I am writing this article listening to Kanakadhara Stotram sung by Adi Sankara praising Goddess Mahalaksmi.
Please take time to do 108 Deepam Puja in your home or any temple of any Gods you love:
There are devotees who face various problems. Lighting lamps may not give you instant relief from difficulties in life but its the most auspicious thing you can do to make your life better. You can ask if your family members are interested in this and do similar pooja. If not 108, You can light 9 lamps, 27 lamps, 54 lamps etc. When I had been to Koothanur Saraswathi temple in 2005, I lit more than 200 lamps. What matters is your pure devotion when you light lamps. You can recite any mantra or chanting “Aum Sai Ram” while lighting lamps.
Light lamps for Shirdi Sai baba in mind:
Some devotees won’t have co-operation from others in family to do such puja or might not be able to light so many lamps. Simply close your eyes, bring Shirdi Sai baba in your mind and imagine that you are lighting lamps for Sai. This Puja done in Atma is also powerful. While doing this keep doing Naam smaran – Chanting Sai…Sai..Sai or any chantings you love.
Its not necessary that you light only 108 lamps. At least light 2 lamps regularly every morning in a safe place at home and when ever you visit any near by temple.

I love these cute Ganesha and Hanuman near Shirdi Saibaba original photo. You can light just 2 lamps like this
More information about lighting divine lamps:
Divine lamps are called as Vilaku in Tamil , Diya in Hindi – A Diya, divaa, deepa, deepam, or deepak is an oil lamp usually made from clay, with a cotton wick dipped in ghee or vegetable oils.
You can light silver and also bronze lamps with Gingelly oil (sesame oil – called Nal ennai in tamil, Til oil in Hindi). If possible use pure Ghee which is very auspicious.
Safety measures while lighting lamps for Sai and Gods you love:
When ever you light lamps at temple or home be very careful. Make sure you remain at home when lamps glow. If you are planning to go out, please use very little oil/ghee so that it gets over soon. Please make sure the things kept in puja room where lamps are lit are made of safe materials. Keep your children at safe distance. The most important being, when you light lamps make sure your dress is not in contact with lamp. Its easy to spread value of lighting lamps but I also have responsibility to make sure you and your family is safe. So be very careful.
Hope you enjoyed having darshan of Vidya Bharati’s 108 deepam Puja. I will be happy if devotees who reads this understands the value of Lighting lamps which I have been repeatedly writing about for the past 9 years and shall do it for life time. When I am completing this article, am listening to Sri Suktam which is a beautiful hymn for Goddess Mahalakshmi from Rig veda.
May Shirdi Sai Baba bring light in your heart and Family…
Aum Sri Sainathaya Namaha
Sai ki jai
Little Servant of Shirdi Saibaba
Thans a lot for such nice information about baba. Thanks once again . Neelam.
Very Cute , beautiful arrangement of Pooja and lamps…. 🙂 🙂 ….
Different types of lamps at one juncture, —- Silver, Mud, coconut…. I love the way u garlanded SAIDEVA and ALL DEITIES.
It gives peace n happiness .
very beautiful
om sai ram ……….
om sai ram
i am ardent devotee of shirdi sai and never miss thursday puja where i used to perform milk abishekam.
i am awaiting promotion in my career. pray for the success
the lamps lookd really vibrant and full of energy. I would like to do the same.
om sai ram i believe my baba always that he is with me.
I love you sai.please help me I need you lot. I know you are always with me and trying to fulfil my desire. please help me sai dada please OM SAI RAM
Sai Ram!
All the posts are very inspiring and i wish all the devotees be blessed by the almighty…. Sai! I have been gradually believing in him and have noticed the peace by reading the Sai Sacharitra when ever i get a chance. He has so much to teach in every chapter.
Every time i watch Shirdi Sai live, my heart melts, blood flushes to my face, Its very touching and blessed moment to watch him at the convenience of a home in front of a computer and seek his blessings. Seeing so many devotees, it makes me wonder , he has so many to take care of. I hope and wish that he cares for everyone and everyone be blessed with what they are ardently desiring for.
I bow down to his miracles and his kind eyes to shower on everyone his blessings. Sai Ram! Give all the strength to bear the adversities that are in store for us and think of you all the time whether it is during happy moments or sad ones. Keep us all safe and compassionate to our fellow beings.
Sai Antharyami, sadaa maa venta undandi! Sai Ram!
Jai Sai Ram.
Very nice pooja. It gives peace of mind. Please pray for me. I am, I cannot explain in such a situation.
One day I will tell you all the problems,pavadas happened. But I want you to pray for us, our family now.
My name is Anu.
Thank you so much for what ever help you do for us in your prayers. We need that very much now.
Thank you so much.
Jai Sai Ram.
The lamps are really awesome i feel the presence of sai maa om sai sree sai jai jai sai
It is Baba’s direction that I came across your website and specifically read the importance lighting 108 lamps. Considering this to be Baba’s great blessing and instruction, I will be doing this 108 lemon pooja at my humble residence the coming Thursday.
Thank to you/sai for such a wonderful service.
Sairam Venkat,
I had been to SEEPZ sai temple many times. Beautiful temple of Sai.
Omsrisairam.I feel that with the help of blessing of saibaba I saw the site.but our pooja room is so small so that I can’t do this I feel sad.baba me to do this pooja.jai sairam.
om sri sai nathaya namaha….
feeling very great to come across to your website. I feel baba blessed me in this way by making me read all the information given in your website. i will surely try the lamps at my home. om sri sai ram
all the sai children be blessed by his grace. i will surely try this puja at my home
Its really very beautiful and gives a positive energy by watching the diyas,placed in sequence as well …. Om sai ram