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Sai Leela

How many of you light lamps in home everyday?

Sairam friends,

I have been spreading the greatness of Lighting lamps in home and temple for years now. Many saints in ancient India has sacrificed their entire life time giving importance to lighting a simple earthen lamps.

Shirdi Sai baba himself indirectly conveyed the message of Lighting lamps by lighting lamps in his holy Dwarakamai during his life time. Well, we all only take the leela that sai did , How sai used the water to light lamps when the oil sellers denied to give oil to him. Let us make sure we light lamps in our house every day and also tell our friends who are Hindus to do it.

Life is getting faster and some second generation Indians who settle abroad sometimes asks me very childishly, if its OK to put on electric lamps. No. Please understand, you should light only real lamp.

Try your best to light lamps every morning or evening at home in your pooja place. Ensure that you are at home while you light lamp. If not, light lamp either in the morning or evening or anytime you are at home. This is because safety is important too.

Remember lighting real lamp with following

GHEE and

Gingelly Oil

are very very beneficial and Lighting the real lamp only is recommended.

Please have a look at my simple website to spread the value of lighting lamps

I have a contribution from one of my sai sister , the below photo which describes the value of lighting lamps. In the photo is the traditional Indian Kuthu Vilaku

Why do we light lamps – Deepam – Kuthu Vilaku

traditional indian lamps kuthu vilaku

Kuthu vilaku – Traditional Indian lamp – Value of lighting lamps

How many lamps to light?

You can light 1 lamp or 2 lamp as you wish. I personally believe that Pooja should not have any rules. So feel free to light as many lamps as you wish. But the more lamps you light, the more careful you should be.

Kindly keep kids away when you light many lamps. Also, ensure that you remain in home when lamps are lit. Few years back, during weekends, I used to light 27 lamps and do pooja for 2 to 3 hours.

Later, I had lit 108 lamps which has been followed by many Shirdi Sai Baba devotees around the world.

See this article – Auspicious 108 lamps pooja for Sai Baba

You can also try to light 108 lamps either in a temple or at home. But be very very careful when you bend your head or when you light lamps in a crowded temple.

Secondly, in some houses, they believe in God but some in the family won’t be comfortable when you do such a pooja lighting 108 lamps. So you should initially convince them or do the pooja sometime later in your life.

Lamps are called Vilaku in Tamil and Diya in Hindi. Lighting earthen lamps made of mud is auspicious. You can also buy lamps made in Brass and Silver.

Keep chanting any Gods or Goddess holy name or recite any mantra you know when you light lamps. You can also chant “Om Sai Ram” when you light lamps if you love Shirdi Saibaba.

Sai blessings to you and your family

Om Sai Ram


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  • I light lamps regularly more coz of the reason that sai loves this n now i too love the light in it

  • i light kamachi vilaku in my altar every day and only off it when i am going to sleep at night or when i am going to work. i need some answers to the question as below:

    1. can coconut oil be used to light lamp or oils which are sold for prayers because ghee is very expensive .

    ANSWER :
    please use sesame oil – nal ennai …if u cant use ghee , better use gingelly/sesame/ til oil…thats much better.

    sairam – venkat

  • Jai Sai ram.
    I am a beloved devotee of sai…I wish in this generation also everybody in the family go to the preyer room in every evening, go infront of lighted lamb and prey for good health and pease..this is what I like…I hope it will increase the happiness ,love and respect in family.Om sai…om sai… sai………

  • Hello,
    I would like to know the method of perfoming sreelalitha devi pooja for my husband’s long life .I do stotra patanam every tuesday and friday evenig. Pls, reply immediately.Thankyou

  • I would like to ask the way to meditation. if want to do a meditation is one must have Guru to open chakras. Or just meditate in the name of God.

    Which is a better way for peaceful mind. Please reply me as soon as possible.
    Thank you very much.

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