Have "Patience" in Life as big as Mountain

because Saburi (Patience) is Powerful

Saburi Is like a Mountain and proves your love for Sai Baba

Sai devotees face a stage in their life when nothing seems to happen and Sai baba doesn't seem to help them. Trust me. Sai is not an instant giver. It takes time for Sai to work on our life. I know its easy to say and hard to practically implement Saburi. You have all rights to ask Saibaba why he is silent but never give up your love for Sai.

The only goal of Saibaba is to bless you with a peaceful life. So try to hold on and continue to do your work with dedication. Never sit idle and worry about past and future.

Have immense patience, so huge like the Himalayas. You will be rewarded for the patience we have and our ability to handle all situations in life without complaining. Sai is watching you now because "Sai Cares"

You don't have to do any Pooja or regularly visit Sai temples but if you get opportunity you can. Even simply chanting the holy name Sai Sai Sai will bring a change in your life. In below article, you can read about Nine forms of Devotion.

Nava Vidha Bhakti
  • Why Patience Matters in Sai devotion?

    Patience is the Mother of all Virtues. You might have done lots of good deeds but it takes time to enjoy the fruit.
  • Sai was Silent most of the time:

    Sai baba never spoke much. At times, he used to tell stories in the form of parables. We must learn to accept the fact that Sai is protecting us though he is silent.

  • Click here to read about Shirdi Saibaba Shradha