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Sri Venkateswara – The God who opened eyes for chanting his holy name

A journey to have darshan of God who dwells in seven Hills

A dream vision that made me realize how God responds to the love we show on them.

Sri Venkateswara Swamy of Tirumala Hills – Tirupati

The God who opens his eyes to bless devotees who chants his holy name with love and devotion

Sairam friends,

It was early morning on November 4th 1978 . My father had been with his friends to have darshan of Lord Sri Venkateswara in Tirumala Tirupati after official duty in Chennai. Those were the days where you can’t send good news by mobile phones . One of his friend gave him the news “your son has born” since the office people got a phone call from my mothers village.

When ever i am fed up with life and ask my parents why they named me Venkatraman my father replies “I was in Tirupati when i got news about your birth”. Another reason was since my fathers name is Chandrasekaran he thought his son will become someone as big a scientist as Sir.C.V.Raman. Oh that never came true . What came true was my Love for Lord Sri Venkateswara.

Darshan of Lord Venkateswara teaches us the art of patience – Wait …wait..Your turn will come :

When i was very little in early 1980’s , my parents had took me to Tirupati . All i remembered about that trip was we were asked to sit in a huge que like cell and every few hours , the grill will be opened to reach the next few cells/rooms where devotees had to wait to take darshan of Lord Sri Venkateswara. I was too small to understand we are going to have darshan of God and got fed up with the waiting.

Sri venkateswara swamy Tirumala Tirupati

Sri Venkateswara sacred Darshan

My devotion towards Lord Venkateswara :

I used to worship Lord Ganesha and Murugan a lot for years along with Shirdi Sai baba. Somehow i never really had the attachment or lets say devotion on Lord Venkateswara of Tirumala , Tirupati as i felt having named after this God, he never favoured me and all the i desired in my career and personal life never happened. Some strange feeling which made me feel this is a God of rich people, who blessed them for the money they offer in the temple and that Sri Venkateswara won’t bless ordinary people like me.

Years later , a Sacred Journey to have darshan of Lord Sri Venkateswara :

My father always used to say from 2005, you must go Tirupati because “The one who goes Tirupati and returns will have a positive change in their life ”

In 2007, my neighbors planned to go Tirupati and i was asked to join them. The car started in Coimbatore by night.

Chanting “Sai Vengusa ” Contineously all through the journey towards Tirupati :

Narasimha swamiji has mentioned in one of his books that the Guru of Saint shirdi sai baba is known as Vengusa and he has meditated in Tirumala for over 12 years worshipping Sri Venkateswara swamy. Many sai devotees has contradictory views to this concept of Narasimha swamiji as they feel Shirdi Sai baba himself is a incarnation and that he has no Guru. I too totally don’t have any idea about it but i liked the name “Vengusa ” . So the simple way to chant was discovered as “Sai Vengusa ”

I used to chant Sai Sai Sai always and this time since i am going to Tirupati , i felt like calling Sri Venkateswara swamy as ” Vengusa ” .

I started chanting

Sai Vengusa

Sai Vengusa

Sai Vengusa

in my mind itself for hours together…i was mingling with others who came to pilgrimage but in my mind , the chanting was going on… I truly imagined how it would have been if really Sri Venkateswara is in my heart , imagined as if i am offering flowers to Sai and venkateswara and continued to chant.

at times i also chanted

“Om Namo Naarayanaya

Om Namo Venkatesaya

Om Namo Srinivaasaaya”

Reached Tirumala by evening :

We reached Tirumala by evening , had coffee, dosa etc. One aunt went with her husband to offer her hair and then we reached the room. We started again to book for Angapradhikshanam – Rolling our body as an offering to God around the temple. The Que was long but by Sai grace we were able to get the opportunity. We are supposed to take bath the next day late night may be at 1.PM and go for the Angapradhikshana.

Taking bath in cold water , Shivering too early in the morning to do Angapradhikshana :

We woke up at 12.30 in night, took the car some where near the sacred Pushkarini to have bath. I wore vesti and a towel around my hip. All of us were shivering too much while walking towards Holy Pushkarini. That day, for maintainance purpose, it was closed and all we had is a pipe to take bath.

I was chanting “Sai Vengusa…Sai Vengusa….Naraayana…Venkatraama…Shivering and pouring water over myself.

Angapradhikshana – Offering ourselves – This Body in the holy feets of Lord Sri Venkateswara :

I wonder how i can describe the spiritual meaning of Angapradhikshana .

It could be like , we are surrendering oneself – our body, mind and soul in the holy feets of the great Lord Sri Venkateswara swamy.

We are supposed to roll around the temple on the floor . The 3 sides sides of the temple will be covered by rolling ourselves. Then we will be allowed to have darshan of Lord Sri Venkateswara . Sometimes we only have to do Angapradhishana and darshan is not allowed.


We were waiting for the Angapradhikshana timings around 3-4A.M , i am not sure of timings friends. Then we went in que and laid down on the floor, kept our palms upwards and joined palms as if praying Venkateswara and started rolling.

Most devotees chant in praise of the lord as this



I felt good for this friends..the physical strain in rolling is never felt, we happily felt a blissful feeling as we continued to roll chanting in praise of the Lord. I also reciting Mahalakshmi Ashtakam while rolling and once in a while chanting Sai Vengusa and Om Namo Narayanaya , Om Namo Venkatesaya and Om Namo Srinivaasaya.

Finally the 3 sides of temple was covered and we woke up slowly . We all felt satisfied as we got opportunity to do Angapradhikshina in holy Tirupati temple – The adobe of Srinivasa.

A holy Dream vision which made me realize how much the god responds to the devotion we show on him :

We all came back to room around 4.30 A.M after having tea, Took bath and slept. I hugged the holy Sai Satcharitra book on my chest friends. I was too tired and slept nicely. The surprise was the dream i had ..

In the dream i saw this..

I saw a small temple…Its like temple inside which we can only keep idol of God and cannot enter. I mean to say it was like small temple some people construct in house. The temple had Lord Sri Venkateswara swamy beautifully shining with all his glory.

A priest is showing lamps, Aaarti to Lord Venkateswara swamy.

Suddenly i hear a voice,

“Crores of devotees comes to see me and today i am opening my eyes to see you “

As soon as I heared this voice, I saw

Lord Sri Venkateswara opening his eyes, It was not a ordinary way of simply opening friends. It was as if his eyes were twinkling and like a flash light , he opened his eyes for a moment, closed it in fraction of second, again the eyes were opened. It was like a divine play of Lord Sri Venkateswara. Even when i write this i could feel how little we humans ask only for materialistic benefits from Venkateswara but the God on other hand responds for our devotion by giving a dream to even a very ordinary person like me.

Then while Sri Venkateswara swamy was opening his eyes , i am taking the aarti and showing to the Lord with such happiness i can’t write in words.

After few minutes, i woke up and can remember this dream very clearly.

I remembered something i saw last evening,

We went to meet a bank officer as soon as we reached Tirupati . He had a poster on his table with the photo of sri venkateswara swamy and a wonderful wordings

“Its not the Darshan you Get – Its the darshan he gives ”

How beautiful and meaningful is this sacred words friends. We all say we had darshan of God when we go to any temple but in true sense, its the darshan the god gives us out of love on us.

The dream i had was so touching that i felt my life will have a positive turn from then on… That day , we had good darshan of Venkateswara and i thanked swamy for blessing me with such a dream.

What really god wants me to tell the world through this dream :

I wanted to make a seperate website for Lord Sri Venkateswara writing about this leela as soon as i came to Coimbatore. It was 2007 and now its 2010 when i actually write this article friends. I din’t had much change in my career or personal life and still have some problems. All i know is Lord Venkateswara blessings are on me and someday i will tell the world that such thing happened in my life during my pilgrimage to Tirupati.

When i look back with love on Lord Tirupati and Kalyani , i felt how did they bless me with such a beautiful dream . There are so many people who are more devoted to Tirupati Venkateswara swamy than me. I know few people only worship this God alone. I don’t wake up early in morning or lead any kind of spiritual life.

Only thing that my father follows is Listening to Vishnu Sahasranaanam every single day and writing “Shree RaamaJayam ” in a note book.

So may be Lord Venkateswara swamy wants me to let all his devotees know the greatness of chanting the Gods name, any small mantra or focussing your mind on God during your Tirupati pilgrimage.

Friends, All i did was childishly choosing to chant “Sai Vengusa ” and ” Om namo Narayanaya ” on my way to tirupati and all through my stay there.

May be you also can try to chant any mantra or simple holy name of Lord Sri Venkateswara, Some of you who can recite Vishnu Sahasranamam can also recite it in your journey.

Chanting in Mind is very powerful :

I was contineously chanting only in my mind and never realized i will be blessed with such a dream vision. I know Lord Sri Venkateswara has a heart that melts for any innocent , pure devotion shown on him. Keep chanting any small holy name like

“Om Namo Narayanaya”


or any small mantra you like,

Surely you will feel the blessings of Lord Shree Venkateswara is on you and your family.

Note : Not all get dreams and even i may not get such beautiful dream again. What matters is the message from this experience. Don’t give importance only to darshan. Lord Sri Venkateswara dwells in your own heart and the little temple i saw was the temple i made in my imagination.

So learn to see the God in you and when you go Tirumala , thank the Lord for the Darshan you had inside , The self realization you had in youself .

After this trip to Tirupati,

I realized this too is a God who’s heart melts for pure devotion.

Imagine the dream friends, How beautiful itself to see the God who opens eyes for simply chanting his holy name for one single day.

Please chant any small holy name of any God you like or any small mantra you like atleast 10 minutes a day.

The God lives in you, There’s a little universe and little temple in yourself, when you do Naam smaran or any form of bhakti whole heartedly, The God responds to you.

Om Namo Narayanaya

Om Namo Venkatesaya

Om Namo Srinivaasaaya


July 20th 2010

Write your experiences with Lord Venkateswara and Sai.

Sairam friends, Though i am working on writing articles to inspire and motivate sai devotees in the path of light for past 6 years from 2004, The blog was started only in 2009 and yes though i have already crossed 100 articles, This is the 100th blog and i wanted to write about the sweet experience i got from devotion on Lord Sri Venkateswara during my journey to Tirumala Tirupati.

Note : only inspires devotion on Sai and all Gods with divine experiences . Other information about Tirumala Tirupati, Darshan timings , Accomodation details can be found in below website. Please contact them directly. – Tirumala Tirupati Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple Darshan and Photos – Tirumala Venkateswara Temple

I am happy to announce Starsai Family is blessed with Lord Sri Venkateswara as its my 100th article in blog section. This was in 2010, now in the year 2020, StarSai has reached over 1700 articles.

Consider contributing to StarSai

About the author



  • Omsairam

    Venkat bhaiya ,this indeed was a beautiful dream you had and darshan of Sri Venkateshwara!

    Not all will get such dreams and blessings,you really are blessed.

    SAI VENKATESA be with you and bless you .



  • om sairam

    om namo venkatesaya
    om namo narayanaya
    today yekadasi i did venkateswara vrath after i read this article becoz of lord balaji’s blessings
    in 2006 i went tirumala for srivari seva i stayed there 10 days.. Lord balaji gaves 6 times darshan very near i did angapradhikchinam and read gurucharithra at temple…in my life first visited place shirdi (10days) next visited place tirumala (10days)



  • Sai ram venkat
    it is a splended dream. wow! Arpudhamaana oru kanavu. I could visualise it while reading. May Lord venkateshwara open His eyes & bless you with a wonderful career & a blissful life

    with prayers for my sweet younger brother venkat

  • om sai venkateswarayanamaha
    lord venkateswara gives you to all happynes & helthy & welthy at all times

  • Venkat annayya, I am really surprised with your dream. I too had same dream few days ago.

    What all I saw in my dream is that when I when to a temple to have the dharshan of God, I found that the doors of the temple were closed.I was very much depressed. But to my delight, I found that the doors were opening just like as if, the doors of the seven hills were opening, for me. Then wow.! wonderful it is to see Lord Venkateshwara swamy decorated fully with garlands and ornaments along with Sridevi and Bhoodevi beside him.

    Wonderful it is to share my experience with all saibaba devotees.

    I love Saibaba……..

  • Om Sai Ram Venkat,

    This is really one of the rare thing which only the blessed like you would get. Even after complete devotion one cannot get this in his entire life. You are indeed the most special devotee of lord.

    Thank you once again for sharing your lifetime experience. May lord bless you in the similar way during your entire life span.

    Venkat Ramana Govindaa Gooovindaa.

    Vina Venkatesham na natho na natho
    Sada Venkatesham smarami smarami
    Hari Venkatesham prasidha prasidha
    Priyam Venkatesha prayacha prayacha

    Life in the service of Lord Venkateshwara

  • Om Sai Ram,

    Hi Sir,

    The biggest wealth one can always retain to ur heart is sai vengusa .I was in a critical position in hospital
    longing for life.The only faith in SAI (holding his photo and chanting his name) brought me home.Iam happy now that Iam healthy,Doctors said there is no chance for life for many days but I whole heartedly believe
    that sai would take care of my health.

    spirutual power begins where science ends!!!!!!!

    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram
    om sai ram

  • I recently visited Sri Karivaradaraja perumal temple at Nerkundram, 1.k.m from Koyambedu terminus,Chennai.The priest asked us to enter the sanctorum,After we entered he closed the sanctorum door, switched off electric light and showed Aarathi to lord. We could see the movement of the eyes of the Lord and opening of the eyes.This is something strange which I wanted to share .

  • God has blessed you. You are lucky. Do not measure the vision in terms of money or other forms of happiness…. may be he is preparing you for a bigger role your life.

  • Each devotee would have his own experience…I just wanted to share my own experience with you all.When I visited Tirupati in 2003,after taking 8 mile foot path to Tirumala, there was a few hours wait (actually it was a Dharma Dharshan) before entering into the actual Lord’s sanctorum.When I stepped inside the actual sanctorium,I had seen the most beautiful form of the Lord’s Idol ever, which was glowing in light blue ( actual idol color would be Black),I was completely awestruck and stood in silence for a moment when I looked at Lord like that,it was the most beautiful thing no one would ever want to miss.Like many others who may have some wonderful experiences seeing the Lord, few thing are better enjoyed in person than explained in words. All you need is heightened devotion towards him ,he will sure bless you a wonderful experience which cannot be described in actual words.




  • Om Namo Narayana,

    May god shower his blessings to all of us.

    Greatest thing your doing is delivering message to all of us, thank you so much for taking time and spreading this news to all of us.

    god bless.


    A SAI devotee i always see my self as flower at his feet ,it was baba who guided me to Venkateshwara Swami.

    Worst of the situations in life i am not left alone he shares the burden and has lifted me from problems as if
    parents lift a baby.

    You just have to love him.

    Lord Narayana ,bless us all.


  • On 13.11.11 my self, my husband and children went to Tirumala. reached at around 11.00 bought 300 Rs. tickets and stood in the line. At aroung 4.30 PM we reached in side the hall. But still there was no sign of opening the gates for darshan. children were becoming restless and finally we decided to leave the place. We were very sad for that. But one incident took place when we were in the hotel. We ordered Masala dosa’s and that time one man entered the hotel his both hands and legs were like a mootthi (fingers attached) he had chandan nam on his head just like Lord Venkateswara. He told my husband that he is a brahmin and is hungry and dosen’t have any money.Husband said OK. When we started eating Masala dosa, he got up and again asked my husband whether he is not giving him food. My husband immediately tole the waiter to give him thali. While coming out my husband told him that we are leaving. Outside th hotel we were purchasing TILGUL, photos etc. that time he came out on the steps and started calling us MATA PITA you gave me food and that he has come from Bangalore. My husband said that we should do namaskar to him. This happened so fast that I felt like touching his feet but did not as if my mind had stopped working for some seconds.

    We got satisfaction that Lord has given darshant to us. He did not leave us.

  • He changed my life also. I used to worship Lord Shiva. But in 2003, i asked one impossible wish from Lord Balaji and by the time i returned from Tirupathi to Chennai, that wish was fulfilled. It shocked me. I begged apology from GOD for my stupidity to try to test him . Since then i asked him genuine wishes reg my life, job, marriage and all of them were fulfilled. One thing i learnt, we should never judge GOD, just follow him. It taught me very good lesson and i became a better human in life since then.

  • I was blessed only once in 2007 to visit Lord Balaji & it was a very unforgettable experience to watch him standing innnnnside alone with a dim light focusing on his statue. But by the time i could just close my eyes and pray before him we were pushed out of the queue. I tried many times and even wish to visit tirupati several times after 2007 but until and unless we get his divine call we cant see him. I wish i get a chance once again atleast this year.

    Aum Sai Ram

  • hi vengusa devotee, wil u believe that me too had this kind dreams often in my life. And i am just living with him daily. Not only this, I married lord venkateswara in my dream. I dnt knw y he is sticking with me in every moment of my life. Soon I wil msg all my dreams and miracles hapnd in my life.. Om namo venkatesaya

  • Hello Venkat bhaiya

    Thanks amillion for the beautiful website you created.

    i feel i m lighting ghee lamps only when i see th eexceptional photos you have uploaded and my faith in God is increasing much much more……….

    i have been dejected inlife due to mean minded relatives playing with my life…and i have almost stopped believign in God……

    I am getting my faith back slowly slowly due to your valuable.


    I am very glad to write my experience today. You can say I got enlightened last week by the grace of Sai. I am the follower of Samarpan Meditation from the year 2008 and my guru is Pujya Shivakrupanand Swamiji of Navsari, Gujarat. In his discourses Punya Swamiji always says that I am only the medium of parm-atma and you have reached here only because you must have prayed, cried before a Sadguru who is not there in this world at present (Samadhistha) and who cannot give you ANUBHUTI. By the grace of guru I happened to go to the samarpan dhyan shibir on its last day in 2008 and on hearing the chanting of swamijis name I got current like sensation in my left hand starting from small finger and my eyes closed automatically. At that time I was not knowing anything about meditation, guru etc. and sincerely speaking I was not believing in GURUS, BABAS till that time. But by gods grace I got such an experience as never before and my soul recognised my guru and from that time there is pure soul connection with my gurudev.

    Now the point is I was staying in our office quarters in the 2001-2003 my family was in difficulty during that time. My husband was also having problem with his office accommodation where we were staying and I was in tension during that time. I remember, when my mother had gone to the park with my children, one day when I was reading sai leela, Sai vachan, I cried very badly. I prayed to Sai to reach me to my own house and that I don’t want to stay in the colony. I sincerely say that I believed in Sai but I was not the devotee of Shri Sai, I had never read his charitra before, Suddenly a book came in my hand and I felt like reading it. My house was completed in the year 2004 and we went to stay there on 1.5.2004 by guru’s/god’s grace.

    on 23.2.2012 when I was reading the experiences on Starsai regarding lighting of lamps, I felt that I should light lamps for 11 thursdays and on same day I ligntened lamps before sais statue which was in my house and that day was Ramkrishna Paramhans Jayanti and suddenly I remembered that I had cried while reading Saicharitra 7 years back and that is the reason why I am today in my own house with my children and husband (my mother expired two years back) and a living Sadguru whom Shri Sai has chosen as his medium and is following the teachings of Shri Sai, spreading the message of humanity came in my life in the year 2008 and blessed me and my family.

    I humbly say that my husband has a wish to go to Shirdi and I had a pride that I reached living Sadguru without going to Shirdi and I was thinking that my husband will reach there after going to shirdi that is through Sai Baba but in last week when I remembered the incident that had happened 7 years back, my pride broke to pieces. Shri Sai showed me that I was completely wrong and he only has guided me to the living Sadguru.

    Now I can only pray that let Shri Baba Sai bless every one and an enlightened living Sadguru come in everybody’s life and the message of humanity flow thorough out the world OM SAI RAM

  • God is within us, whenever we chant or recite his name with full of devotion, he responds to us immediately.
    God lives in good deeds…so i would suggest everybody to do good things in life to stay in touch with the almight y forever..


    Today early morning, I had a dream like which I never had before. I knew that I was in Tirumala (Though the surroundings looked bit different), after a long queue, I get a chance to go very near inside the garbha graha and face the LORD from very close.

    I am awestruck with his grandeur, Then I am seeing only his holy feet, and there is a huge utensil below his feet where there are few tulasi malas. The priest takes one tulasi mala and puts in my neck.

    Then I come out longing to have another darshan of the LORD.


  • Dear Sir,
    That was such a beautiful devotional blog:am sure my ‘Amman’ Goddess has been kind enough to bless me read the same!


  • Hi all,

    i had a wonderful experience going through this website….Even i had experience when i am in 4th or 5th class…..i didnt do my maths exam well….eventhough i am very small at that age i used to perform pooja daily and prayed to lord at i should atleast pass…normally i am first class student in my class… i dont know y i felt that i didnt wrote exam well… after some days lord venkateshwara appeared in my dream and said u ll get 2nd rank and dnt worry….i slept beside my mom….my mom woke me up and asked me y i had namas on my forehead…..i said to her about my dream….finally the results day jus came and i m very tensed about my result….i dnt know about that dream….when my teacher said i got second rank i got shocked and felt that lord really exists and he is with us…..i told to my friends about my dream …i dont know what they thought…but my mom know about this and when i told her i got second rank as lord told me in my dream , my mom felt very happy and prayed to lord … is experience for me to believe the god….normally i believe things if der is any reason….so may be lord gave me this opportunity to believe him….and these days i am seeing him as idols in my dream like forming his avatar from clouds and i m showing to my mom and one priest is giving me idol to give to some person…i dont know what that means …should see what he wanted me to do….

    All remain blessed


  • “Vinaa Venkatesham nanatho nanatha
    Sadaa Venkatesham smarami smarami
    Hare Venkatesha Praseeda Praseeda
    Priyam Venkatesha Prayachha Prayachha”…

    Hi Anusha Pati,

    You really had a wonderful experience even i feel familiar kind of things and i used to share those things with my family members & my best friends. When am a kid i used do pujas chantings and all more, you know what i just used to depend on god just as i depend on my family members and if i wont feel good i used to chant the above stotra always at least twice a day i will chant that stotra which will give me relief you can also try it and see the result.after reading your experience i to feel like sharing mine. Well !!! when am studying my graduation i got a dream like am crying and “lord venkateshwara” is telling to me that not to cry just like consoling. I woke up in the midnight and went to bed again on the next day early morning i got a call from my parents saying my grandmother expired with whom i had more attachment. And then i feel like god is always there for me & for everyone.

    “True Believers live in peace”.

  • Hi Anusha

    Thanks for sharing your experience….We need lords blessing and presence all the time…And definitely if u are getting dreams of a priest giving u the idol to pass it on to someone, then indeed somethin good is awaiting u…. Please share that experience when it gets true………..

    शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् ।
    प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥

    Just for the benefit of everyone, here goes the story of our beloved Lord Venkateshwara:

    ” Tirupati, the Home of Lord Venkateswara has long been the destination of many a newly wed couple. The temple is believed to have a particular signification for newly weds as it is believed to be place where Lord Venkateswara married Padmavathy.

    An interesting tale forms the backdrop to the temple. Quarrels are not unknown between happily wed couples and the divine ones are no different. Following a spat with Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi left her heavenly abode and came down to the earth. Here she stayed in a hermitage on the banks of the Godavari.

    Missing his beloved, Lord Vishnu went to search of her and this search brought him to earth. Ultimately his quest brought him to the Seshadri hills where he stopped to rest in an anthill. Upset by the separation between Vishnu and Lakshmi, Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva decided to intervene. Taking the guise of a cow and a calf they went to live at the place of a Chola king.

    The cowherd took them everyday to graze in the Seshadri hills where the cow would secretly visit the anthill where Vishnu was living without sustenance. Emptying her milk, the cow would then return to the palace.

    The cowherd was angry as the cow never yielded any milk to him. He watched movements carefully and his explorations brought him to the anthill. In trying to ascertain what lay beneath the anthill, he struck it with an axe thus injuring Vishnu on the forehead.

    In search of herbs to heal the wound, Lord Vishnu wandered far and wide. His wanderings brought him to the Shrine of Sri Varahaswamy – the third incarnation of Vishnu as a boar. Here, he sought permission to stay, but Varahaswamy wanted a rental to be paid; Vishnu pleaded that he was poor now and needed rent free accommodation. To reciprocate this gesture of goodwill, he said he would tell his devotees to worship Varahaswamy before they worshipped him. The contract sealed, Vishnu built a hermitage and lived there waited on by a devotee, Vakuladevi who looked after him like a mother. In a nearby kingdom ruled King Akasha Rajan. Childless for many years, he had one day found a beautiful baby girl sleeping on a golden lotus in a golden box while ploughing the fields. He had named her Padmavathy. A beautiful and accomplished girl, Padmavathy had been granted a boon in her earlier birth that she would be married to Lord Vishnu. One day, Vishnu, who had been renamed Srinivasan by his devotee and foster mother Vakuladevi, went hunting in the forest. His wandering led him to a garden with a pond. Srinivasan was thirsty and tired. After drinking from the pond, he rested in the shade of a tree. Soon the soft singing of Padmavathy who was dancing in the garden with her companions roused him. He was stunned by her beauty and drawn to her. She too seemed to be drawn to him, but the angry attendants thinking him a mere hunter drove him away.

    Depressed and unhappy he poured his troubles out to Vakuladevi. Now for the first time, he revealed to her who he really was and also told her the story of Padmavathy.

    In the meanwhile, Padmavathy was dreaming of Srinivasa. She had no idea who he really was and knew that her parents would never let her be married to a hunter.

    Srinivasa urged Vakuladevi to approach Padmavathy’s father, Akasha Raja, with the marriage proposal. In the meanwhile he disguised himself as a soothsayer and went to the court of Akasha Raja. There, he assured Padmavathy that the hunter she had fallen in love with was no ordinary man but the Lord and told her that the worries would soon be over. Padmavathy too poured out her heart to her parents. At about the same time, Vakuladevi arrived with the marriage proposal. After consulting with the sages Akasha Raja accepted the proposal and invited Srinivasa to attend the wedding on Friday, the 10th day of Vaikasi.

    Srinivasa now had arrangements to make. He sought a loan of one crore and 14 lakh coins of gold from Kubera and had Viswakarma, the divine architect create heavenly surroundings in the Seshadri hills.

    The day of the wedding arrived, Lord Srinivasa was bathed in holy waters and dressed in jeweled ornaments befitting a royal bride groom. Then he set off in a procession for the court of Akasha Raja. There Padmavathy waited radiant in her beauty. Srinivasa was hailed with an arthi and led to the marriage hall. There the queen and King washed his feet while sage Vasishta chanted the Vedic mantras. Soon the wedding was over and it was time for Padmavathy to take leave of her parents.

    Together, they lived for all eternity while Goddess Lakshmi, understanding the commitments of Lord Vishnu, chose to live in his heart forever.

    Tirupati, today, stands as a special place, commemorating the marriage between the two. Everyday, a kalyana utsavam celebrates the divine union in a celebration that stretches to eternity. Even today, during the Brahmotsavam at the temple, turmeric, kumkum and a sari are sent from the temple to Tiruchanur, the abode of Padmavathy. In fact Tirupati is rarely visited without paying a visit to Tiruchanur.

    In the light of this background, it has become the favored destination of many newly wed couples who pray for a happy wedding – a wedding like that of Srinivasa and Padmavathy.”

    शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् ।
    प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥

  • I am really happy to read all true stories and while ready each of your incidence my eyes were filledup with tears, this is because I myself believs Lord Balaji.

    I worship Lord Ganesha , as he fulfills all my wishes , once I pray to my Ganesh , I want to visit Balaji , Believe me before visiting balaji I was hardly knowing God Venkateshwara and as such no belief , but after visiting to such a divine Place Tirupati ,everything seemed changed ,as if balaji has made such a great place in my heart and mind, this god is really unbelievable, I am sure whoever visit him once will wish to visit him again and again, such a powerful god is he.

    I had made a wish , and then returned back to home , few months passes , i was working on my targets as usual but no good output , it was the last month of 2011 , black idol with full of life appeared in my dream with bright opened eyes one morning with his hand up,like he was bessing me , I had made the same wish to god in my dream again which I made in Tirupati and a week later the wish has come true and so the miracle happened , i was so touched by that incidence.Hence my belief has now no limits.

    I worhsip both Ganesh and Venkateshwara!

  • Excellent… impressed by sharing their experiences they encounter with Trimala pilgrimage .

  • Hi.

    I hope that you will be able to help me. I located your website through Google.

    01 I am not a Hindu. I have no religion. I have tried to find solace through Christianity, Buddhism and
    02 I am a Malaysia Chinese
    03 I am 54 years
    04 I am divorce with no kids. My life has been full of failures and suffering.
    05 3 days a go while I was surfing the net, the image of Lord Venkateshwara appeared in my vision.
    The image appeared again a few times while I reading the newspaper and doing nothing.
    06 I did not know what the image it was. I described what I saw to a Hindu friend of mine and he said it
    was Amma. So he took me to a Hindu temple and show me the statute of Amma. I told him it was
    not the image I saw.
    07 I Googled for Hindu Gods and I managed to locate the image of Lord Venkateshwara.
    08 What does seeing the image of Lord Venkateshwara mean ?

    I hope you can help me.

    Thank very much.

  • Hi Horus

    please visit thirumala , your question will be answered

    OM Namo Narayana

  • Hi Mahaluxmi,

    Om Namo Narayana.

    I also had many dreams about Mahaluxmi ,Narayana and Siva. I would like to hear your blissful dreams.

    Sai Ram

  • dear all
    . . . iam from kerala i too am lord balajis devotee . i first visited tirumala two years from now and its was not planned i was just sitting on a bench in bangalore bus stand waiting for the kerala bus when suddenly a tirupati bus stood in front of me i just had a feeling inside like why dont i go visit tirupathi then with out waisting a mintue i just went and sat in the bus the next thing i knew was i was travelling to tirupati but with lord balajis blessings i got the darshan and reached my home safe . i would like to tell you that in the bus there was one person who sat next to me and showed me all the way to darshan and later i have never seen him. after that till now i couldnt visit tirumala even though i did the planning.
    my friends he is always with us taking care of us

    om namo venketeshaya

  • we went to tirumala recently on 21st june 2012. we were actually suppose to visit this last year..but i lost my dad 40 days before we planned to go…

    so i was quiet reluctant.coz i had this feeling that we were suppose to visit god and he took away my father…..later this year same night before darshan i had lord in my dream. it was amazing and i was blessed having seeing him…since then i have very close feeling for to lord. to help others , respect simple things in life, respect others…

    i am really trying hard for my job….. and i got positive response from i m waiting for my best job…

    but to tell the truth.. even after coming from tirumala i have seen temple and lord in my dream…many people take it as being carried away fnds, bt to tell the truth…i m not the one who gets carried away…the fact that i saw lord and temple makes me feels blessed.

    om namo venkatesha

  • The lord of the 7 hills is a god who does miracles without asking anything from his devotee. Everytime when I go to tirupati , I get excited as I feel that his presence is mind blowing. Recenty I stood in the queue for about 13 to 14 hrs in Aug 2012 as I witness the lord’s love when the temple helpers distributed food for those waiting in the queue. This act itself shows that he will not let any of his devotee to go hungry while waiting in the queue. All grace goes to the lord who has given me the opportuity to get his darshan for the past 8 years
    as this would not have been possible without his blessings. The only wish I ask from the lord is to give me the opportubity to say the word GOVINDA GOVINDA GOVINDA and see his lotus feet before my last breath of air.



  • Om namo venkateshaya,
    On 7/12/12 friday 4AM with lord grace I saw a wonder in tirumala,Angapradaksina completed at 3:30 am after collecting laddu prasadam,me&my sister’s son went to bhedi aanjaneya swami temple to break coconuts,we here clearly from mike about the glory of abishekam to lord venkateswara ,he said in mike to see lord abisekham all gods comes here,nearly at 3:50 am I saw towards gopuram with clear dark blue sky with some stars,at 4 am voice from mike stop&bell was ring(means sound of large bell) suddenly clouds comes and surround the temple,clear dark
    Ublue sky becomes hazy(blurred),nearly at 4:05 am bell ringing stop with in 2 mins temple surroundings beme,s clear,with lord’s grace I&MY sisters son&one unknown uncle witnessed this,I tried to capture this as vedio,but our mobiles in maadhava nlayam
    Om namo narayanaya

  • That day before&during angapradakshina heartfully without any thought in my mind(trikarana shuddiga) I chant “OM NAMO NARAYANAYA”, NARAYANA GOVINDA NAMO NAMAH,&chanting “GOVINDA NAMALU” , I feel it is lord venkateswara giving opprtunity to me.In YOU TUBE there is one vedio named TIRUMALA HILLS has face of TIRUPATHI BALAJI see this vedio& observe the tirumala hills from tirupati bus station “U” compulsary realise it ,THANK”U”.

  • Observe tirumala hills (pedestrian path ) after starting bus from tirupathi bus station,in few minutes you will see what you observe in the you tube vedio”TIRUMALA HILLS HAS FACE OF TIRUPATHI BALAJI.

  • vinavenkatesam nanatho na nathaha
    sada venkatesam smarami smarami
    hare venkatesa praseeda praseeda
    priyam venkatesa prayucha prayucha..
    Dear lord pls forgive me for my mistakes..please take me in your way..govinda govinda

  • Hi everyone, I was went to tirupathi 6 years back but i haven’t find time to go again from that point of time because of some problems and expenditure. But i surely go to tirupati again finding me a fine time. I didn’t actually remember at which time i went to tirupathi with my family for venkateswara darshan but i remember a little incident happening to my family members. The incident that happened was the watch of my father was stolen by somebody whether we put in the locker. We just see the bag and there no watch was found and asked locker superintendent.

    Locker superintendent told us , we are not responsible to your belongings as we already said earlier at the point of time when you put your luggage in locker. So we again search all our luggage for watch. no use! Then we pray lord venkateswara and go back to vijayawada to our relatives house. When we enter the relatives house and get down our luggage and search for the clothes and others, we found the watch there in one of our luggage. We are shocked and surprised at that time, and our belief of the god lord venkateswara then improved a lot. Thank you all for watching this and be sure and keep blessed by god lord Venkateswara.

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