Devotees Experiences

Sai blessed me with a dream about Rahul Gandhi

Sairam friends,

Rahul Gandhi is a good human being. Most of us in Tamil Nadu have a special respect for him. Simply put, we find it incomprehensible when others denigrate him and refer to him by name. In the past, I had 2-3 dreams about Rahul Gandhi, but I never revealed them. I wasn’t sure how the Sai community would perceive it.

So, this is a video I made while sitting in my car at the Saibaba temple in Coimbatore. I described it as my personal opinion. Surprisingly, many people have liked this video as I expressed the dream and my personal views about how Rahul Gandhi became a successful politician irrespective of how he was humiliated.

Why I finally made video expressing Sai’s dream about India (My Lovely Nation) and Rahul Gandhi? I serve in Shirdi Sai Baba temple here in Coimbatore and have been writing for Shirdi Sai Baba devotees for the past 20 years in StarSai. I have gone through several struggles in my career and personal life. Sai Baba has always been there for me. After my father passed away in 2021, I started to be more practical in life. Sai Baba will do miracles but we should have immense patience and do lots of hard work. We should reduce our expectations in life and accept whatever happens.

I love my Appa and Amma a lot. This video is my humble expression of how I wish to see India. We need a leader who honestly cares for the jobless, for the elite class and also the middle class people of this Nation. I got 2-3 dreams blessed by Saibaba related to Rahul Gandhi and the political scene in India. My Mom tells me keep such dreams to myself. I got confidence to make this video as I felt happy several YouTubers in North India are also talking for the welfare of this nation. So, I am doing my part.

All the views expressed of my personal opinion though I believe Sai Baba sends me a message through such dreams.

Sai Blessings


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