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Sai Leela

Shirdi Sai baba leela – karthigai and dattatreya jayanthi on same day

Sairam friends,

I first dint know much about Lord Dattatreya as i am from tamilnadu. Here we all worship lord Murugan ( karthikeya ). When i was in mumbai on december 12th 2008 , my friend ashish said theres a Dattatreya temple  near our house but we dint know it. Today is Datta jayanthi so lets go there. We went there and i was very happy to see the Beautiful Dattatreya.

Shirdi Sai baba temple lit with divine Karthigai Lamps

Shirdi Sai baba temple lit with divine Karthigai Lamps

From then on i used to go there when ever i wish and chant

Datta dhigambara

Shree paadha vallabha dhigambara

Narasimha saraswathi Dhigambatra

Swami Samartha dhigambara


Sai Dhigambara

I wrote this experience in

Shirdi Sai baba glowing like red sun to bless his sweet devotees

Shirdi Sai baba glowing like red sun to bless his sweet devotees

Dream about Lord Dattatreya and Lord Murugan :

I always had a feeling that Lord Dattatreya , the aadhi guru is same as Lord Murugan in south india. I love the Mantra

“Skandha Guru Kavasam” of lord murugan. When i recite this mantra infront of sai and Dattatreya i feel its also meant for them. I also got dream about lord Murugan when ever i sing this song doing abishekam to Lord Dattatreya.

It was a wonderful feeling.

My father said only this photo is beautiful as its bright like Sai Maharaj

My father said only this photo is beautiful as its bright like Sai Maharaj

Forgetting my love for Datta Maharaj :

After i returned from mumbai, i was worried about my life and career . Though i had  abig dattatreya statue in my house, i only light lamps to sai and datta but was not really devoted as before. when worries comes we tend not to show pure devotion on god.

Finally the 2009 Dattatreya Jayanthi was nearing. I decided i have to make dattatreya and Sainath happy today. So i listed to a good chanting of

Dhigambara Dhigambara Shree Paadha Vallabha Dhigambara

all the day

Did abishekam to Lord Dattatreya , Sai, Mahalakshmi and saraswathi with Ganesha and Shiv lingam. Offered Thulasi leave  for Datta as i dint got flowers. I really loved it.

Food for SaI Datta on banana leaf :

I told my amma that we have to offer food in Banana leaf to Sai datta today. My mother was having pain in her fingers and did everything with love along with payasam. Then i offered the feast to Sai datta, showed camphor then bowed to my parents feet and got ashirwad.  We offered some food to the crow and after half an hour, i had the food from banana leaf. I kept on asking sai datta with love

“Did you love the food ? …are you happy sai …?

In the evening i lit lamps as it was also Karthigai . Auspicious for tamils as its Lord Murugans jayanthi when all the hindus light lamps around their house .

Sai leela are not powers of saint, its your faith that gives power to Saibaba

Sai leela are not powers of saint, its your faith that gives power to Saibaba

Lighting lots of lamps in my Sai mandhir :

I decided to gift all sai children in StarSai family beautiful images of  Shirdi Sai baba with lamps. We lit more than 54 lamps around house. I kept lamps over terace, in compound wall and finally lit few lamps inside the mandhir. I took my big baba and kept near the small baba who resides in my temple.

The below photos will be a feast for your eyes.  The beauty of december 1st 2009 is that this day turned out to match my feeling that Lord Murugan and Dattatreya are one . Both Karthigai auspicious for Lord Subramania and Datta jayanthi came on same day. This thought came while i was standing in Nagasai mandhir and felt how beautiful are the leelas of saibaba.

Sai answers even our innocent beliefs and helps us grow in our devotion to God. Though Datta and Murugan are different gods which is reality, When we see both of them as Guru , the mantras of Murugan and Datta matches in their aspects , their attributes and their divine Leelas.

Hope all Dattatreya and Lord Murugan devotees understand my feeling. Guru bhakti is very important and each god has helps us hold on to a Gurus feet in their own way. Hope all of you love the Photos of Saint Shirdi Sai baba in our Small Sai baba temple.

Hope you enjoyed all the Saibaba photos friends.

Om sainathaya namaha


2 : 12 :2009

( You can mail me your good experiences with shirdi saibaba personally to my email found in homepage )

All Photos copy right protected.

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  • sairam.vanakkam

    guru sevaiyil edupattavarukku sodhanaikuda oru varam dhan adharku nidharsanam gurucharithraiyil
    dhilipan kathaiyum sayamdevanin kadhaiyumdhan…

    om sairam


  • i just gt a good gift first time from you sai ram i am also a great devotee of our baba and i have uncountable experiences anl will have till my last breathe i have full faith on baba that baba will always be with us all saidevotees and also who dont pray him always

  • u posted butiful pics venktrmn
    sai and dttarya are one and alsois god murugan.
    they teach us..we should try to keep ourself on the rit track..
    to live good
    i started having sai experiences few months ago when i needed babas blessings…he is merciful and
    he is always prsent

  • Really very wonderful story and experience you have shared. I couldnt even think in South India also people pray to Lord Sainath and Dattatreya. I am very very happy to know this. All are the form of Supreme Guru. Om Sai Ram, Jai Dattatreya, Shree Murugana.

  • akilaandakoti brammandanayaka raajaadiraja yogi raaja parabramma sainath maharaaj ……….ki …..jai

  • Om sai Namo namaha! Sri sai Namo namaha! Jaya jaya sai namo namaha! sadguru sai namo namaha!

    Baba’s pictures are very divine. Thank you.

  • I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. I also have few personal experiences in life with regard to my lord.

  • Very very nice pictures. Thanks a lot for these pictures. Please sai ram bless me too. Om sai naathaya namaha

  • nice photos
    ohm sai namo namahah….
    sri sai namo namahah….
    jai jai sai namo namahah…..
    satguru sai namo namahah….

    sri sai ram jai sai ram ……
    i love u sai ram please change my life and save my life please sai

  • Om Sai Ram, he is a wonderful Sai for me…He have made a lot of merical / good changes in my life too…He have became one of my family members too…We loved him a lot…My Hubby & Me feel so gifted to have Sai’s Blessing in this born… Om Sai Ram…

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