Sairam friends,
I am not too young to celebrate friendship day but I use it as a opportunity to make people realize how much Sai wishes us to live in peace and harmony. Always be good to everyone and even if someone hurts you, don’t speak much. Silently move away and tolerate them. You will be blessed and Sai himself will be your friend if you behave like this.
I wonder what I can write on behalf of Friendship day in StarSai. There are few things about Friendship that we can subtly learn from Shirdi Saibaba during his life time in Shirdi.
Sai has always encouraged people to live in harmony and to me that’s what means being a friend – To live in Harmony and peace.
Shirdi Sai Baba’s words to unite friends
Once a devotee called Bala requested Baba to come to have meals in his home as he arranged for a feast. Saibaba assured that he will come but also requested another devotee to go and have the feast. The other devotee said “Baba, I am not in good terms with Bala”
Saibaba immediately replied him ” Is Bala not our man? Do not have such grudge on any one and never hate anyone for small reasons. “
The devotee realized his mistake and went to Bala’s home the next day to have feast. A plate was reserved for Saibaba near the veranda. As soon as few chapati’s were kept in the plate, a crow flew, took them happily and left. Every one realized its Sai who has come in the form of Crow.
Friends, This leela tells us how much Sai wants us to live in Harmony. There are devotees who have misunderstandings with their close friends and relatives. At times staying away from people who doesn’t match your way of life is good but if the person is good hearted, consider living in harmony.
Happy Friendship Day to all my Sai friends
I wish StarSai makes you smile on this Friendship day. So tried to post some cute Animal Friendship Photos courtesy of respective Photographers. We have two Animal Care sites – and from StarSai family and I wish to work on it more if any one contributes articles.
I love Kangaroo’s so much. There are videos of Kangaroo’s fighting with each other and its so funny. I ask my friends to see them on Youtube. But then there’s something beautiful about these Kangaroo’s they fight face to face and then run away or unite again. There’s a Video of a Man standing in-front of Kangaroo and it slaps him nicely. Palaarnu onnu vitrum and he will fall down. You know Kangaroo’s are very strong.
“True friends stab you in the front”

These Kangaroo friends has a beautiful quotes to match – True friends stab you in the front.
Oscar Wilde – Photo used by courtesy
I truly love the below Photography below. Wish I write the Photographers name. Just found it online and posting here with all courtesy.
Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence – George Washington

Thanks to the Photographer for this beautiful Shot – Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.
– George Washington
Friends are people who like to remain by our side when we face problems and difficulties in life. Unfortunately many people are around us during our happy days but when we really need someone during painful days, No wants to be with us.
It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Good friends help us survive – It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.
Ralph Waldo Emerson – Photo used with courtesy
Meerkat is one of my favorite Animal. Before 3-4 month, my friends at work used to show me Meerkat as they know I love Meerkat and Smile as soon as I see them. I used to read a lot about Meerkat and the way they stand in 2 legs is so cute..he he… I like this really beautiful Photo of Meerkat standing along with a Cat( Graphically retouched) Hmmm Friends !
Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light – Helen Keller

Meerkat Friendship -Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
Helen Keller – Photo used with courtesy
All the Photos copyright belongs to the respective Photographers. If I come to know the names, I shall post them here.
Hope you like these Amazing and beautiful Friendship that bloomed among these Animals and Birds.
A Beautiful Song Sung by Kids about how much they treasure their Friendship
I tried to write down the lyrics of the Song. In between, I could not get the words as My sister’s child Katya also speaks English in American accent and I used to ask my sister every now and then to tell me what she wants to say.
Anyway Here’s the Song by Madeline and Lucy
Some times I wish, I could fly and Go every where you go
We know each other for Seven Whole years..
We probably know each other for many more
Every Single leaf, That falls off the tree
Doesn’t mean anything to me
But you are different and in every single way
Like a sister in me
Some times I wish, I could fly
and Go every where you go
and Stay every where you stay
I wish that I could be with you
Every single day
Now lets be together for ever
and Nothing can ever separate us….
Some times I wish, I could fly
and Go every where you go
and Stay every where you stay
I wish that I could be with you
Every single day
If i ever met someone new
I always stay with you
What ever tough situation
I always stay with you for graduation
Some times I wish, I could fly
and Go every where you go
and Stay every where you stay
I wish that I could be with you
Every single day
Now lets be together for ever
and Nothing can ever separate us….
Now Listen to the Video courtesy of Rob Hodges
Madeline and Lucy’s Friendship Song
Sai has said that No one comes to you without a Bond. Even if a Dog comes to you and wags its tail, It doesn’t make it low, it just means you are indebted to feed the Dog. If you can’t its OK but don’t throw stones. At times, When people request us for a favor, we show our faces to them. I believe its good to say NO gently even if you can’t help but never bark.
There are some days in my life, When I feel Sai is my true friend because all others silently fade off as years pass on although by Sai grace am gifted with good people around. There are few who are very close to me and suddenly stop talking to me and I take it to heart and it hurts.
Once again, I wish to say please be good to everyone and be very choosy in having friends. I don’t talk much to everyone as I am too attached and emotional. At times I feel bad when someone I trust is not good anymore and feel very senti. World is not for people too softhearted and I keep praying Sai to bless me with good people around.
Sai Blessings
Always in the holy feet of Shirdi Saibaba
Dear Venket I love to go through all your messages as I am also an ardent devotee of Sai . I really admire You bec U have inspired me and a lot of devotees who are followers of Baba .keep writing to us through U Baba’s expierences. you are indeed a great soul Om Sai Ram .