Sairam friends,
When there are so many other issues which Saibaba is supposed to take care of in my life, at times Sai blesses me with dreams which are too strange and many might find unnatural. Probably this is how Sai works and we can never know what he has in mind.
My Mobile finally doesn’t work well and I have to go for a New one. Really don’t want to spend for mobile as I have few Sai Projects planned this month.
Last night, I came home directly as my neck was paining and also severe head ache. When I went to Saibaba temple on sunday, it was raining and probably that’s why I got this headache. I wanted to work on something but could not do anything and laid down.
My Mom gave me medicines and I still had severe pain. I told her I really wanted to drink Coffee all the day but just because Doc said not to have coffee, I controlled . So head ache has increased. (True or false, I took it that way)
I was satisfied that the pain in my chest while having food was not there today. My Father asked do you have head ache or neck pain. I said, I have both.
My sisters child Katya spoke from U.S and I told her am having head ache. She said “I shall pray for you” which surprised me . My Sister says she’s like you though you are not directly influencing her. She wants to come to India when she’s 7 during winter. She told me her favorite animal is Turtle , She likes Rabbits too. I asked my sister to show Meerkat.Then My Dad taught her to say 1 to 10 in Tamil.
With the American accent she repeated — onnu, rende, moone,naale…..My Mom clapped as she likes to learn Tamil.
My head ache was unbearable and then at 11 o clock , I said,
“I think…I think…the head ache will go away only if i have Coffee”….he he….
So my Parents woke up and made coffee for me. I was smiling in my mind but had it happily and slept. My head ache continued but I asked Saibaba will I marry a girl who understands me and tolerates me like my parents. I don’t think anyone will like me for what I am. At least because of my past sufferings, I realized am not so gifted and its better I don’t get married. Better don’t marry than marrying a …………….Bayama Iruku Baba.’
Divine Dreams Sai blessed me with:
I don’t know if the plans I have for StarSai is right and if I will be able to smoothly work on it all my life. The past few days, I was thinking of doing a Project for India as August 15th is nearing and I feel blank. That all these years, I didn’t do anything for Mother India.
I had a dream as below
It was as if I am going to few temples. These temples are so divine and beautiful. So divine that I keep walking over the Hill temple and enjoy its natural beauty. I see myself going to a Hall where i see a man with a laptop speaking to another man..he says “e-causes”
Then, I see one of my aunty giving me lots of Gifts. I also hear the word “Sri Gupta”
I woke up and wondering what Saibaba means by “Sri Gupta” and searched. Then, I came across this article about Gupta Empire in India 320 to 550 CE.
Golden age of Indian history
The Gupta Empire (Sanskrit: गुप्त साम्राज्य, Gupta Sāmrājya) was an ancient Indian empire which existed from approximately 320 to 550 CE and covered much of the Indian Subcontinent. Founded by Maharaja Sri Gupta, the dynasty is a model of a classical civilization.
The peace and prosperity created under the leadership of the Guptas enabled the pursuit of scientific and artistic endeavors. This period is called the Golden Age of India and was marked by extensive inventions and discoveries in science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion and philosophy that crystallized the elements of what is generally known as Hindu culture.
I believe Saibaba wanted me to learn how Kings and Kingdom has influenced a Countries peace and prosperity. There are good rulers who established communal harmony and one amoung them was the King Sri Gupta.
Communal Harmony during the Gupta Period:
The Gupta period has been described as the golden age of Indian history. It extended from the period of 320AD to 480AD. During this period literature, art and science flourished. Religious toleration and freedom of worship speaks greatly of the Guptas. The great writings of Kalidasa which include Ritusamhara and Meghauta in Sanskrit literature at its highest quality.
The Gupta period is also regarded as a period of Hindu renaissance.
Ashoka had succeeded in making Buddhism as the religion as the majority people in Northern India. On doing this neither Brahmanical Hinduism of Jainism died out owing to Ashokas religious toleration propagated by Ashoka.
After Ashoka all the rulers that followed showed religious toleration which only added to the prosperity of the territories they ruled.
The Guptas though showed a preference to their family deity Vishnu pursued the policy of perfect freedom of worship.
The article teaches us that Kingdoms which has religious toleration has flourished with fame and prosperity
Though worshipers of Vishnu, they have encouraged people to follow their own religion and faith. I believe this Freedom of worship is essential but these days its all getting commercial and need driven. Some People politicize religious celebrations and it really hurts our Hindu Gods. It worries me a lot friends.
We must follow our religious deeds with devotion and ethics drawn by our ancestors.
My writings are closely associated with Hinduism because to me, I have to do my service as a Hindu. At the same time, StarSai must spread Communal Harmony and religious tolerance. May be Sai inspired me with this dream to learn how unity has helped a Kingdom flourish.
Today in India, Politicians use Religion and sect/caste as an issue to separate people and also gain support. Probably, this is only going to lead us to a very bad situation and we must be aware of it. One has to respect each others belief system and never bring difficulties in others way of Life.

Communal Harmony message from Amol India -1992-93
Sabka Malik Ek
This is one of the famous wordings of Shirdi Saibaba but I wonder how many Sai devotees actually follow this in day to day life. May be we are busy with our work and other issues in life.
Today’s dream is too strange for me but I tried to write what Sai would have wanted me to write. May be it doesn’t make sense and I don’t feel complete . What I learn is one must learn History if he wants to serve the Nation.
Always in the holy feet of Shirdi Saibaba
Dear Baba,
I lost my job,you know i am a civil engineer having 20 years experience in Metroraail & railprojects ,also in infrastuctures project, but tilldate i have not found any single job though i have tried a lot,my enimies are more who aretaking my chance away,i have lot loan on my head .Please find it earliest otherwise i am going to be in deep trouble
Hope so you will look at my problem,also tell me that what i have to do so that i can be yours near & dear one
With regards