Sairam friends
Am writing in mobile. Once again theres regular powercut in Tamilnadu. This morning i did abishekam – holy bath to Ganesha Sai Saraswathi Mahalakshmi and Dattatreya and offered flowers.

I wish you have darshan of Kolhapur Mahalakshmi
I am planning to create Sais beautiful pictures with assurances of Sai and inspiring words. Hope it works. I must tell you life isnt easy when thinks dont happen as we wish. I want to do something online and waiting for Sais guidance.
My prayers for all of you. Dont worry and keep faith in Sai. I wonder if Sai has any plans for me because am only passing my time. May be i must focus on creating a media for startups and creative people so that my time will be used properly. As of now am not learning anything new.

Radhe krishna
Since i don’t have convenience to write on mobile am simply presenting you a beautiful Radhe Krishna i took in my office. A week back i stayed back long at night and felt like taking this photo. I wish Sai inspires every one to do good and be good.
sai and Radhe krishna bless you friends.
Life goes on by Sai grace
nothing is miracle
everything is miracle