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Shirdi Saibaba blesses devotee to Pass exam

Sairam friends,

I went to Shirdi Saibaba temple in my hometown when the Shej Aarti was going on. Since it was Wednesday, I took the 5 big garlands and climbed on Terrace of Sai mandhir to offer to the big Saibaba. Then I came down and reached home. I remembered my film making days and did some work on Editing software. Mostly I was listening to few old songs. Surprisingly, Tamil songs.

It was 1 o clock and my Father shouted at me to sleep soon. I slept off but could not sleep for long. I remembered my past and told Saibaba that I never imagined my life will be life this.

When ever I go through any difficulty, I used to think its a Exam of Life and I will pass it by Sai grace. It also depends on how honest and pure we are. Sai will certainly help us pass and lead a peaceful life.

I like the below Sai Leela which is truly close to my heart. There are so many Sai devotees who really face exam and at times even fear if they will get good marks and pass etc. Some students who fail, take a very bad decision with out realizing Life is too beautiful to worry about failure in exam. If you fail, tell yourself, “God has a better plans for me.”

white rose saibaba

Offer White Rose to Shirdi Saibaba – Photo courtesy of Flickr user Richard Taylor

I love the way Light falls on the White rose. May Sai’s grace be on us like this friends.

Now, I shall tell you the Sai Leela

Shirdi Saibaba blesses devotee to Pass exam

A devotee by name Anant Mahadev Kulkarni came to Shirdi along with his father in 1914.  He had just written a Vernacular Final Exam.  Let’s imagine how Anant would have met Saibaba in Dwarakamai…( I like to add this imagination with real incident)

Anant came to Kopergaon railway station and took a Tonga ( Horse ride) to Shirdi. On the way, he went to Datta Par Mandhir. This beautiful temple of Lord Dattatreya is situated in the  banks of  Godavari River. Its a small and beautiful temple. He came around the adumbar tree for 108 times and quickly started to Shirdi.

On the way to Shirdi, Anant saw a women selling lots of Red and White roses. He bought these Rose garland along with incense sticks. Anant and his father climbed the steps of Dwarakamai. Anant’s mind was filled with happiness and divine feeling when they saw Saibaba.

They offered the Red and White Roses garland to Sai. When Anant took out the incense sticks, Sai himself lit them from the lamp near him and asked him to insert it in the wooden railing in the Dwarakamai.

Anant touched Sai’s holy feet and asked him “Will I pass the examination ?”

Saibaba replied, ” You will Pass the with 114th Rank”

Anant was so happy. His Father believed Sai’s words will certainly come true. They bowed to Sai and when they were about to leave, Sai gave Aanant a Pedha.

After some days, the result was declared. To everyone’s surprise, Anant passed with 114th Rank.

This Sai leela proves how Sai very well knows the future events in our life.

So believe that Sai will certainly help you pass the exam ( difficulties) in your life.

For those of you who is depressed due to the failure in exam. Trust me. There’s always a better opportunity. May be Sai wants to make you stronger internally.

Read this

Deep within each heart, there lies a magic spark – Realize the power of Dream

OK friends, Am going to work..You keep having faith in Sai and yourself.



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