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Reading Sai Satcharitra

Sairam friends,

Yesterday, I started early at work and went to printing house. My father wanted me to print 300 copies of Guru Bhagavan to distribute to devotees as gift in the temple. While I was there designing the work, I was thinking about designers in such printing house and how hard they had to work.

I came home, was not able to do any work. Sat infront of my Sai and asked him to guide me in dream. I did got a dream and felt auspicious about it.

Today am going to write about Sai Satcharitra because many Sai devotees are really interested in reading Life of Saibaba and various Sai Leela. Just that when they are facing problem or have lots of other works to take care of, they don’t know how to spare time for reading Sai’s holy life.

I suggest you read few pages a day when ever you get time.

One of my Sai friend sent me the full version of Sri Sai Satcharitra few days back from Mumbai. I started reading Sai Satcharitra from this big book but somehow, I started focusing on my other projects at night time. So I could not continue reading Sai Satcharitra regularly.

Sometimes, I feel its good to leave aside all my work and do a Parayan of Sai Satcharitra because its auspicious to remember Sai’s life.  When we are really fed up with life, we don’t have interest in doing anything even if Sai guides us to do it.

May be very few devotees are able to leave aside all other priorities in life and focus on Sai and Sai alone. One might argue that we can’t always sit and read Sai Satcharitra and must work for our welfare and growth.

During Sai’s life time, Baba has blessed few devotees with lots of wealth and profits in all they tried to do and to some devotees, Sai warns them not to get into such business as it doesn’t suit them.

Sai treats every devotee in a different way as he knows whats good for each one of us. So when ever you feel like reading Sai Satcharitra, at least start with few paragraphs a day to one chapter a day if you can’t read continuously due to other work and responsibilities.

You can read Sai Satcharitra through below links

Life of Shirdi Sai baba – Sri Sai Satcharitra Audio, Pdf Book in English

Sai Satcharitra

Buy – Shri Sai Satcharita: The Life and Teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba

Sai blessings,


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  • Sairam Brother,

    Do u have sai leelamrutham in english which i am searching for so many days but ended up in failure…


    I shall see if I could get it..I don’t know about this book but heared about it

  • Not mere reading we should assimilate every sentence.Baba s Blessings.Shri Sainathayanamaha.

  • Sairam friends, I have been reading sai satcharitra for past 20 years. I don’t read it everyday, but when I start, I try to complete it. One must read at least one chapter a day. It gives lot of courage to face any problems. I feel the presence of baba have experienced the miracles too..Last year my mammogram came with some abnormality and was advised biopsy, but just a day before the biopsy, I received the call from the doctor, that there was no need of it and they will observe further. I cannot explain my state of mind when I heard that, I am confident that sai baba will always protect his devotees. OM SAI RAM,

  • Thanks for the article. Ur writing. It helps us. I just meditate and lights lamp.

  • My son’s board exams begin on Tuesday. But we are supposed to start satcharita on Thursday. I wanted to read while he is taking exam. Can I, being Tuesday?

    edit: sure you can. No rules for Sai devotion – Venkat

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