sairam friends,
howz everyone here ?i love to read stories of ,from many days was thinking of posting atleast 1 story everyday.thought of starting from today.Baba bless me when i do this work.
shree satchidanand sadguru sainath maharaj ki jai
Sai Leela 1 – Sai Raham Nazar Karna Bachhon Ka paalan Karna
once during Dasganus stay in shirdi he was called upon to give performance in a village near shirdi.dasganu maharaj use to keep babas photo on the stool and use to garland the same before he began his afternoon he came to dwarkamai and informed baba that in the evening he will proceed to perform the kirtan in a nearby village and hence he needed baba’s blessings .Sai baba told him that he is free to go but requested him to tk bhau (mr.tarkad) along with him.

shirdi saibaba looking at you with love
Dasganu said that he has no objection in taking bhau along but he would not like to deprive him of his ritual of lighting lamps in dwarkamai in the evening.(mr.tarkad use to light petromax lamps in dwarkamai everyday in the evening).hearing this baba said he need not worry about dwarkamai lamps as somebody else wd attend to that task.,bt insisted that dasganu shd tk bhau along with him.both dasganu and bhau who was present there undrstood that it was baba’s order .then as per agreed time they left in the evening for that village which was about 7 to 8km away .
In those days there was no transportation facility like today so had to go the time they reachedthe village the sun had already set.they unfolded the mats on the ground ,kept the stool with baba’s photograph on it and garlanded the same.they lighted the petromax lamps and hung at four corners.
Villagers had gathered and dasganu started his kirtan .after abt an hour wn night hd already set in they encountered trouble.
around 7 to 8 people who were very dark complexioned possibly from bhill tribe came over there.they were carrying a dead body over their shoulders and were on the way to cemetery to perform thye last rights .their leader straight came to dasganu maharaj and threatened him.he inquired abt the photograph on the stool .
Dasganu explained politely stating that the photo is of saibaba who is from shirdi and he worships him as his guru as well as his diety.he went on to state that saibaba gives medicines to poor people and relieves them from their agony.he is performing the kirtan ,which will bring happiness to villagers .then that bhill leader told the people to keep the bier down and addressed to dasganu stating that if his diety is mighty ,then it shd b possible for the diety to bring bk life into the dead body.he challenged him to do so otherwise he would kill him and his troupe.dasganu was very scared and he approached bhau seeking for advice.
Bbhau had realised that this cd be baba’s creation and they shd plead him only and invoke his mercy to come to their rescue.he suggested to dasganu to perform his famous kirtan
and leave it to sai to decide the rest.then dasganu began his popular kirtan as he got so much engrossed in it that bhau hd never seen him in that state before.he was literally dancing and all the villagers were positively esponding to him.Bhau was rather keeping a watch on the dead body.about an hour or so smthing unprecedented happnd.
The life had returned to the dead body .it broke open all the strings tied around him and sat on the bier and started clapping and joined the kirtan along the rest .bhau caught dasganu maharaj with both his hands and told him to stop the kirtan .baba had saved them from fear of loosing their own lives .the kirtan stopped.those bhills got up.they helped that dead body(which was no more dead then)to stand on his feet.they told him to bow to dasganu and then made enquiry abt baba.
next day wen dasganu and bhau went to dwarkamai
Saibaba said “ganya good that my bhau was there yesterday with u otherwise who wd hv saved u from the wrath of the bhills ? “
on hearing this dasganu said that they are totally dependant on him in situations like that.
friends its true we r totally dependent on baba .wt is is important is baba knew in advance wt was going to happen during the kirtan or may be it was all his creation to imbibe confidence in dasganu.baba knows the best how to pull people towards him and this will continue to happen .lets us leave all our problems and sorrows to baba’s feet .
keep a stong faith towards him.devotion is the key word.where a dead man can cm alive then the pain sorrows are nothing comparatively.when we divert our mind to baba and baba only these things wnt even bother us.
baba knows the best how to pull people towards him and this will continue to happen .lets us leave all our problems and sorrows to baba’s feet .
om samartha sadhguru sainath maharaj ki jai.
baba s leelas and his ways are amazing..
keep posting sai leelas, baba grace is with you
yes yes venkat sir got secret blessings from sai:):)
om samartha sadhguru sai nath maharajki jai:)
jay sai ram, i am sai baba’s devote and my family, i read the article about “how the dead body wake up due to baba’s bajan” nice of sia baba’s leela.i like this story,love your posting.
i have one question, i have bhajan at my home in U.S. on sunday, one of my friends aunt died in india, he said ” he can’t attend baba’s bhajan because his aunt died” some thing like he can’t do any thing spritul till 1.25 month. it it realy true, can you expian me and let me guide and others.
thanks and keep posting storys and leela about my baba. jais sai ram, bow to baba’s lotus feet.
c.k.,Harsh and family GA USA
Thank u so much for sharing such an awesome experience where Baba showered his love on his devotees…..I am honored and pleased to read this story as few minutes before reading this story, i was ready to mistrust baba as i become tired waiting for the most important thing in my life….baba has promised me to safe guard my life, to keep me happy always and also told me clearly that I am his daughter from now onwards….five years back in my dream……he has been doing that…today i dont know what happened to me….after reading this story, im humbly surrendering at baba’s feet….he is all merciful….love u loads baba….ur my life…Id like to read more about baba and his miracles….please keep me posted.
Thank u so much once again….may baba fulfills ur life and ur loved ones life with his love and devotion always.
Sai’s Angel- Swati.
I am devotee of saibaba. I believe him a lot.
I am worrying about myself. M y problem is I dont know how can I do like this. These days my thoughts are not going in a good manner. When I see any object or a person immediately bad thoughts will be falttered in my mind. I dont know why this is happening.Even when I go to temple I am getting such kind of thoughts. I dont know. I am scared of myself.
I started reading baba satcharitra also, but still my mind and thoughts are not good. I dont knw why this is happening to my mind.
Can anyone suggest regading my issue.?
Sometimes I start hating myself…:(:(:(:(