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You are the brightest in Shirdi Saibaba’s sky and You shine

Sairam friends,

Irrespective of lots of worries about my life, I tried to work on few project which honestly Saibaba doesn’t like. Seems Saibaba wants me to wait some more days and focus on serving him. May be, its his way of making me accept life as it is until the right time comes.

Several years back, I had a dream in which Sai said “Sairam Pugaldhu 100”. Its like Sai baba wanted me to write 100 articles in praise of him which I never did. Sai, don’t you think I am only writing how great you are all these years? Probably, Sai wanted me to try something poetic which I can’t. My language skills aren’t good.

I thought of printing Saibaba photos and gifting it to devotees in the temple. Later, I felt there’s abundance of Saibaba photos these days but very few actually understand Sai lives in every single image you have and its not right to drop these pictures/notices with Sai’s photo down.  The past few days, I am once again eager to come around the holy dhuni of Saibaba for few hours in the evening. Yesterday, the priest asked me if I am remembering the past. I smiled to him because my love for Dhuni continues – Circa 2005 to 2015 and I will love Dwarakamai and the holy dhuni for lifetime.

Last night, I decided to run sponsored post in Facebook promoting StarSai and its rocking ! If you came to StarSai through these ads, please write to me. I wish to know if it really made you happy. When I give Photo to Sai devotees in person, I could see their expression. In digital media, I just know people “Likified’ StarSai as much as Sai does.

I don’t have much to do with life and felt at least do what I do good in a bigger scale. So its OK to spend Money for Sai. It goes to his holy feet. This could be my eleventh year celebration of StarSai.

You are the brightest in Shirdi Saibaba’s sky and You shine

I wanted to make you believe you are special to Shirdi Saibaba. Right ! And you must keep remembering him and be thankful to him for all Sai did to you. Sing his leelas and ever love him gracefully. I want you to live positive and be happy in life. No matter what happens in life and what ever situation you are in now, Saibaba is there to make your life good.

If you think and do good, if you work hard and if you ever love and never hurt any one, you will be sweet heart of Shirdi Saibaba.

This is the 3rd – Shirdi Saibaba Nature Collection from StarSai

saibaba assurance

Saibaba Assurance – You Shine

May Sainath bless you and your family with peace and prosperity

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Sai ki jai


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1 Comment

  • Sai Ram
    Hi Venket, thanks for your “Shirdi Saibaba Nature Collection project” , one day it will be a printed book format, Sai will bless you for that too.

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