Sairam friends,
If you are concerned that you always face an obstacle when ever you pursue your interest, remember, there’s always a way to get over it. In most situations, we see the obstacle as big as a mountain and start to believe that’s the end of the road. Be it your Education, Career or what ever you like to achieve in your life, it can be done. Focus on the work and not the end result. We usually fear an obstacle is too big since we can never see the fruit of our work.
If you develop such a mind set, you don’t have worry if Sai is helping you are not.
Sai certainly will help you. He also expects you to face the difficulties. This is why I never promote the word “Miracle” in most articles I write. Saibaba has done a lot to me but he also expects me to have immense patience and face the struggles.
Don’t hope for miracles to happen without your hardwork. If you are dedicated to want you do, Sai will help you at the right moment
I adopt a strange way to write articles everyday. These days, its based on a dream I got.
In the dream, I see a guy in a college environment using a Sound editing software. I introduce myself to him and he tells me “My name is Vindhya” and he adds “Do you like it?”.
I had other dreams too.
I was wondering why did the guy behave kiddish asking me if I like his name?
When ever I get a dream, I wake up and make a search online.
Here’s what you learn about Vindhya Mountains on Wikipedia
The word Vindhya derives from the Sanskrit word “Vaindh” (to obstruct). A mythological story states that the Vindhyas once obstructed the path of the sun, resulting in this name.
Based on this, I wrote article about facing obstacles in life.
Another aspect about Vindhya ranges is this. Apart from the phycological differences we have between North India and South India, Vindhya creates a natural seperation between the two. For a country to flourish, we must work together for our growth.
The other day, my friend showed this article. Actually, Due to GST implementation Nationwide, the State’s share of Tax will be provided by the Central Government. The finance commision has deviced a plan to have provide share based on Population of each state.
After 1970’s South India, especially states like Tamilnadu adopted family planning very well. Hence, our population is too less compared to those in Northern states. Hence, our share of Tax being collected will be lesser compared to other states. Here’s the data.

While Tamil Nadu gets about 40 paise for every rupee it generates for the centre, Uttar Pradesh fattens itself on Rs 1.8 per rupee it generates.
Courtesy of – News Minute
The 15th Finance Commission May Split Open Demographic Fault Lines Between South and North India
So Tamilnadu will get 19% less than what they deserve. I personally appreciate lots of money going to Arunachal Pradesh because I want them to grow. That doesn’t mean, we can allow such plan to suppress few states.
I see this as a economic divide we create between North and South India.
Now a days, I am trying to express my political views in StarSai which I don’t like. It’s been thrice since Sai showed dream of “Sare Jahan Se acha”.
Yesturday, I discussed with my friends about a project I wanted to work on. I will be launching it soon. I realized people don’t realize the value of democracy.
Last afternoon, I had a sprain in my left leg and started limping. I can’t bear this pain and could not sleep well. I tried maximum not to limp at home as my Mom scolds as if the whole world has come to an end if she finds me sick. Thankfully, its better today.
Meanwhile, someone told me that I lost my hair and must marry soon. I can’t understand this logic. I am thankful to Sai as I don’t have any major health issues. Isn’t this a blessing? So many Sai children write me about their health problem when they are too young to face it.
I am OK as it is. I am thankful to Sai for all he has done to me.
Further, I am focussing on what I can do than how I look.
These days, I make fun to everyone saying “I wanted to do something for the country”. Though I say it sarcastically, I honestly mean it. Lets see what works best for me.
And yes! I changed this girls name from Bujju to Bunny as I feel that’s more cute and suits her best!
Om Sai Ram