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Sai Baba Articles

A Beautiful Mind

Sairam friends,

From this evening i wanted to write about Mind. As the saying goes,” We become what we think “.  I am depressed these days and wonder if i would be blessed with a beautiful mind. There are people who are in worse situation but are blessed with a beautiful mind. I try to smile. I do seva when ever i can. I reply mails from Sai devotees and show them a way but at times, i can’t get rid of the pain in my heart.

Millions of people around the world are into some kind of depression or worries and i wish to dedicate “A beautiful mind”  for them.

shirdi saibaba

Sai, bless us with a beautiful mind


Bless us with a beautiful mind,

so we only think Good.

Bless us with a beautiful mind,

so we remember people who helped us in past with gratitude,

Bless us with a beautiful mind,

so we understand others feelings.

Bless us with a beautiful mind,

so we learn to forgive people who harm us.

Bless us with a beautiful mind,

so we are there for our parents when they need us most.

Bless us with a beautiful mind,

so we don’t hurt anyone.

Bless us with a beautiful mind,

so we bring happiness in every one dear and near to us.

Bless us with a beautiful mind,

so we know how beautiful it is to be devoted to you.

Sai, Bless us with a beautiful mind,

so we know it is you, who lives in our heart as Antaryami.

A Beautiful mind is all it takes to realize Sai is in one self and in every life on earth.

I see Sai in people around me.

Where ever i go, what ever i do, i see Sai. There are good people everywhere because Sai lives in them.

Sai, Bless us with a Beautiful mind.




It’s going to be 3 o clock in the morning. I could not sleep all night as i kept thinking about what ever happened in the past 4 month. I wish Sai shows me  a way and blesses me with a beautiful mind.





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