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To the Angel I haven’t met, To the Sai who rules my heart

Sairam friends,

Its 11.24 P.M when I start to write this article. Before a hour my Dad saw me sitting in front of my Computer and asked “Are you sleeping everyday at 1.30”. I said, “Today, I will sleep soon”.

My parents are fed up with me and went to sleep. I am here thinking for past one hour what to write. My parents say, You can’t be writing to your sai devotee friends sitting all night if you get married. I say …Ya ya ..Now a days, I am not replying mails…..its a lie but I am human and “I LIE”…he he…

I can’t reply all mails but there are Sai children who really gets benefited by my words and I have to write them.

I write my Soul…My inner most feelings :

There are so many Sai Leela during Shirdi Sai Baba’s life time. There are wonderful writers who are serving Sai better than me. Their information focuses completely on Sai and Sai Leela. Right from the day I created StarSai on December 23rd 2004, StarSai has been a mirror of my inner most feelings. I write what comes to my mind and what Sai made me experience. I have a self full of Shirdi Sai Baba books and can refer these books to write real life incidents during Sai’s life time which are not found in Sai Satcharitra.

I wonder why that’s not what I wish to do. I prefer to write my heart…My soul…My inner most feelings because “Sai” is inside me too like he is inside everyone who is reading this now. I know your heart.

I know some where in some home or office in some place,  some country someone reads what I wrote…I know not all likes what I write and not all agree with what I express but this is a Ordinary Indian. A ordinary Devotee who loves Shirdi Saibaba for past 20 years in this birth…Yes this birth because You never know how my Guru and I were together in previous births.

Vision I had in 2005 about Sparrow Saint:

Sai has once said to shama ” Shama, I know you for 63 generations”…He has said about another devotee “I know him for 700 years” and who knows? May be Sai knows me for 6000 years.

It was sometime in 2005, when I had vision of a Saint who lived before 6000 Years. I wrote a very long article about these visions and due some reasons, I had to delete them in 2008. The was a Saint called Sparrow Saint who has lived before 6000 years….3580 B.C to be precise. ( Note – Saibaba has asked me not to speak about this saint any more)

He used to meditate under a Huge Banyan tree. ..Such a powerful saint that God appears before him by his will. What ever he assures by writing in a palm leaf comes true exactly on the day he promised …. On the Banyan tree there were lots of Sparrows …Thousands of Sparrows on the tree and  not even one crow. He loved these sparrows so much that every day, he collects food for these sparrow as dakshina and used to feed these sparrows. There’s a story which was revealed in the vision that he got cursed by a Devar and hence was meditating for over 6000 years until Sai asked me to do some rituals and write about him and make him known to the world.

It was sometime during Ram Navami of 2005 when I was crazy about these Visions etc and I do believe in these visions as Sai also showed me how I served Sparrow Saint and why am suffering like this due to little curse I got during that birth.

As far as I understood, Visions and knowing about previous births are Good but not always. We are confused even with memories of this birth. So imagine the memories of past several births and I only suffered a lot because of what I did due to such visions. I was named psychic and I accepted it because that’s how Sai works.

You will be named fool and stupid guy for coming around Dhuni 5 hours a Day but I can’t go and explain everyone that I am dedicating my prayers for Goddess of Nature. Can I ? I did it for 2 long years and I had to bear all the insults and of course few good friends too.

I never wrote about Sparrow Saint in the past 8 years except for one article which I deleted years back. Somehow, today I realized how crazy I was about such visions etc those days. I gradually realized one thing friends. Either, I must be a devotee of Sparrow Saint or Sai. I can’t believe a Saint to be more powerful and graceful than Shirdi Sai baba and continue to serve Sai.

So after 3 years of Dilemma, One fine morning, I prayed Sai like this

“I know you showed me vision of Sparrow Saint but I can’t love both of you. So let the soul of Sparrow Saint ( Kuruvi Sidhar) be merged in you from now on and let millions of devotees be benefited too. I can only be devoted to one Guru and its you Sai….”.

Today, I am writing this because world has to know what I have gone through. After 100 years someone else will serve Sai like me and they might also come across a Saint in real or by vision …a powerful Saint. But if they read my story, they might understand how to handle such experiences. You can love other good saints…Example, I love Shree Paadha Sree Vallabha, I love Swami Samartha of Akalkot, I am inspired by Vivekananda and Narasimha Saraswati who merged in the Krishna River in Ganagapur.

But remember, True Saints are always inter connected. You choose whom you love most and show your devotion on that Guru. That’s enough. I personally read and sing in praise of all good saints but my heart and soul loves Sai. This is something personal. You never know why you love Sai. You just Love him.

Its the love me and Sai have been sharing for several births. I have realized it and when you read this, you too might…

All these vision stuff were influencing me a lot in 2005….I had to completely come out of it by 2008. Now in 2013, If someone asks me about Sparrow Saint or tell me their own visions, I simply have one kind request

” Do not complicate life with such visions, Let go of it, Sai himself don’t want his devotees to be hooked with such siddhi – miracles etc…Sai wants us to be simple, pure and just mind our day to day work in this birth and do our responsibilities. ”

I learnt all this by hard way friends. I must Say my parents were with me all those days when I was leading a life too strange for the world. My parents and sister even today keeps telling me, forget your dreams and be practical.

Yes. I am practical.

I really Am.

Because I am accepting to find someone whom I could marry as my parents wish.

Now the problem is, It has become mandatory. I am surely surely supposed to say very soon that I like this girl which is honestly a difficult part. I am old enough but life isn’t a “Instant Coffee”.  I never know whom I might like and if the girl I like will be OK with me.

I wrote the article titled “To the Angel I haven’t met ” because, its not just my perspective. Its the perspective of the parents towards their daughters.

I imagine Mom and Dad of so many girls and realized how come there are so many Mothers and Fathers but surprisingly everyone see their daughter as an Angel.

Indha Matri sitela description thaanga mudila da… ( The way parents proudly describe their daughters in matri sites…)

“My daughter is smart, she’s beautiful, Career oriented, Mix of traditional and modern values….” ( I am still researching where this Mix fits in real terms)

No wonder it shows the love our parents have on their daughters. Sometimes, when I say “I don’t like this girl’, My father asks me “You think you are so smart”

Really not..I am not.

Just that I don’t feel it works for me but then I say a silent prayer in mind for this girl whom i didn’t liked for she’s an angel to her parents.

Haven’t you seen Dad’s shedding tears when their daughter gets married…Oh ya…the real Indian Father who never cried all his life suddenly wants to show his daughter “I am there for you even after you got married”

And this girl will cry as if she’s going forever…It happens…in some families…It does.


Cycle of Ups and Downs in life…

Getting married is a problem for few and having gotten married is a problem for few…Then few have problems when they could not have child with in first 2-4 years. Then after few years, its either your children’s health, your Career/financial problem or your kids education and then its your children’s problem as they grow and then when you get old, its your health issues.

I have seen life of thousands of Sai devotees in the past 9 years.

Few weeks back, the people maintaining official website of Garbarakshambigai temple mailed me with a subject ‘Processed 3500 mails and sent prasad”. I felt getting money to do a spiritual work is one thing and taking time to spare your time and suggest devotees with some Mantra and Pooja is something else. I can’t count how many couples mailed me requesting me Mantra of Goddess,  suggest a pooja or do a prayer for they wish to have a child and its been 2 years…3..years 7, 10 years since they got married.

There was this wonderful friend of mine from Florida who never told me about her problems though I know her for 3 years. She was such a sweet devotee of Sai… I went to see her Mom in Chennai …While speaking, she suddenly had tears in her eyes “Wish my daughter has a child soon…its been 8 years “…I gave her Shirdi Udi and said “She will”

Few days later, I had a dream as if i go to this friends home to see her Baby….I mailed her happily about this dream…After few month she gave birth to a child as Sai assured me in dream.

These devotees for whom I have prayed suddenly disappear from my life.

There are many who mail me one fine day when problems come back in their life…

I have mailed you before 4 years…Hope you remember me….

Now her mom is mail comes.


Your Little servant is treated same as you..

When problem comes, we go to God and pray…

When you are happy, Forget him…

After all I am as ordinary as these devotees who love Sai..just that they need some healing words..some comfort…someone to say don’t worry, Sai will do good and I have been doing it with love and that’s why even after several years, even if i grow old, I will still remain Little servant of Shirdi Sai Baba


This article is expression of trying to see the world through the heart of parents who wants their daughter to get married, have child and be happy….We really have lots of Mothers and Fathers worried about their daughters future. Even to the parents who hurt me, I know they did it because they want the best on earth for their daughter.

We really have wonderful parents

Caring Father

Affectionate Mother

Protective Brother and Sister..

Hmm…That seems to be what my culture is or probably this love is universal…

The love Mom and Dad has on their Daughter !

To the Angel I haven’t met, To the Sai who rules my heart…

I just love these words which came into my mind and started writing friends…

I dedicate this article to all parents who write me asking me to pray for their Son and Daughter to get married and all who are in Love writing me to pray for their marriage.

The good things in life takes time to happen and the bad things never happen at all..

So accept life as it comes and live in peace..

Sai Hai Na…

So what’s the connection between Shirdi Sai Baba and Marriage? The Saga of Sai in Shirdi with a Marriage party. Sai Satcharitra describes the second appearance of Sai in Shirdi …Sai came from village dhoop kedha with a Patel during a Marriage party and got down in front of Kandhoba temple…Mahalsapathi, the priest invited him “Aao Sai” and rest is history…Sai stayed back in Shirdi forever !

My mother woke up before an hour and asked me if am not sleeping..Once again its 1.10 at night…

Sai, Show me a way…


I wish to post this Song

Sai Naath Tere Hazaaron Haath – Sai you have 1000 hands

While starting to work, my friend Kanna came online and said its “Lakshmi Narasimhar Jayanthi’ ..Am not sure about date so please confirm…

Here’s a article I wrote before years..

Lakshmi narasimhar Jayanthi pooja and mantra

May Sai do good to you


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  • I have a daughter who is in a marriageable age but is not worried as I have surrendered her whole life n future at t holly feet of sai. Sai will do good for her n all his devotees. Your time will come too when sai will show u “the angle u haven’t met “. Om sai ram

  • Do not worry Venkat Sai will show your Angel soon to you. Everyday I am praying for you. All things will be set right at the earliest by Sai’s blessings. Keep your Sai Mission on. As per your directions to me, I am doing whatever possible help to those who need and do everyday puja and recite some shlokas etc. I am sure, Sai will guide all of us to the right path always. Your kind words are ever soothing to our hearts. Definitely, Sai is with you for ever. Continue your goal, you will succeed. Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai Ho. Shankari with love and regards to you and your family.

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