Sairam friends, Shirdi Saibaba has helped me a lot over the years and even today, Sai helps...
Author - venkatraman
If a problem is temporary, then never worry about it.
Sairam friends, I have some fear these days and really worried about it. Its like Sai asked me that...
Sai blessed me with Raghavendra Swami in dream and my wish to do...
Sairam friends, I was working a lot the past couple of days and then on Sunday evening, I went to...
Decoding a letter written by an anonymous girl to Saibaba
Sairam friends, Most Shirdi Saibaba devotees who write me a mail are honest and frank. They...
I swept Shirdi Saibaba temple for one day and one of my friend...
Sairam friends, Couple of days back, I went to Shirdi Saibaba temple, lit 3 lamps as usual and...
We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars
Sairam friends, I was really inspired by the quote I read but before that I will show you these...
Connecting with younger and older Sai devotees
Sairam friends, My Ma is still sick but managing herself. She had cough and pain due to it when...
Beautiful Murugan and Shirdi Saibaba pooja offering 108 lamps
Sairam friends, My Family deity is Sri Murugan of Palani hills. My Father regularly reads a holy...
Baba, Save my Ma
Sai, Pa had fever and he got better. Now my Ma has fever and not well for the past 2 days. Took her...
How to practically help the people of Tamilnadu affected by rain...
Hi, Rains in Tamilnadu and specifically ChennaiĀ has affected lives of thousands of people in the...