Sairam friends,
Many Sai devotees I have watched in temple used to think the prasad they got exactly from Samadhi Mandhir or any sacred place alone is very divine and is considered as given by Sai himself. In other temples also, We consider the prasad got directly from priest of main temple as very divine. Honestly, Gods and Saints work in a different way. Sometimes, when we are not able to get prasad from the main temple, then even if we buy sacred kumkum, holy ashes and any sweets etc from the shops in the temple or from get prasad from any other small temple, this too can be considered as Divine.
In the below Sai leela, Sai clarifies that any prasad, photo etc bought in Shops around shirdi must be considered as the one given by his own holy palm. I think we must not restrict it to Shirdi. Any Sai’s prasad you get from any Sai mandhir in any country, city or village must be considered as given by Sai’s holy palm.
Devotees Experience by Narasimha Swamiji is translated by my Sai friend Mercedes Garcia. Kindly scroll down for English version of this Sai Leela.
Baba da su darshan como ishtam (deidad) a Shri Sadashiv JOSHI
Shri Joshi Vasudeo Sadashiv de Sitharam Co., acompañado por Shri Chidambara Rao Keshv Gadge Patil fue a Shirdi para tener el darshan de Baba. Ellos se quedaron en la wada de Sathe. Se estaba haciendo el Arati a la foto de Baba en la wada de Sathe y Shri Vasudeo Sadashiv Josh también asistió a la Arati. Por él Baba ha dado darshan como Narasimhamurthy en la foto. Él consiguió este tipo de darshan durante tres días consecutivos. Un día, ambos fueron a Baba por darshan y les dio prasadam.
A su juicio, el prasadam era insuficiente para distribuir a sus hombres en su ciudad natal. Entonces Baba le dio 80 rupias y les ordenó que compren Prasadam en cualquier tienda de Shirdi y lo lleven con ellos y añadió que cualquier Prasad comprado en Shirdi es Su Prasad. En otra ocasión Baba les dio burfi Prasad. Como es muy sabroso, querían más y se fueron a la tienda a comprarlo.
Baba les llamó y le dijo que había tres canastas de Prasad, que tomaran dos maunds de ellas. Se fueron con Udi de Baba y Prasad. Después de algunos días, Shri Joshi envió a su amigo con 10 rupias como dakshina para Baba y le pidió que tome la foto de Baba y vuelva con Udi Baba y Prasad. Su amigo fue a Shirdi, ofreció las 10 rupias como dakshina a Baba y se mantuvo en silencio porque no tenía valor para tomar la foto de Baba. Baba, sabiendo esto, le pidió que tomara su foto como lo solicitó Joshi. Tomó una foto de Baba sentado y una de pie.
Baba le ordenó que las fotos no se debían vender a un precio excesivo sino a uno razonable, y le dio permiso para retirarse con su Udi y Prasad. Así es como Baba ha cumplido los deseos de Sus devotos.
Rendición completa a Shri Sai! El deleite supremo y la liberación están allí!
English Version:
Sai Baba gives Darshan as your favorite Deity
Shri Sadashiv Joshi Vasudeo was working in Sitharam Co. He went to Shirdi to have Saibaba’s darshan accompanied by Shri Rao Chidambara Keshv Gadge Patil.
They stayed in the Sathe wada. The devotees were doing Aarti of Saibaba with a Photo of Sai in the Wada itself. Shri Vasudeo Sadashiv Sathe and Josh also attended the Arati . Sai Baba gave him darshan as Narasimhamurthy in the photo. He got this kind of darshan for three consecutive days. Every time, he looked into the Photo of Shirdi Saibaba, he could only see Lord Narasimha. Then he realized Sai gives darshan as one’s favorite deity to encourage them to follow their worship of the God they love.

One day, they went to Baba for darshan and gave them prasadam. In his view, the prasadam was insufficient to distribute his men in his hometown.
Then Baba gave him 80 rupees and ordered them to purchase Prasadam at any Shops in Shirdi and take it with them and added that any Prasad bought in Shirdi is His Prasad . On another occasion Baba Prasad gave burfi . As is tasty , they wanted more and went to the store to buy it. Baba called them and said that there were three baskets Prasad , who took two of them. They left with Baba’s Udi and Prasad .
Sai knows desires in devotees mind and fulfills their wishes:
After a few days , Shri Joshi sent his friend with 10 rupees as dakshina to Baba and asked him to take the photo of Baba and Baba back with Udi and Prasad . His friend went to Shirdi , offered 10 rupees as dakshina to Baba and remained silent because he had no courage to take the photo of Baba. Baba , knowing this, asked him to take his photo as requested Joshi. He took a photo of Baba as if Sai is sitting and standing . Baba ordered that the pictures should not be sold at an inflated price but a reasonable one , and gave him permission to retire with his Udi and Prasad . This is how Baba has fulfilled the desires of His devotees.
With Complete surrender to Shri Sai ! The supreme delight and liberation are there!
Hope you like this leela friends.
Am getting late for work now
Always in the holy feet of Shirdi Saibaba