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Spanish – Baba Entreg’o un anillo de oro a un devoto que lo perdi’o en rio

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

After many days, I am posting a Sai leela in Spanish translated by my Sai friend Mercedes Garcia.

On January 1st 2007, Sai blessed me with a dream in which he said 100 years from now, over 30% of the world’s population will be Sai devotees. Shirdi as we see it today will be changed completely. None will understand how to control the crowd coming to Shirdi and they must re-construct the whole village and neighbouring areas as temple complex.

I wish to spread Sai devotion in every part of this world. 

I don’t have to take any special effort for that. When the time comes, Sai movement will flourish. I also believe people need Sai. All the good people around the world needs a Guru like Shirdi Saibaba. Even when I am hurt that Sai played with me showing dreams of this girl, I know Sai would have done that for some good reason. I don’t want to blame Sai but myself for not shutting my mouth and keeping calm. I am happy that I am with a Guru who takes care of me.

In 2007, I get dreams very rarely. Today, I decided to post this simple Sai leela from the book written by Narasimha Swamiji because I don’t know what else to write? I feel like I lost myself and don’t know how to live. When I write on my own, I am tempted to mention about this girl Sai showed in dream which I should avoid. I also don’t like always saying that I am suffering and depressed. Well, I am OK too. Last night, I felt very painful. You know, I hugged a gift Sai gave me when I came back from Mumbai in April 2016 and slept off.

I was remembering Goddess Karpagambal of Mylapore Kabalishwarar temple in Chennai. I love the temple so much. I love this Goddess. I wish to go there again and have darshan of the Goddess.

Scroll down and read the English Translation.


Una vez un nieto del devoto de Baba Shri Hari Bhau Keshav Karnik, llamado Keshav, regresaba de una fiesta a la diosa Mahalaxmi. Tuvo que permanecer al costado del río de un pueblo que está a unos 10 kilómetros de su casa. Fue al río para bañarse y nadar. Durante la natación perdió un anillo de oro de 1 £ tolas en el río.

Se fue a su casa con el corazón triste. Después de seis meses, un Takore fue a su casa y les preguntó si algún niño había perdido su anillo en el río y les entregó el anillo después de comprobar su titularidad. No es un Leela de Baba?

Rendición completa a Shri Sai! El deleite supremo y la liberación están allí!

Here’s the English version of the Sai leela


Once a grandson of the devotee of Baba Shri Hari Bhau Keshav Karnik, called Keshav, was returning from a feast to the goddess Mahalaxmi. He had to stay on the side of the river of a town that is about 10 kilometers from his house. He went to the river to bathe and swim. During the swim he lost a gold ring of £ 1 tolas in the river.

He went home with a sad heart. After six months, a Takore went to his house and asked them if any children had lost their ring in the river and handed them the ring after checking their ownership. Is not it a Leela of Baba?

Complete surrender to Shri Sai!

The supreme delight and liberation are there!

The leela basically looks simple. Even if a small thing is lost in our life, we get upset. We must understand that as time passes on, what ever lost won’t be important at all for us. So never loose your heart searching for something that can always come back to you at the right time.

Sai blessings



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