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Beautiful Sai in Laxminagar Saibaba temple,New Delhi

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,
Happy Independence Day!

This morning I was blessed with a wonderful dream.

Saint Adi Shankara and Shirdi Saibaba works in unison for welfare of innocent devotees

I see myself in a home where there’s a Mother and two daughters. I can’t remember who they are. They seem to know me as a family friend. Surprisingly, their house has two – three sannidhi of temples. I see holy Saint Adi Shankara statue. I could clearly see his face and bunch of garland falls down from his head, over his face and then to his feet. It was like Adi Shankara blessing me immensely. I get curious and step ahead towards the sannidhi. Immeditely, I was shocked because in the same place where I saw Adi Shankara, I see statue of Shirdi Saibaba.

I was confused since I actually saw Adi Shankara there. There’s a small statue near this huge statue of Baba. So I assume, may be this small statue is of Adi Shankara. But no. That small statue is also of Shirdi Saibaba.

I also remember there was  a statue of Lord Dattatreya and some other Gods. I forgot little part of the dream as I am doing something in temple.

Anyway, I woke up and realized the Sai and Adishanka has blessed me. Further, I have relationship with Adi Shankara through several dreams. I also see Maha periyava in this dream but as I said, I forgot some portion of the dream.

Few years back I wrote this article – Chanting in mind for welfare of devotees in Uttarakhand,Dev Bhoomi – Land of God

This August 15th 2017 is important to me because I often heared “Sare Jahan se acha” in dream about which I wrote in previous article.

I received this mail from my Sai friend Nidhi

Hello Venkat,

I was just reading your post today and felt the urge to send you these pictures of our beloved Sai.I get overwhelmed seeing these Pictures. It reflects the beauty of both Babaji n his children.This photo is from Laxminagar Saibaba temple,New Delhi.I would be very happy if you post it and let all Sai devotees immerse in its beauty.I hope Baba shows you the way to do something for the country. I too pray Baba not to let this life get wasted instead he should show me the way where I can use this life to serve others and spread peace.



Beautiful Saibaba temple

Beautiful Saibaba temple

I usually do not post Saibaba photo with devotees but Nidhi’s mail made me feel what makes Sai baba temples beautiful is not just Sai but also the way his innocent devotees worship him. In this photo, we see the girl bowed down to her Guru’s feet. Sai expects similar devotion internally – We must offer our Body, Mind and Soul to Sai’s holy feet. Sai will take care of our life. Just do your work honestly and sincerely. Sai will bless you immensely.

Saibaba temple in New Delhi, Lakshmi Nagar

Saibaba temple in New Delhi, Lakshmi Nagar

Hope you love these Shirdi Saibaba photos friends.

Lets see what where Saibaba leads me to.

Om Sai Ram


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1 Comment

  • Thanks to Nidhi for sharing this beautiful picture of Babaji with all Sai devotees.
    Jai Sai Ram.

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