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Being Beautiful

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

Hey! Sorry. I slept too early and woke up very late and hence no article today. I woke up early morning at 3 AM, lit lamp and spoke to Baba for few minutes. Last evening, I had been to Saibaba temple and kept my Bag in flower shop as there was camera in it. Atleast, every Wednesday, I must not take Camera with me as I claimb over the terrace to offer garland. Further, Photography is like second wife and Camera is like a baby. Where ever you go, you must take care of it. It’s like, I don’t feel free.

There must be a greater meaning to my life. Yesterday, one of my Sai friend mailed me saying she’s looking for a job as a UI Developer and asking me to guide her. I was really hurt as in so many years, I am not able to help one single person to land in a job. I feel such life is not worth living. I like inspiring people to learn and take them into a super cool job. If Sai wills, he will show me a way to create a Startup which enables people to land in the right job or may be, I am just dreaming about it. As usual!

OK tata for today! Happy Thursday.

The moral of the story is this

The more your possessions in life, the more responsible you must be. You loose little bit of your freedom in life. So be content with little you have in life.

May be, that’s why Sai wants me to think if I must really desire to get married. Even last evening I was telling my friend that its OK if I am not married. I am happy as it is. If I deeply search for one meaning from all my experiences I had in the last 2-3 month, it is this – Sai wants me to completely give up such desire.

Now read what I wrote yesterday!

I took my Camera to work and did some test shooting for the Corporate film I plan to make. I am little not so comfortable as usually filmmaking involves a team but I am doing things all alone and wondering how to make everyone get involved in it. Further, some people, especially girls might be too conservative that they don’t want to be photographed or filmed. So I am really embarrassed when I am shooting alone.

I am not sure why I suddenly got this interest without anyone really asking me to work on it. There are few things in life you wanna do because you love to do it. Secondly, I have not done a thing in my life without Sai asking me to do it. 2-3 month back, before I started making videos for Sai, he blessed me with a dream about which I wrote here –

It’s OK if you laugh at me, Saibaba helped me tell an imaginary story in my first video narration

In the dream, I heared someone’s name which is one reason I still believe there’s meaning in continuing my job in my current organization. Though I have not interacted with him, I believe he’s a bit sensible to work with. Further, this is the easiest job I can carryout which will also let me spend all my free time for Sai. But once in a while Sai also warns me not to take life so easily. I keep asking Baba if this is all I have to do in my life? I know he has plans for me which he will let me know at the right time.

I am really sad now because I already lost my Camera cable. Wish I can find it back or else, I must spend money and get it again.  I am also upset as one of my friend seems to go back abroad soon and I won’t have anyone to speak the way I wish. Not all can tolerate stupids like me right?

Being Beautiful

I had always been obsessed with anything that looks beautiful right from my childhood. The past many month, I used to look at a very vibrant violet or purple Lotus in the campus I work. I always wanted to do photography of this flower and took one with my mobile phone few weeks back. This morning, I desired to do photography of this flower. In this evening, thankfully there were no securities around annoying me not to take pictures and I happily took this photograph to use in one of the blog I wrote for the company.

Purple Lotus

I assume this is Purple Lotus. By the way, is this purple?

I love this virbrant color. Its speaks so much to me about life. Its so graceful to my heart.

I could imagine that this is how we too much surprise Saibaba. We must think, act and behave so nice that Sai himself will be impressed with our inner beauty.

For Shirdi Saibaba, all that matters is this beauty in the place he lives – Your heart

I remember something as I write about beauty.

Distracted looking at girls in Saibaba temple? 

Every Thursday, some of my friends and myself go to a Saibaba temple near my office. One of this guy joins me occasionally. The past 2 weeks, he kept telling that so many girls come to Saibaba temple on Thursdaya and his mind is getting distracted due to that. I told him, there’s a story which happened in Sai’s life.

Once two Islamic women came to see Baba. One of this lady lifted her the cloth which covered her face. She was so beautiful that Nana got hooked to her beauty. Since he was in Dwarakamai near Sai, Nana felt little bad of himself. After sometime, the ladies left Dwarkamai. Saibaba called Nana and said

“Nana..The mind will do what it does. All this beauty is the work of Maya. You don’t have to feel guilty for admiring the beautiful lady. If your mind is in control and you did not think anything beyond admiring her beauty, that’s well and good.”

This is not exactly what Baba said but this is what I understood from that incident.

My friend was getting angry on me even for loudly telling this story while standing in the que in the temple. I told him “I have seen girls coming to temple…I see them for several years. I know many such girls who come to temple, who bring their boy friend or some who cry in front of Sai, some who stop coming to temple, some who shift to different city, some who completely disappear and most who eventually get married etc”

Further, anyone who comes to Saibaba temple carries loads of desires. Sometime back, one of my friend told who came to Saibaba temple asked me “Can’t your Sai bring one of these girl to you”. I laughed and told him “Well. I listen to stories from girls every single day. So I know most of them have someone in their life.”

People assume things because they don’t know reality. Just because I worship Saibaba, does that make me good? The same applies to any girl who comes to Sai mandir. Being good and being beautiful depends on what you are as a person and not where you go. There might be guys and girls who never visit any temple but Sai might keep them in a better place than me in his heart.

Sai’s only concern is being pure deep inside. That’s the real beauty.

Few years back, a girl suddenly saw me in temple and told me “Hi ..This is my Kid. How are you?”

I was trying to remember her when she told me that when she was going through a relationship pain, I asked her to light 27 lamps in Dwarakamai. Later, I went to Mumbai. Meanwhile, this girl got married and also had a baby.

Girls come and go. People come and go. Infact, You will see so many girls in Shirdi. Does that mean you get distracted in Shirdi? Both Shirdi and Saibaba temple in any place only reflects what’s on Earth.

If you cannot keep your mind at peace when so many beautiful girls and handsome guys are around, you can’t keep it at peace any where else.

Another thing worth mentioning is this.

I used to get irritated why there are so many hotels in Shirdi with Bar. Do people worship Saibaba and also drink the same day? Later, I realized the truth. Is it OK to come back from Shirdi and drink? If you want to give up a bad habit, give up completely. Sai don’t like this drama.

Where ever Sai lives becomes Shirdi. Tell me one inch in the 3 universe where Sai doesn’t exist. So good habits must come with you where ever you go.

In the recent past, I became very practical in Life and in the way I worship Saibaba. I tell him honestly my mistakes because he lives in my heart. Can I hide even a slight thought process running in my mind to the one who lives in the same mind?

Being Beautiful is being pure at heart. If your thought process, words and action is good, Sai considers you beautiful.

Now..Let me ask this?

Are you beautiful?


Edit: The past couple of month, I am able to see any girl I come across as if they are my kids. I believe, Sai transformed me that way. As you get old, you start to feel more caring by perceiving someone as a kid. Read – What if I am a Father of a grown up girl?

This wasn’t possible to me few years back.  Some transformation don’t happen when you try. That’s why we face hurdles in life. When you face difficulties, you gain wisdom and you become a better person.

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