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Being passionate about Art, Science and Technology

Saibaba Dwarakamai
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I started from office to Saibaba temple last night. I wanted to get a new sim and went to a show room in Saibaba colony. The guy there gave me the sim and I asked him to fix it in my Mobile. There’s a cover behind my mobile which I opened to see, it was so dirty that I don’t wanna show it to him. He asked for it and I said, its OK. My mobile is dirty.

Then, I came to Saibaba temple, lit 3 lamps as usual near the grill of Dwarakamai and started coming around Dhuni. I was distracted a lot during the Aarti since my mobile wasn’t working well. I felt too bad of myself not focusing on Saibaba but Sai knows me. So he got used to it.

Meanwhile, Have a look at Shirdi Saibaba photo contributed by my Sai friend, Nupur

Saibaba Dwarakamai

Saibaba sitting in Rock outside Dwarakamai

I love the above Saibaba photo in which Sai sits in the rock. I have touched the rock kept opposite to Dwarakamai. This may not be original photo of Saibaba but to me, its very lively and Sai makes me feel happy.

Emotional connection we have with technology

Have you experienced a 10 second shock in you when you think that you missed placed your mobile later to realize that its safe near you. That’s how much we are attached to our mobile phones. A shock for a piece of electronics gadget. Are we getting shocked, worried and upset with these immaterial things? I believe we are concerned that someone might call us or we can’t call when we want to. Its not material but emotional connection – The value we gain from the piece of electronics and communication which makes us get shocked even if we loose it for a minute.

There’s no science or technology which has won in the market without emotionally connecting with people. The restaurant you go, the movies you watch, the places you travel, the course you go, the place you work, the cars you drive – All these are not something available in the market. These are occupying our mind and doing something to satisfy our basic human need of being happy. As we go in search of this happiness, we get into problem. One after another. There’s problem and a bigger problem. Finally, we come to Sai, seeking guidance.

Buying and Throwing attitude in India

When I wanted to make a resource website for shopping, I regret for encouraging people shop as it sounds not a good karma. Other day, one of my relative came home and I was speaking to her about some offer in an eCommerce site. She went back to her hometown and had told her Son. My cousin called up to ask which site is it, as he wants to buy a new mobile phone.

I was really upset about it because middle class families in India failed to teach their kids about the importance of learning to live with what we have. Indians have always led a very simple life for hundreds of years. Anyway, I am also one among this world and satisfied myself telling, if I guide someone to shop the right stuff, then, I am doing right. Yes. I am making someone spend and that’s OK. I am a part of this Big Nation. Either I ask you to buy or an American or Chinese company will grab your money for the things you most need in life.

Being passionate about Art, Science and Technology

Couple of month back, when I had been one of my cousins home, I felt he’s simply enjoying his college life while doing engineering. He has demanded a bike which costs over a lakh and got it. We have always been taught to showoff with what we have. The rich kids showing off their luxury cars in Instagram will go back to home and read good books. They have no financial burden at all. A youngster from an average family can have desires but it has to be meaningful. There’s a time for every good thing in life.

I wanted a SLR Camera when I was in Vis.comm and my Father was never able to get it for me until he got retired. I did felt bad about it but It taught me a lesson

I told him about founder of Paypal and Telsa motors, Elon Musk and his futuristic projects like Space X  which plans to take people on a tour to space and Hyperloop which plans to transform urban transportation. I told him that he must learn from these people and follow their projects. He was not interested in what ever I spoke. I stopped taking such topics and moved on.

The problem is with these Colleges and Universities paying low salary to their faculties who in-turn are pressured simply completing the syllabus. There’s little or no time for imparting passion on any kind of Art, Science and Technology. Some students are privileged to have a good learning ecosystem though.

Anyway, most of us in India melt for Money.

“Get a big Job. Do a big business. Because all that a human being need is a big pay cheque and yes. Lots of Cash”

We have been in love with money more than anyone else on Earth which is why we lost our creativity.We lost our humanity and we lost our passion for Science and Technology.

Researcher’s are the least paid in any market, be it U.S or Australia or India. Scientists can always make better money if they serve directly in the industry than working for a funded research project in an university. Irrespective of all this, they love what they are doing. This passion is lacking among us.

I was not able to add enough content in the Phd inspiration site which encouraged graduates to continue their education. Most of us stop with an U.G and P.G. India needs more doctorates and thought leaders.  My Mom tells me, you first do your phd and I start to think its too much for me. Probably, I am reflecting what many of you think.  We are giving up on learning as we get busy with life.

I laugh at girls/girls parents who think they are giving a super sophisticated life to their daughter if the to be Son in Law makes “Big Money”.

I get mails from girls who are not happy with their married life and how much they suffer. Blame their parents and their relatives who are in a mission to give the best of everything to the girl. They only know Money and they think all that shines is Gold.

Earning a lot gives you a feeling of security in life and I appreciate it but that isn’t life. There’s more to a human being than chasing money.

I am irritated about the kind of suggestions Twitter shows up when someone wanna signup.

Why should any Indian follow bunch of Actors, Politicians and Musicians right from the minute they sign up?

One must learn to follow their dreams.

Be passionate about one thing in life and work lifetime for it.

Pick a book about someone who has achieved a lot in their life in your field of interest.

If you are in to any Creative field, follow people who are classic and clean.

If you like science, learn about scientists who have dedicated to their life. I personally love Marie Curie 

Pierre Marie Curie

Curie, Pierre: Pierre and Marie Curie on their honeymoon, 1895 – Courtesy of Jupiter images

Read life of Marie Curie

If you are into technology, there’s no limit to whom you can follow. There are so many innovators out there.

One of the reason I can justify writing this article in StarSai is Sai himself.

Saibaba’s possession’s were a tin pot, kolamba, hundi to cook food, his holy dhuni and some torn cloths to wear.

Have you read some where that Sai was wasting his time?

He has never. Not a minute.

He will work on something or entertain people near him

His path is Karma Marga – Path of Works

If you have to do something awesome, you must love what you do.

And I am happy that I am not married. I am really happy. I won’t be writing like this if I am married. At least if I am married to the kind of girl, I know I can’t live with. My parents worry about it and there’s often lots of argument about it but I tell them, I will marry when I really come across a girl who’s my kind of girl. When I meet such a girl, Sai will tell me or I will never get married. I simply roam around.

My Ma asks me “How will Saibaba tell” and I reply her “He will tell. He will tell me. He has a way of telling me what to do and what not to do.”

I am adamant and I argue and Its OK. I am fedup with the society which bugs me about asking why the hell I am not married. Go get lost idiots. I am going to take all of you some desert in a 407 Van and tie you there for 7 days. Ha ha…Don’t worry. I will feed you on time. I just want you to enjoy the environment. Can you make a Desert feel like Iceland?

Did you now understand why I am not married?

There are something in life which You or I can’t change. Sai alone can.

Shows my frustration right.

That’s how much India has troubled me and millions of guys and girls like me asking the following questions

  1. Why you din’t got job
  2. Why did you do this business to fail in the end.
  3. Why you are not married.
  4. Why you don’t have a child? Yes. Girls who are married must have a child in 2nd year. Shall we have an innovative rule in this country. Shall we get back the passports belonging to couples who can’t have a child within the first 3 years? May be, You people must lobby the government to implement this rule.
  5. And when the kid grows up, once again, the question chain continues – Did your Son/Daughter got placed? Enough of this questionnaires.

I do something with my writings and I know its Good deed.

Why should I spend 2-3 hours of my week end writing this article?

I don’t want guys and girls to worry about relationship issues. No more mails asking will he come back to me, I broke up with this girl, My friends are not talking with me, I failed to get this, I can’t get admission in that university, I din’t got this specific job etc.

If you are passionate about your field of interest and keep working for it, someday, the world will appreciate your contribution. Getting  a job for livelihood is different and is an important factor but being passionate about something is something personal.

I have listened to more love stories than anyone in India could have. All I want now is to free people from their worries and focus on doing something with dedication.

When you are worried, divert your mind on something productive.

Read about people who inspire and get yourself motivated.  Learn a new languages, do an online course, Go to any good place and do not justify that you drunk or you got into bad habits/friends just because your life wasn’t good. There are lots to learn and so much to do.

Love what you do and never let the ego get into you when you are well learned.

Like the famous quote of Steve Job’s

“Stay Hungry

Stay Foolish”

I wanted to do what I am passionate about and I believe Saibaba will show me a way.

Join me in a mission to make everyone live their life “Peacefully”


Little Servant of Shirdi Saibaba and I will be little forever! he he…



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