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Being Pure every moment of our life by Sai Grace

Sairam friends,

I have analyzed how people commit mistakes due to their desires and involve in unnecessary activities. There are good people everywhere and how on Earth all these Good people aren’t enough to make the world a better place? This is because even people who are good, living with good thoughts and attitude at times commit mistakes which can’t be reversed.

There are so many ways to come out of our Wrong thoughts the moment before we are about to do something wrong. What matters is, one needs to realize his/her Guru is with them and they will make their life better if they remain pure.

I can’t directly write what I mean by “Being Pure” as devotees will be able to relate it to their life. I have experienced very horrible evil bothering me and also very blissful divine power blessing me when I try to remain pure. Many devotees simply think its not going to harm them or others and involve in bad habits. Honestly, it does. The evil is invisible and takes advantage of bad habits. I cannot explain it further as there are few secrets in Sai’s ways which we can understand only when we experience it.

Being Pure every moment of our life by Sai Grace

So how to remain pure when your desire, possessiveness, greediness etc makes you commit a mistake

1. Think about the Good aspects in your life. You are blessed with so many good things by Sai’s grace and you must be content with that

2. Keep thinking about Shirdi Saibaba – the way Sai would have lived in Shirdi during his lifetime and how simple he was

3. Divert your mind thinking about any good things you want to do….Reading a good book, watching Movies you like or doing any useful work etc. It could also be listening to sacred mantra or simply good music. My point is you can choose to divert your mind with desires and way to relax yourself instead of committing a sin.

4. Of all these ways, the best is remembering Sai or Gods you love by chanting in mind – Doing Naam smaran – Sai, Sai Sai

Ok friends am late for work now




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