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Being Silent

Sairam friends,

Since Sai asked me to work on a project, I keep myself busy with it and work on it until 2 at night. I try to be silent as much as possible at workplace. I talk to few but it really worries me that Sai asked me to be independent and build stuff on my own.

I am simply going with the flow. I wish to be alone once in a while since that’s how my life is structured. My Mom has become too feeble that I often think about her.

There’s an event tommorow in near by town where they have demo of a good Camera. Hence I cancled my appointment with dentist and my root canal is half done. My Mom says, I shouldn’t leave it as it is. It isn’t my mistake because the dentist canceled it last week.

Probably, Sai thinks that I my mind should be occupied with something better. Hence, he made me work on a project that’s challenging. When a new website isn’t ranking well on Google, its a practical way of implementing my knowledge and creative ideas.

I am using this time to build relationship with people outside workplace, across India. The maximum I could see myself in the same job is the next 6 month if things are not going to improve.

I am working on my project sincerely that in the next 6 month, my job should become my time pass to meet people in other environment.

We should try to contribute to the place we work. But eventually, if people are not receptive, its better focus on something on own own. I believe that’s what Sai is making me do.

I am in no mood to find another job too especially since I can’t move out of Coimbatore.

The biggest surprise is when Sai told me the name of the brand in dream. I myself can’t believe it because there are millions of Entrepreneurs across the world. Who will get a brand name from Sai who has all the wealth of this universe at his holy feet?

I often ask Sai why he’s doing this me? I am just another ordinary devotee with multiple imperfections.

Its a typical experience of a digital marketer to worry when you don’t get better search ranking.

May be, Sai wants me to worry about things I can change and work to deliver better results.

There are few who write me that they plan to quit their job. I always tell them, hold on and just go with the flow. We should build a solid plan B or find a better job. Until then, being silent helps.

I gave myself 6 month time to either to continue with the same job or break free. It depends on how situation changes.

I don’t like myself getting addicted to my mobile and internet but that’s my world. I keep myself busy reading something. I am happy with my virtual world and virtual friends.

Write to venkat

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