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The best Shirdi Saibaba paintings are made by people who paint with love on Sai

Shirdi Saibaba painting
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I think its good to act as if I am upset with all of you for not sending me Shirdi Saibaba photos taken by you in your pooja place and temples. Some of you were kind enough to send me Saibaba photos and this devotee has also sent a painting of Saibaba she made.

What a beautiful and innocent Saibaba is he?

If you see the way professional artist draw, they do it perfectly but when ordinary devotees try to paint Saibaba, they certainly will be some flaws but I personally find such works as the best Shirdi Saibaba paintings every made. Honestly, Sai too looked so innocent and curious. I could feel the Saibaba who just went for a walk in Lendi, took bath behind Dwarakamai and entered Dwarakamai. Some devotee would have applied the Viboothi over his forehead and some would have kept a flower on his head.

I think my Ma in her previous birth made ladoos for Saibaba and offered it to him. he he…May be, she really did. All of you who read this can imagine that your Ma bough these fruits and offered them to Saibaba. You know Saibaba will gift devotees offering coconut. So smartly, you offered Coconut.

Anyway, that’s all my imagination.

It is the love a devotee has on Saibaba which comes out as creativity. Some express it in the form of Song and some in the form of Art and paintings.

Here’s the Saibaba painting by Shubashree Balakumar

Innocent and Curious Shirdi Saibaba 

Shirdi Saibaba painting

Shirdi Saibaba Dwarakamai painting

Om Sai Ram


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