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Bless me with good health Saibaba

Sairam friends,

Yesterday, I was happy at work. Simply speaking and doing some work. By evening, I got severe pain in my right shoulder and neck. It made me worry about how I am going to do lead a better life. I have lots of plans and want to be healthy.  I do eat well but why I am having such pain?

I slept early and woke up late. Today, I saw a dream.Just for 2 seconds a sign board of organization I was planning to start last year. I feel Saibaba wants me to work on the project again.

Many times, I give up my plans to do something on my own because I feel insecured about it. Its not easy especially for someone from an average family. I changed my career several times which also hindered my growth. All this did made me what I am today. So based on my experience, I wanted to create a startup which will do good to me and also millions of Students and Entrepreneurs.

But sometimes, I get scared and feel lets be happy with what Saibaba has given us. A simple job.


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  • Hi Venkat
    Hope you are feeling better now. I think you are working too many hours on the laptop. Yes, your mom is right :-).
    On a serious note, avoid spending too many hours at stretch on computers, make sure you have a good chair and maintain good posture.
    When I started working from home for an IT job within months I got cervical spondylitis. It was so painful that it used to feel like someone had stabbed me with a dragger in my back.I never thought human body could be in so much pain and I delivered 2 kids!
    I couldn’t lift my right hand nor lie on my back, I had to sleep in a chair at night. I had a 6 mo old baby and 2.5 yr old. You can imagine what my state was, I was slowly getting depressed.
    Doctor prescribed PT but therapist couldn’t do anything with me b’cos I couldn’t even stand or lie straight. I was tired so gave up after a few sessions

    But our Baba is very kind, I probably had to pay for some bad karma but he didn’t let me suffer for too long. I got better with some homeo medicines.I know it is baba’s miracle b’cos I know people with the same condition who could find no relief from medicine or PT.

    There are also some simple neck excercises you can find on youtube, please start doing them.
    They are very effective.
    I ignored my dad’s advice when he used to tell me to do neck exercises and yoga but I had to learn the value of his advice very hard way 🙂

    Take care.

    Edit: Thanks Usha for your kind words. My Ma also asks me to do exercise every morning and I do Surya Namaskar – Venkat

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