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Blessed with Sita Ram in dream

Sairam friends,

My Amma isn’t well these days and hence I am spending my weekends mostly at home. On Saturday evening, I went to Saibaba temple and felt good. Just that I was worried about my Ma and called her to know if she’s doing OK. I felt better after I spoke to my Mom.

I was reading Sai Satcharita sitting near my Mom and told her Sai will heal her soon. Somehow, I realized that I shouldn’t leave Coimbatore even if I get better opportunities because my Mom has become too feeble.

In the evening, I went to Saibaba temple and went for a walk with my weekend walking friend Sathyam.

Fortunately, On Sunday morning I had some good dreams.

One of the dream was like this..

My Sister’s Daughter is messaging me that her Teacher has asked her to describe herself in an essay. (Kids in U.S are given such assignments). She writes a word about herself


Then, I send 2 more words describing her



Later, I see some girls going to College and then I see Lord Rama and Sita. Having darshan of Lord Rama in dream is auspicious sign. You should also get a message from this dream that Lord Ram wanted you to do some spiritual effort remembering him.


1.You could start writing Sri Ramajayam in a note book every day or whenever you find time. ( My Father has written Sri Ramajayam in several notebooks from his retirement in 2001)

2.You could recite or listen to Vishnu Sahasranamam

3. You might also try to see if you can light lamp in any temple near by or your pooja place remembering Lord Rama and Sita.

Dream of Lord Rama is also a sign that the Lord cares for you and your family. So be happy about it.

Anyway, It was funny why I describe my niece as Cyclist. When I was in her place, she used to very affectionately ask me “Shall we go biking?”

I mostly avoid it since I fear that she might fall down but only I fell down eventually.

I woke up and messaged my Sister that I had such a strange dream describing Katya as Cyclist. he he…

Probably, this could also reflect my desire to buy a Cycle since I don’t do any kind of physical workouts like other guys.

Fortunately, This evening, Sathyam and myself went by Shakti Dham temple in Saibaba colony and I had wonderful darshan of Lord Ram and Sita. I came back home, had food and sat near my Mom reading Sai Satcharita.

After more than 3-4 years, my broadband service provider had to stop their service as a telco tower in our area is dismantled. It will be hard for me to write articles regularly.

There’s something I wish to tell you all.

I myself won’t get mood to read Sai Satcharita but when I start to read, I feel Sai is really with me and working on my life.

If time permits, read Sai Satcharita. You will be blessed.

Sai, please heal my Amma.


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