Sairam friends,
I had the following dreams this morning
In the first dream, I see myself in a place house which was converted into temple and see some of my colleagues there. While I go into the last room where the Goddess statue is kept, I suddenly realized that I am actually roaming inside the temple with footwear. I feel shocked. Then, immediately make sure none watches me and throw away the footwear through the window of temple. Then, I feel peaceful looking at Mother Goddess – Parvathi.
In the second dream, I see some of my friends are having lunch but they don’t like Sambar rice. They take away the Sambar rice from their plate and give everyone’s sambar rice to me. I can’t even eat so much food and I don’t want to waste the food too. Then, I see one of my friend arguing with the security as he pulls the ID card out of his pocket to show it. That’s it.
In the third dream, I see myself with my Mom. She was acting like mentally ill and I kiss her on her cheeks and bring her back to senses and nothing worse her happened for her to behave like this. Gradually, she comes to senses as I show a photo in my mobile. I again kiss her and tell her I am there for her.
I shall explain why I believe I got these 3 small dreams just before I woke up…
Try maximum to wash legs even if you have visited other temples before entering new temple
Yesterday, I had been to Shirdi Saibaba temple in Coimbatore bit early and took one of my friend to a near by Goddess mandir. Once we went inside, I wanted to wash my legs but in this temple, there’s no facility to wash legs in the front side. There’s just a restroom behind the temple where one must walk through a narrow lane. I ignored washing legs, went-in and had good darshan of Ma, Ram-Sita,Radhe-Krishna and Hanuman. While, everything was good. May be, in the first dream Goddess is conveying a message that we must always try to look for place to wash our legs before getting into temple.
Some temples doesn’t give importance to it as there may not have enough space and facility outside temple. But even when there are enough space to construct washing facility, they don’t have one. Devotees too ignore washing legs at times which isn’t right. No matter how busy you are and even if you have visited other temples, if there’s a facility to wash legs, please make use of it.
Now, explaining the second dream.
Here’s a Photo contributed by Shubhi Trivedi

I like this black statue of Shirdi Saibaba
Importance of having prasad given in temple
I usually have prasad given in Nagasai Mandir. Once in a while, when I go to take prasad, they take a small banana leaf and drop 2 scoops of rice. I can’t even eat so much food but will sit in-front of the temple and slowly eat. From that day, I ignored getting prasad if they are giving Sambar rice. Yesterday, When I found they are distributing Sambar rice, I ignored and moved on. Honestly, I just had some food in hotel few minutes back. So I wasn’t hungry too.
May be Saibaba is telling this to me – If you ignore my prasad, then you will get that alone all your life. May be, that’s why I see all my friends keeping only Sambar rice from their plate and makes me eat. He he…its Sai’s way of conveying the importance of having prasad in temple. If you can’t have more, tell them kindly to keep little but try your maximum to have prasad in temple.
I have seen few devotees ignoring temples prasad and going. At-least have a bit or take a little from your friends who already stood in que and got it( If they don’t feel that as disturbance). I wanted to write a separate article about prasad and why is it important to have prasad in temple. Don’t argue with your friends or family members if they are in hurry to leave temple etc to have prasad. If time permits, please have sweets or food offered in temple. It brings you all auspiciousness in life.
Caring for people who are mentally ill washes away your own sins
The third dream must have been shown by Saibaba to make me and all of you understand that mental illness can come to anyone – Mom, Dad, Children,Wife,Husband, Grandparents, relatives and friends etc.
There are some keywords I avoided in StarSai over these 11 years. One of them is “Mental illness, Mentally ill” etc. This is because I am already dealing with people who are into several problems. I don’t have time to personally reply most of the mails. Further, people who go through depression and worst case of mental illness needs someone near them to take care of them. I am also not a certified counselor. Its good for them to go to any good psychiatrist apart from worshiping Shirdi Saibaba.
I will tell you a small story.
Few days back, when my Mom was very sick, I took her to a clinic. It was crowded and there were several patients who had appointment with Doctor before us. I took my Ma outside the clinic and made her sit in the staircase of the complex as she felt like vomiting. After few minutes my neighbor aunty requested the women in the clinic to allow us to see the Doctor earlier. She took pity on my Ma and helped us.
In the evening when I went to the clinic to show blood test, the women taking care of clinic asked if I can give 200Rs to her and I gave her.
Couple of weeks back, when I was walking to Bhadra kaali temple, I suddenly saw this women in clinic. She stopped and told me that her son’s wife had left him and from then, he has been mentally sick. She has already spent 80,000 for several treatments but he’s not improving. I told her “Ask him to go to temples and also find a job as it will divert his mind”
She said “He won’t go temples and also he only wants to be a driver”.
She requested some money (I don’t wanna say how much). I immediately gave it to her as I understood she’s financially not sound.
Many people wonder why I doubt about relationship issues in StarSai? Honestly, the problems in relationship can cause a trauma to several people. It starts with shock, depression, worries and gradually lead to mental illness. We must not ignore people when they are in beginning stage of depression. We must help them realize the truth about life and make them divert their mind.
I even made as a dedication to people who are depressed, worried and mentally ill.
When Sai showed as if my Ma is mentally ill, may be, he wants me to understand the pain people go through when their dear one’s are behaving odd. There are family members who feel embarrassed and shy to even take these people outside. Please be kind to them. They may be rude and harsh and you might have to bear it. All I can say is, be kind to them.
When ever you serve people who are suffering it adds to your good karma. If you say some good words and help people who are mentally ill, be assured, this good karma you do will wash away your own past sins in life. So take it as a way of gaining blessings from God. I am not asking you to leave your other duties and take care of mentally sick people. All I suggest is take few minutes to speak to them and be kind to them. Show them you are there for them. Gradually, you can make them better.
I pray saibaba to heal people who are sad, depressed and mentally ill.
Jai Sai Ram
In those days all saints used to first feed the people as they would break their fast only after Darshan but the days are pretty different today.It’s the same plight in many temples.God bless.
Om sai ram