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Cause and Effect for Sai devotees

Sairam friends,

The theory of Cause and Effect is something I wanted to write forĀ  a long time although I myself have not understood it properly…he he…I simply listen to people speaking about it. One of the things that I have experienced is that, we alone are the cause for the good and bad happenings in our life.

For example –

Cause – Desire to earn money

Effect – The result could be you do a business and earn lots of money

There’s also negative effect

Effect – You invest in a business and have a big loss

So for both these effects, Cause is our desire to earn money.

Like this, for every single effect in our life, there’s a cause which comes from us and also a bigger cause which comes from the almighty who throws us in the playful wordly life.

For every thing we experience in life, there must be a cause. Because of a Cause we go through an effect. The effect could either be pain or pleasure.

For every pain we experience in life, our bad karmic deeds has been washed away.

For every pleasure we experience we are loosing our balance for the accumulation of our Good Karmic deeds.

Hence its more important to keep involving in good deeds when we are happy in life. There are people who lead a comfortable life and suddenly face a problem which they can’t bear. Probably, the time we had enjoying pleasures and happiness could be spent for doing little good deeds we can so that we can make sure our accumulation of Good Karma is always enough.

For every effect, we can assume a Cause is responsible.

For everything we do, a cause could be a desire or a need or our passion.

I am in hurry now friends

so shall write about it later



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1 Comment

  • Are we bound to our karmas? Is God keeping a track of our karmas or god has nothing to do wth our karmas?
    I ve been told, don’t blame god this situation in life is bcoz of ur Karma!”
    Pls explain if yoh have a chance.


    I usually don’t reply directly in comment section and I get too tired when I come home from office. So din’t approved your comment for long..

    here’s the answer..

    God isn’t keeping track of our karma but us. God simply tracks if we are trying to be good and pure so that he can use every opportunity to help us. especially saints like sai are tracking every moment to make sure they can save us and protect us from bonds of karma.

    one of the oldest article in starsai explains



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