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Celebrating Blood Donation

Sairam friends,

Sometimes no matter how sad you are, getting a opportunity to do something good makes you feel happy.  Yesterday, As I was traveling to work, someone from office called up and asked if I can donate blood. Usually, when ever someone asks me to donate blood, I say NO as I can’t commit myself when am busy.

This time, I immediately agreed. There were 2 more guys waiting to go to Hospital.There’s this scientist who was telling us even if they already got enough blood, better donate and come as the patient is bleeding a lot.

I was really upset as the day before I didn’t go to Nagasai mandhir. Surprisingly, the old lady who requires blood is in Ganga Hospital opposite to Sai Baba temple in coimbatore. The other two guys were blinking as its first time blood donation experience for them. I asked them “did you had break fast”. They said “No. We are hungry”

I said “That’s the first question they will ask before donating blood”.

While traveling I was telling my friends about my first Blood Donation experience. My uncle thought am weak and took another staff from Robert Bosch. That guy looks very strong and tall. He said, he had previous experience of donating blood etc. The Nurse in Psg also rejected me. The guy seemed to be cool but after taking the blood sample and asked to go inside the room for blood donation process, he suddenly fainted and fell down. The nurse din’t allowed him to lay down…It seems when people faint we must make them sit or stand and not lay down.

Then he woke up and I was asked to donate blood..

I told these two guys, first you must have breakfast and make sure you are not anxious. If you feel a bit tensed its ok ..just inform them..

As soon as we reached Hospital, I took them Aryas Hotel opposite to Ganga Hospital and we quickly had food.  We then went into the hospital and stood near  a lift. There were 2-3 Doctors standing near by us. I saw a board “Staff Only”….Bulbu….he he

So asked the Doctor, where is the staircase to reach Room No. 240. He showed the one behind us. We knocked the Door. A Man came out with a smile. As we walked towards the blood bank, I asked him how old is the patient, He said 69.

I continued …and she is….”Ya My Mother”… He replied..

Once inside the Blood Bank facility , We filled the form required to understand if we are healthy enough to donate blood. One of the guy had an open heart surgery years back. So I warned him to donate blood only if he feels really good about it.

The Lab technician called my name to take the blood sample. When they pinched my finger with needle, it was very professional.  Very little pain and I enjoyed it…he he. I noticed someone made a doll with some paper kept inside the Lab.

I came out holding the cotton on my finger and the other two guys saw me and asked “Valikuma…Will it pain’ …I said “No it wont’

We were looking at News Paper kept there.

Celebrating Blood Donation

The Nurse called up my name and I went inside to some other room. Every one said “Hello, Its the other room”. I laughed and went inside it. They asked me to wash my hands clean and then lay down in one of the bed.  Now let me describe the environment

There was a T.V. playing some Tamil songs in a Tamil music channel and honestly, It didn’t relax me and I really don’t know which movies had such horrible songs….he he

There was a huge poster of Actor Vikram with captions in Tamil for Tamil nadu government Blood bank site.  I felt, I must look at something divine or think about Gods when I donate blood. There was a very small Photo of Perumal.

The nurse tested by B.P and I prayed Baba…Sai I have come all the way, Please let them not reject me.

The Nurse injected into my nerves and felt very slight pain. She was very good at what she did. The blood started flowing into the bag and I felt Happy. Some kind of excitement especially because I know there’s no other process to fear. Injection is already done …he he

When I saw the color of Blood, I kept chanting “Sai Mahalakshmi, Sai Mahalakshmi” in my mind.

I felt some kind of feeling in my hand as if something is running…one could feel blood going out I believe…Not sure. I am supposed to press the ball kept in my palm which I did. I know the bag will be filled with my blood before they expected. Another staff near by came fast as once the bag reached the weight, it made a vibrating sound.

He asked if the hand band is tight and was very kind. He slowly removed the needle from my hand. Kept  a cotton and asked me to fold my hand and rest there for a while.

Mean while other two guys walked in . I told them this seat is very comfortable. We need such a seat at work between 2 to 4 when we feel sleepy. One of the guy was very anxious. So I told him be cool. Its nice thing to do.

He gave a fake smile.

I walked into the refreshment room and had 2 biscuits and a cool drink they provided.  I wanted to be there for them so that they feel relaxed but the staff asked if am done and asked me to sign. I signed, told them shall wait outside and came out.

Mean while, the Man who’s mother is not under going surgery came in to see if we are alright. He was kind enough to come to see us though his Mom is going through worst pain. I told him, we shall come to meet him near the room and he doesn’t have to worry about us.

I walked around the varanda of hospital and wondered how many people are sick and its so crowded in hospital.

I know for sure one of the guy will surely have some problem. Something in mind told me to be careful. He came out and said, every thing was fine, but after they took blood and removed needle, he was feeling tensed and sweating. I told him if you showed all this signs before hand they must have rejected you. I told him, we must keep our mood happy when we donate blood.

We took the car and reached office. They again wanted to have something. So we had some snacks in canteen. I was thinking why I felt so happy for this today. There must be two reasons

1. Life must have unexpected happenings.

Life must have happenings or events which we don’t expect on a particular day. Rather than sitting in office and doing usual work, I felt good to go out and donate blood.

2. Donating blood itself is a celebration

When I give food or biscuits to children in an orphanage I feel happy to do it. Similarly Blood donation is also a celebration. Its something we can feel happy about. There was a poster in the hospital which read

“God gives you life once but you can give life to to many” – Donate Blood

and another poster

Lets celebrate Blood Donation.

I wish to have a site where we can list Blood donors but there are hundreds of websites already doing it. When ever you need blood use your city name and type in google “Blood donation India”…Blood donation Mumbai etc. You will find some good donors.

The problem with having such website with list of blood donors is that not all will be in good health or mood to donate blood when you need it. When someone calls me for blood donation, i say no when am not in good mood. Its not health, You also need good mood and feel relaxed when you want to donate blood.

Sometimes, people are stuck up with work when they actually can’t donate blood. So understand others situation and keep calling someone who has similar Blood group.

Tell your contacts,

Use social media and also your close friends can help you.

Anyway friends, I liked the patients name – Bhagavathi Ammal….very traditional and very tamil.

Although blood collected might be used for any patient, You will feel satisfied for doing a little good deed.

Wish to write more on health care issues but don’t have enough knowledge. Lets see…

am getting late for work now

This article is dedicated to Blood donors around the world.

Sai blessings



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