Sairam friends,
This morning, I had a dream like this.
I saw a Gujarati Man who has built a house below the ground floor. He takes me to the house under the ground. Then, he asks someone to take me to several Shiva temples situated towards the North of Chennai while I wanted to go to the Shiva temple situated in the south of Chennai. Later, I saw a Shiv Ling which was very divine.
I woke up and tried to understand what Shirdi Saibaba would have tried to convey.
Meanwhile, here’s a photo of Shirdi Saibaba contributed by Joly Mahapatra.

Let’s chant SAI’s holy name for the people of Chennai and Tamilnadu
The past 3 days I was having fear that the water near some houses may ruin the foundation and let the buildings fall down. I prayed Sai to protect innocent people with his holy powers.
The past few days, I was doing a small project in support of Paris,France as I was upset with the terrorist’s attack there. While working on it, I used to wonder if I am not bothered about my own country and my own people suffering.
In the past few years, I wrote about few chanting’s I have done – Visakhapatnam, During U.S Government Shutdown, For good Rain, Tsunami in Japan.
Chanting in mind is a part of my life but only the above issues have been recorded with an article. My first chanting experience is for the Mother of Nature after Tsunami of 2004 which I continued to do for 2 years until 2006.
Anyway, I live in Coimbatore and here, rain isn’t as much as it’s in the coastal areas of Tamilnadu. But when I see the news about how people in Chennai and other towns and villages of Tamilnadu are affected by heavy rain, I wanted to do something about it. As I always say, I have done nothing practically for humanity. Not in these several years of my adventure to planet Earth. The only thing I have done is to pray for people whom I know and don’t know. I chant remembering nature and people.
I decided to chant for the welfare of people in Tamilnadu.
I went to work and kept chanting in my mind. Once, I was at office, I could not chant much as I keep talking or doing something. Later, in the evening, I decided to continue chanting. I went to Shirdi Saibaba temple in Coimbatore, lit 3 lamps and came around the holy dhuni. I started chanting “SAI SAI SAI”.
My friends tried to lit fire in the Dhuni as there was little fire. We took some wooden logs, dropped them in the holy Dhuni and I continued to chant “SAI SAI SAI”. While carrying one of the wooden log, I walked so fast that my friend asked me “Why do you come like a Agori?”…I laughed and said “Yes. I was thinking about being an Agori when I walked like that.
I also thought to myself the meaning of the word agori.
Gori – The one who is fair and beautiful.
Agori – One who is ugly. It probably means the one who gives up the desire to look good and dedicates his life and mind remembering God or specifically Lord Shiva or a pure Guru like Shirdi Saibaba.
I prayed Saibaba to bless these people affected by rain with his warmth. I stood near the dhuni looking at the sacred fire and prayed Saibaba to show his love and care on the people and bless them. While the night Aarti was going on, I sat few minutes in Dwarakamai and meditated.
We all like to watch breaking news on T.V and read articles on the websites. I myself feel that I become inhuman when I see other’s suffering only as a matter of good topic to discuss with friends. Sometimes, Sai beats me over my head with his little satka and asks me to be more human.
I wrote “I tried” to chant especially because I only tried. It wasn’t easy for me to remember my intention to chant the whole day but when ever I remembered, I did it in my mind.
I don’t know what my chanting’s can do but I believe when we think something good with pure mind, certainly something good will happen to people who need it most.
In the holy feet of Shirdi Saibaba.
Sairam, Its a very good effort.. We are also praying for the people of France as well as for our Chennai and other places affected people.. Will also try to follow this chant and ur belief has the power. Don’t worry. God will b wit those affected people and guide them to come out of all the problems they r facing. Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Sufferings shall come to an end.
Om sai ram
Om sai ram…bless us and others