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I am chanting Sai Sai Sai in mind forever…

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I am going through a tough time at work and trying to keep myself busy with other useful stuff I could do on Earth. There was this workshop in IIT Madras on Saturday and Sunday and I really wish to go. I like that campus. I have been there in 2007. My Mom isn’t well and my Birthday falls on November 4th. I felt its good if I am at least near my parents.

From last morning, I am chanting Sai Sai Sai in mind no matter where I go and what I do.

One of my good friends has left work and moving to Bangalore. Whenever I tell him to help me get a better job in Bangalore, he replies “You will be fine here in few days”. Well, I also have that feeling because I can’t leave my parents alone. So I am tolerating everything and being calm. Coimbatore should have an International airport and a few more IT parks for the job market to flourish.

In any case, I am OK with anything. I gave myself 3 months’ time to see what really is going to happen and how this is going to end? The idiot who assumes he his doing Marketing goes on to humiliate me. I can only laugh at him for I know industry standards are different. I heard someone saying “You are trying all this as you came back from the U.S” meaning am showing off.

What can the U.S do a person? It’s just a good country. Basically, it’s my Sister’s effect on me. I saw how hard she works and felt that I shouldn’t accept life as it is.

Anyway, let me see what happens in the end. I have patience. I have seen a  lot in life. From my aspirations to be a Filmmaker to working as a faculty in Filmschool, being a Freelancer, and now working in an organization, it’s been a journey.

I found a job at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. I don’t like Bangalore but love such a campus. (If any of you work there, please let me know). I would at least like to visit IIM Bangalore for some Executive programmes they are running.

Once in a while, I ask Sai why he showed few dreams? I feel it has really ruined my state of mind and took me into depression. No complaints though because I trust there’s a reason for everything in life.

If you are going through some worries or disappointments in life, try to remember Sai by chanting his name in mind. You can continue to do your work, travel, etc but deep in your mind, chanting should be happening.

You will realize the value of chanting only if you do it continuously for 3 days. I have tried it for over 9 days earlier.

( The featured photo is taken in the Badlands, U.S. it’s my Sister’s long time desires to show me Badlands which was inside Ocean for millions of years. My BIL and niece are in sitting on the hill and seem to be tiny!)

Om Sai Ram


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