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Chatur bahu Samanvitha

Sairam friends,

This morning, I was blessed with a very divine dream and I saw Goddess Varahi. She’s in Tirupati and Lord Varaha is considered very powerful by few of his ardent devotees.

So I wanted to write one of my favorite name’s of Goddess Lalithambigai in Lalitha Sahasranamam.

The sacred name “Samanvitha” appears several times in Lalitha Sahasranamam and I was keen in learning its meaning. I believe the “Saman” means equal.  So Samanvitha must have been used for describing the nature of Goddess to perceive everyone, rich and poor equally. This is my own interpretation and I might be wrong.


One of the line’s you can see the word Samanvitha is here…

Chatur bahu Samanvitha

This means, Goddess Lalithambigai has four equally powerful arms and she blesses her devotees with them gracefully. If  a devotee is expecting the Mother goddess to bless him/her once with her palm, they actually are blessed by these 4 divine palms.

The other line’s in Lalitha Sahasranamam where you can see the word “Samanvitha” are

Bhandinyadhi samanvitha – She who is surrounded by Shakthis called Bandhini

Hamsavathi mukhya shakthi Samanvitha – She who is surrounded by shakthis called Hamsavathi

This morning, when I see Goddess Varahi in dream, I don’t join my palm and bow to her as I fear she’s very fierce Goddess. So in second dream, I saw someone applying a powder in my palm saying, “Let his palm get lots of wounds”…Though I laugh when I write this, may be Goddess showed me this dream to convey a message.

We must never get scared of few Goddess and avoid them. They are like universal mother and joining palms and worshiping them, remembering them in heart always brings peace and happiness.

OK I am too late now



You can write me better meanings of Samanvitha if you know it…I think its like..Some times there will be situation where we cannot say who’s right and wrong because both are right. So Goddess takes  a neutral state and blesses both !

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