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Climbing a Temple tower and cleaning it

Sairam friends,

Many times, I had come across this question since my Sister is in U.S “Why don’t you go U.S?”

I tell them that, I like to live in India and near my parents.

Today, I had a dream as below.

It was as if I am in Chennai with my room mates. One of them is preparing for U.S Visa process in U.S Consulate and the other guy too was doing it.

I saw them filing some papers. I was thinking, that I could have joined them to get U.S Visa otherwise, I have to do all this process all alone. I also try to stop them from going away and stay back with me in the room.

We are going in a narrow pathway between buildings. The road has some obstacles and I am trying to use a ladder given by a lady to help us cross the road.

Then, I see myself climbing a temple tower of a sacred Shiva Temple. It was night time and many devotees were walking down, some were sitting after having darshan. I see myself carrying a backpack and some items inside it. I also have a coconut with me.

I am cleaning the temple tower and come down.

Then, I had another dream in which a guy comes and gives me 2 big bags of Fire Crackers. I thought its photography of Diwali but since it was all fire crackers, I call the guy and humbly tell him, I don’t use fire crackers. I give back the fire crackers to him.

That’s it.

The past 2 days, I could not do much because my Amma was not well. I was near her most of the time. On Sunday morning, I went to attend my friend’s brother’s wedding. I shall narrate few incidents later on.

As of now, I wonder why I got such dreams friends. I used to climb up NagaSai mandir’s Gopuram and offer garland to it during festival times. So may be, Sai is remembering me as I did not go to Saibaba temple past 2 days.

My Mom is OK today but Sai has to heal her completely.



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1 Comment

  • Sai Ram. May be Sai is telling he’l clean and remove all problems in your life, like how you helped in cleaning the Gopurams. JAI SAI RAM.

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