Sairam friends,
Its my long time dream to make sure devotees who come to by using Mobile phone must have good readability and peacefully browse contents here. Every time, I tried to do it, I got some errors and was concerned about it. India is quickly moving from desktop to Mobile internet users and I was not able to keep with the trend.
I was worried about it and finally when my parents got me the mobile, I saw StarSai shows good in browser but one can’t read easily. So this morning, I tried to fix it by Sai grace. If you come here through mobile, let me know if you were able to read peacefully.
I kept the images big enough and didn’t shrink it for mobile because photography can express more than what i write. I hope Saibaba protects StarSai and keep both desktop and mobile users happy. If you have problem in viewing by mobile, scroll down click “Click to Desktop view”
While I was working on this, My father called me and asked me to have a look at the Gate. I saw a Cow knocking our Homes Gate with head. My father was writing Sri Ramajayam as his regularly habit in the note book. I went outside to see the cow, ran back to the mobile and took some pictures.
My Mom got some fruits for the Cow saying “All of you come as guest to our Home, First Dog came, ate and went, Now Cow came and knocking to hav
This Cow comes to our home when ever he feels thirsty and stands infront of Gate and knocks with his head…

Sacred Cow having water which my Mom poured in the bucket
My Mom mixes some wheat power or rice etc along with the Water for the Cow.

Cow says More water
My Amma kept pouring water and the Cow asked for More…
Give me More Water !
Not enough
Give me more!
Give me more !
How thirsty the cow must be to dip his face inside the bucket?

Cow Drinking water dipping his face inside the bucket
My Mom got some fruits and Vegetables from kitchen which my Dad is feeding to the Cow.
Seems he is More happy now friends !

Cow eating vegetables happily
Its always Good to feed Animals and Birds. Especially Cows are very sacred and there is a leela where Saibaba saved a Cow from a Butcher.
Have a look at our Animal care site at –
StarSai goes Mobile !
Cow is happy drinking water and am happy StarSai finally looks readable on Mobile Phones. I tried in android. Not sure how it looks in other mobiles. The mobile theme is not great but its able to sense the device you use and shift accordingly. Hope it works well friends.
I went to Nagasai mandhir and was updating the Pictures while standing in que to get the prasad. Writing articles using mobile makes me feel happy but its not as comfortable as using a computer. I can’t align easily and also can’t type fast. So even if i publish in mobile, it requires some editing.
Today is Ekadesi and am happy Cow came to our house to drink water !
Sai blessings
M happy to read this article of Animal i love Every creature of God with Baba Blessing….
Om Sai RAm….