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Sai blessed me with a cute holy Cow in dream

Sairam friends,

I have always been exited about Printing Technology and like to write and publish Books. Yesterday, Myself and my friend went to Printing house and I kept looking at how they do it. Its really an Art. If you are into photography and writing, its good to learn about Printing and creating books.

The past few days, Am always thinking about writing a Book on Shirdi Sai Baba and selling in online. I just worry about shipping cost and the fact that I have to give support to customers. The other issues are handling situations where the Books din’t reach on time etc.  So waiting until Sai approves. There are few things in life that we wanted to do but think so much to implement it.

I din’t go to Saibaba temple as it will be crowded on Thursday. So came home and I was looking at an workshop about “Art of Printing’ . I like the magic of creating beautiful images on a paper.


Holy Cow Kamadhenu also called Surabhi

Sai blessed me with a cute holy Cow in dream

I slept off and had a dream as below…

It was as if myself and my friend were in a Ganesha Temple. He wants to leave,so I send him off. Then I go to a place like a school. I see a very beautiful cute little Cow coming towards me. I feel its going to harm me with its horn but its a very good Cow.The cow was so affectionate and I hug her by neck. Then, I hear my friends name and see Goddess Ashtalakshmi – Eight forms of Mahalakshmi.

When ever I see a Cow in dream, I feel very auspicious. Especially because in various Hindu scriptures Cows are considered to be very holy. In Ancient India, Cows were seen as Mahalakshmi and determines one’s prosperity in life.

Now a days, I don’t get much chance to feed Cows but hope I go it when ever I can. I was reading few articles where some people are not giving respect to Animals and insects. They are pinning  a mini robotic chip over insect to control their activities and harming them. Please pray that human mind learns not to harm any life on earth.

Now a days, I don’t have time to reply mails from Sai children and also since am myself worried, its hard to write to other devotees. I honestly pray for all Sai children who come to StarSai but sometimes, I feel odd. Some devotees are really regretting after doing mistakes that can’t be forgiven. This is why I want all Sai children to think good and do good always. Every word we speak matters to Sai. So let us be careful in what we think, speak and act.

What matters is realizing that Sai is in you and keeping faith. Someday, your life will be good.




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