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I am not alone in desiring to create a transformation in India

Sairam friends,

Firstly, apologies for the typo errors and grammer mistakes in various articles you read in StarSai. Though it takes over an hour to write few articles, I also write in hurry. When I write at night, I am too tired and during mornings, I hurry to start to work. I never proof-read. Only when I read it again, I realize some sentences were framed wrongly. Further, my language skills are average. So kindly tolerate me.

I have no idea why Sai asks me to work in the same organization? Today, there were some issues but I kept calm. I stopped working on my Startup back in November 2017 as I could not focus on two believes. Either, I must believe that I have a life in the place I work or I must completely be focussed on my Startup project. As of now, I believe, my job is important for me.

Last weekend, When I was in office, I met a guy who spoke how bad he feels about the current governance in the state where I live. Later, Today, I spoke to another guy who said that

“Everyone in India must have political interest and we must realize our responsibility to choose right leader”.

After few minutes of conversation with him, I realized that I am not alone.

Many ordinary Indian’s like me are desiring to create a transformation in India. They just don’t know the right way to do it or perhaps, they are busy with their own life. I am atleast happy that in many cities, towns and villages of India, there are people who thinks the way I think. They wanted to do something about it.

Sai asked me to work on my project for India silently without telling anyone immediately. I will keep it as a secret until the right time.

Anyway, I could not write yesturday morning as my Computer and internet had some issues.

I had a 2 dreams yesturday.

1. In the first dream, I see a little boy in first grade. He’s from a rich family and his Mother is around him. He suddenly gets promoted to 5th grade and he’s so happy about it. It was a funny dream though.

2.In the second dream, I see myself in a classroom. I am helping some students to learn Photography. Later, I offer them Coffee. Thankfully, they did not drink the Coffee because it doesn’t taste good. Then, I go to wash the Coffee cup. I see this girl’s friend walking opposite to me and smiling to herself. I mean, She’s not smiling to me but to herself.

That’s it.

While I could interpret the reason for first dream, I shall keep it as a secret as of now.

The second dream is hard to interpret. This is the 3rd or 4th time, I see friend of the girl at my work in dream. When ever I see her friend I wake up and ask “Baba, why are you showing her friend in dream? That too She’s laughing to herself”.

Probably, they are laughing at all the stupidity I did. Nothing wrong though. I look like a fool to myself. Unless Sai can’t prove what he did to me, everyone will only laugh at me.

But I try to be positive and when ever I see this girl’s friend in dream, I believe its a blessing of Lord Shiva because of her name. So today, after coming from Sai mandir, I lit lamp to Shiv Lingam and Goddess Annapurna.

I am going to sleep now.

You don’t have to do anything specific to serve this Nation. Just focus on your work and do it sincerely. When you contribute to the countries economy, you are naturally serving the country.If you want to go one step beyond that, you must read a lot on various issues faced by ordinary Indian’s and pick something that interests you. You can use your free time to work on some project for the Nation. It’s in the way you think.

Thankfully, I am not married and my mind has such thoughts. People who are married, have other responsibilities and hence their mind will never have time for such thoughts.

I have time to think about this country which is feeding me and I am thankful to Sai for that.

Om Sai Ram

Edit – I saw a Documentary film on Kashmir issues and slept off. I had a dream in which I saw conflict in Kashmir but it wasn’t clear. I did not see any specific events nor I got any message in the dream. When ever I convey my dreams to close friends, they tell me their philosophy about dream

“What ever you think before you sleep, appears in your dream”

I want to gather all these people who gave me this advice, hang them upside down and let them remain there until they promise that they won’t force their philosophy into me. he he.

I get so much irritated when people speak as if they are scientists and I am stupid.  I completely stopped sharing my dreams even to close friends. Let me be considered as a phychic but I respect Sai and bow to him for all that he has done to me through dreams.

Such philosophy could be true for others. Not for me at all because my heart and soul belongs to Sai and I always think of Sai. At times, I smile thanking Sai for being with me and hug a Sai book and sleep. Even if I am upset, I still complain to Sai that he doesn’t care for me and sleep. Somehow, I am remembering Sai. So I firmly believe all the dreams I see are from Sai.

Take this for example – I saw Kashmir in dream and I know for sure it wasn’t because I saw the documentary on Kashmir before I slept. This certainly is because Sai wants to communicate to me regarding the issues in Kashmir.

I can give you another example:

I kept telling my friends that I don’t like it that there’s no democracy in China and certainly someday, Chinese will retaliate. The same night, I saw a dream in which I saw there’s complete disorder all over China. It may happen few years from now because innocent people can’t be suppressed forever.


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