Sairam friends,
It was tuesday morning 23rd november 2011. My parents are in U.S taking care of my sisters child katya as my sister is busy with her research work. Here in coimbatore, i am alone going to office for the small job sai gave me in a IT concern.
The day before, I was interested in making a blog for Health care IT as i want to learn a lot. At office i was doing a web research about a new technology which involves sensors to give alert when a elderly person alone at home falls down. I did a complete research about various alert systems but i never sent the mail to anyone.
Everyday sai quotes mail from Srivaidheki :
That night one of my sai friend Srivaidheki who used to take one of the picture of shirdi saibaba and send a newsletter kind of mail to sai devotee friend of hers. The mail looks as below.
To my surprise this purticular mail featured saibaba of my house , sai wearing violet dress my dad stitched in 2007.

If a devotee is about to fall, I stretch out my hands to support him or her – Shri Shirdi SaiBaba
After i come from office, i try to reply mails from Sai devotees and spend very little time to watch srivaidekis mail. This time i stared at it for long because it was a coincidence that i was learning about new technology in healthcare that gives an alert when elderly people fall down and same night i see a quotes of sai with above picture. This happened on 22nd.
Cooking for someone old:
Next day i woke up at 6.30, hurried to keep cooker, rice for dhotappa the old man around 82 years who cleans vessels in our house and sweeps and keeps house clean. Amma asks me to make sure i give something for him to eat. So when parents went to U.S i atleast learnt to make coffee( to match standards of dhottapas taste) , rice and rasam.
My cousin and i used to joke that one day Dhottapa will write a letter saying i am fed up having your rice and rasam. Honestly, i am cooking for myself but i can have in office canteen or hotel but old people needs home food. So though my taste not good, i make sure i wake up early to cook for dhotapa.
Chitappas stay in our house:
My dads younger brother, as we call in Tamil- Chitappa had come home as guest.
The day before he did not have food as his stomach was upset. He is a diabetic patient.On 23rd morning also he made Idly for dhotapa and myself. I did my usuall pooja and played sai kakad aarti in P.C and also skandha sashti kavasam.
Chitappa fainting due to low sugar:
I was about to start to office. It was over 8.15 and just about to move out. Suddenly for some reason i came back again near the wash basin and saw my chitappa walking towards bed and he is walking zig zag as if he cant balance. I ran towards him ..By that time, chitapa fell down , his forehead hit the cart and i was right behind him to hold him as he bounced back by the pain.
I started yelling “Sairam…Sairam…Sairam” still holding my chittapa…
I have done the same to my father in past and this time i do it for my fathers brother.
He said clearly 3 times
After that his body weight was as if hes gone , It was very painful for me to accept it. His neck fell down and he started breathing heaving. There was no one inside home but i kept shouting and yelling sairam…chitappa you have to live for your daughters to see their children…
He kept going down…i mean his pulse as i know his facial expressions. I don’t want this to happen in my home. A guest in Sai’s house can never face a difficulty.
I told him
“I don’t want this to happen in my house”
When i say this hope you understand what i meant…and what was the extrimity of the situation. Probably there was a plan by sai even in the position i holded my chitapa, the Refrigerator was very close to me. I had no difficulty opening it, took out water and made him drink. Then too no growth !
Lord Murugan – Karthikeya – Sai Murugan
What ever way way i call him,i know he has followed me and my family for generations togather as Murugan is our kula deivam.
3 weeks back my cousin Ram had gone to Palani Murugan hill temple and bought Panchamrutham ( sacred prasad of Murugan) in a tin. His parents took it for me 1 week back and used to have a little of panchamrutham every night.
I realized my chitappa is not able to come to conciousness because of low sugar. I can’t drop him to take sugar from kitchen. So i took the panchamrutham which has lots of sugar content and fed him in his mouth.
It did work friends but i had to wait a minute.In that one minute when he was going down more, i realized its over !
I dragged my chittapa saying sairam..sairam sairam….and took him 4-5 feet near hall. Suddenly i realized the panchamrutham has worked and chitappa is starting to come back to conciousness.
“I will save my devotees from the jaws of death”
some where in Sai satcharitra you find this assurance from sai and many times sai has proved it to me friends. I know Sai and Lord Murugan has proved how powerful is Panchamrutham. It gave life back to my chitappa.
The words i yelled Sairam sairam sairam is the mantra and the panchamrutham is the medicine that saved my chitappa.
I called fathers friend Sivasubramaniam uncle who was too kind, took chitappa to doctor and doctor said if sugar is 316 then its due to panchamrutham( venkat smiles) and he is safe now and medicines are not necessary. Well, He is a good doctor and knows what he is doing. Adviced my chitappa not to skip food anymore.
we reached home…chitappa said he had mental stress due to which he fainted…
I opened the sacred book Sree pada sree vallabha charitramrutham – a 13th century incarnation of Lord Dattatreaya. It speaks about the Greatness of Adumbara tree. In tamil Athi maram.
“When the time of death approaches, i will make my devotee face lots of mental agony and put him to shame. I will provide the life force from adumbara tree during the devotees worst time and once their bad time is gone, their actual life force is restored. “
I changed above assurance in my own words as i don’t want to copy the content exactly. Please buy this sacred book from pithapuram – sri pada sree vallabha sanathan.
True to above assurace, my chittapa had fight with the person building the house of his daughter who keeps asking too much money and he had lots of stress.
Offering lunch to sai and lord Dattatreya – Sree pada Sreevallabha and Lord Murugan:
I wanted to thank all 33 crore gods for saving us and our offered a bannana leaf in my prayer room..kept rice,sambar etc and then had some for myself and some for crow.
My chitappa had tears in his eyes thinking about how kind was sai to save him.
After lunch, i showed him the mail from Srivaideki with the assurance…
If a devotee is about to fall, I stretch out my hands to support him or her – Shri Shirdi SaiBaba
He really felt happy that Sai only has saved him.Its sai who made me come back into house when i already was about move out to office. I noticed chitapa about to fall down and ran to hold him from his back or he would have had fallen and hit back of his head also on floor. Atleast the cart had soft cloths on it friends.
How can i thank saibaba of shirdi for this leela..
Is there something i can do to thank Murugan for sending us the panchamrutham and making me get idea to feed it in chitapas mouth in that moment we never know what to do next.
How can i thank Sree PadhaSree Vallabha who am sure sent the life force from his sacred Adumbara tree to save my chittapa.
My usual seva in Nagasai mandhir – offering garland to Sai on top of temple:
As usual i went to Nagasai mandhir , climbed on top of the temple and offered garland to all 5 big baba. I called chitapa from terrace near Gopuram and enquired if hes safe as i left him alone in home. He said hes fine and happy to hear from me.
I plucked few Neem tree leaves as usual…4-5 leaves and came home !
(In temple i also met a old man who has personally met Narasimha swamiji in 1950s in mylapore saibaba temple, chennai and today he had finished parayan of sai satcharitra, so gave him a big sai photography i did as gift..he was sooooo happy)
Sai has also saved my sister !
In temple i was telling my sai friends…sai is doing leela but we people have so much desires, we want sai to perform many leela on same day. we are so cunning and never satisfied.
My parents called up from U.S and i told them everything. Asked my parents to take care of their health as its winter and only sai has to keep them safe. My parents said , the day before, my sister Indra also worked day and night for her Research work and fainted in Lab itself.
One of her friend has found her in same position for long and shocked to see her almost unconcious state. So took her home safely. Indra had neck pain and works day and night. Sai really has saved Indra also friends.
So thats 2 Sai leela friends…
In India…..i helped my chittapa by sai grace…thousands of miles away in America some girl has helped my sister to reach home safe.
Moral of the story !
The good deed you do some day some where,reaches you or your family living somewhere,some day or the same day, the same moment!
My parents were worried but they also believed its Sai who protected us..
Coming back to the new technology in medicine, healthcare, IT to help elderly people and sick people.
I agree Doctors are doing their best and we need them…Scientists ..research scholars like my sister and Brother in law are doing their best too and the people in Healthcare Tech too are doing their best but
beyond all this,
We need path of Love and Path of Devotion.
The path Saibaba of Shirdi showed me friends.
Imagine how great it will be if every son, daughter decides to keep their parents safe in their old age and watches every move they make carefully.will there be so many cases of elderly people falling down?
Doctors, Technology and scientists are a must but if we have love, that alone will work wonders.
Secondly, the path of devotion – Guru bhakti is essential ..
Atleast in old age, try to remember any favourite God you love. Honestly i can’t say ‘Any” Guru because modern saints/gurus can’t be trusted. My guru is sweet and i know my Saibaba of shirdi can be the greatest Guru for every life on earth but its your own wish to cage him in your heart or move to modern Gurus.
My chitappa was busy with his government work all his life but atleast these few days i spent with him , i reliazed he developed his love for sainath and sai gave him the best gift he and his daughters could ask for.
Something i wish to share from bottom of my heart friends.
I never thanked Sai the way i must have because his leela is taken for granted or i din’t realize how hard it is for saints to do such leela- Miracles.
When i was in saibaba temple this evening, i would have shed tears and thanked him , saayeeeeeeeeeeee…you did this ! but I din’t.
Thats why i sat back late night and started writing all that happened friends because i know when i write. I shed tears.
I know i have thanked Shirdi Saibaba, the way he should be.
With my tears !
I have nothing to give you Sai and i am always receiving from you and millions of shirdi saibaba devotees are, If only they know what you mean when you say
“If a devotee is about to fall, I stretch out my hands to support him or her”
Be it a relationship problem or health issues or problem in studies and career or any pains that you are facing now,Friends, always remember Shirdi saibaba with love.
simply chant “Sairam sairam sairam” in mind when ever you feel like…
You will realize Sai will never let you fall and if you do, he will stretch out his hands to support you.
Sai. Hold me tight ! I love You !
always in the holy feets of shirdi saibaba
Sairam bless you always 🙂
I feel very Happy anna 🙂 Baba is always Great! You send me this mail on thursday, Due to the heavy work in office, i was unable to go Baba’s temple very first time on last thursday, I was worried a lot and came to office. But as soon as I saw ur email I felt very happy 🙂 🙂 Thanks a lot Anna
Sai Bless you forever! You saved a life! You are really Great Anna
Om Sai Ram… Let sai Baba’s miracles continue forever. I am so happy for you all 🙂
I was there in Shirdi last weekend and had a wonderful dharshan from Sai Baba Mandhir. Last night only I reached Chennai and today, I gone thru the leelas/miracles of Sainath.
Thanks to Srivaidekhi for sharing the SAI leelas…
Om Sai Namo Namah
Sri Sai Namo Namah
Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah
Sathguru Sai Namo Namah…
Om Sai Ram,
Sai Avinash
||Jai gurudeva Datta||
||Om sai ram||
Thanks for sharing the experience. We mere human might forget a Guru when we are enjoying life. But a Guru will never leave you alone when his devotees are in trouble. He is so kindhearted and caring towards his bhaktas. Thats why he is called as “Smartrugami” (one who comes running just by remember his name). And what you said about sacred “Audumbara tree” is 100% true. Lord Datta always lives under the shades of the tree and also the atti fruit is favourite of Lord Narasimha. I too feel blessed to have a audumbara tree in a park just 100 meters away from my house.. I usually do a namaskara to the tree in my mind as and when I pass through this sacred tree. Thanks a lot to sweet lord Datta and sainath for blessing millions of his devotees all over the world and taking care of them.
||Avadhoota chintana gurudeva Datta||
||Sainath Maharaj ki jai||
Thank you very much for shring this. May Sairam bless all with peace,good health.
thanks a lot.. its true some times one think of much as self but might saibaba is saving stretching his hands and supporting…if i ever hurted baba thinking much about self than i am sorry..thanks a lot,sai is always helping stretching the hands keeping the devotees safe the true vision should b to see baba s goodness and not again again thinking why baba has not given me what i want..this is true baba hold the hands some stretch the hand and bring us back to the proper place which is destined to us.
aumsairam……..hope i now never give anymore pain to baba after reading this site i think one should b always thankful to baba and completely surrender self to baba,,,whatever happens is baba s accord and baba is always going to do good to his devotees…aumsairam
I am from Doha -Qatar. My parents and myself are great devoteesof Sai Baba. I am in 10th grade now…
I don’t really know why my Mom & Dad forces me to write Sri Rama Jeyam. The truth is , I deseperately want to Write ‘Sai Ram’ but I just don’t feel like going and telling them. I don’t really know why I don’t want to write Sri Rama Jeyam…Someone help me out…I get irritated whenever my Mom forces me to write.
Tell me something more about devotion so that I won’t get irritated. Help me out.
Sai Ram…Sai Ram.
Greetings from Qatar,
I would like to share this beautiful experience I had just last month when I went to Shirdi…. I had one tension regarding my sister’s baby boy who is just 3 mnths old and was admitted in hospital from past 3 days. He had urine and blood infection and was getting high fever any time. Doctor took his blood urine reports and sent Mumbai to check and said will get back only on Thursday. My sister and me are strong devotee of Sai and had faith that Sai is the only one who will heal him completely. We were all praying for him only all the time. We also applied Sai udi on his body so that he recover soon.
I, my cousin and one of my friend had planed to go to Shirdi. We reached Shirdi on 28th March ’12. After taking darshan of Sai we went around and had nice time in doing prayer and moving around the temple. On wednesday at around 8:00pm we got a call from a friend who is not much close to us and he said to attend Kakad Aarti on Thursday morning without fail and also do abhishek pooja of Sai. Its very good to attend same on Thursday. I wanted to do abhishek pooja as I never miss it when I was in my home town. Every Thursday I used to go to nearby Sai temple and do abhishek pooja but in SHirdi I had no idea where to contact. So he guided us what and how to go about it. We enquired at enquiry office in Shirdi Temple and decided to do Abhishek pooja next morning.
After that we went in our room to sleep and decided to attend Kakad arati. We had to reach temple by 12:00 midnight to stand in que so that norning we could reach inside the temple directly other than waiting in the hall. I kept alarm on my cell at 11:30pm and my cousin at 11:40pm. We went to sleep exactly at 10:00pm and were very tied also. When first my alarm started ringing I switched it off thinking I’ll sleep for more 5 minutes but I didnt getup only. Then my cousin alarm rang and same thing he did. Now no alarm so it was shure we would end up in sleeping only and getup only in the morning. Suddenly at around 11:50pm someone started banging our door. I shouted whose there but there was no response and again we went to slip for a while. After 10:00min excact at 12:00 midnight again someone started banging our door and this time more harder. Again we all gotup from bed with fear and I shouted whose there and again there was no response. This time we all lost sleep completely and immediately I called Reception to check who is banging our door. In 5 min a reply came from them that we have forgotten our room key outside the room and that time their housekeeper was passing from that side and he banged the door. There can be any reason but I know this was final Sai’s alarm to wake us up as we were completely slipy and were not getting up. Sai also wanted us to attend us Kakad Aarti so this was his miracle only. After that we immediately had bath and all and went temple. With full devotion I read Sai Satcharitra seating in waiting hall and morning we attended Sai Kakad Aarti with full devotion. After Aarti we did Abhishek Pooja. This time also I said in my mind to Sai to make my sister’s son completely alright and his reports also to come normal, When we finished pooja and all we went in room and when I checked my cel the first message which my sister text me just 1/2 hr back that doctor said baby will be discharged today and reports are also normal, This was second miracle Sai did for me. Sai heard my prayers and We were very happy. Its realy true Sai always take care of his devotees and never leaves them. Sai was with me all the time and showed me lot miracles and his presence thourgh some or the other incidence when I was in Shirdi. It was great experience at Shirdi, Realy Sai is great……………..and I love him always…….. May Sai bless all his childrens like this. Om Shri Sainathay Namah…
SriSaiDeva, I left all my problems at your feet. But still am worried. Heart is not getting console ma. I feel really worried about my degree, career and marriage. Marriage i left at your feet baba. Now i realize the value of parents and life. Baba, give me a understanding and matured pair in my life. Baba, days are passing on, parents are getting aged too. Please give me the grace, shower ur blessings for marriage Baba. Yeah baba, Please shower ur blessings.
After 25, if a girl is not married, it is really a burden to parents. age factor, society factor n so… Baba, give me strength to face any situations in life. Be in my conscious forever saideva.
Dear Divya. Om Sai Ram.
Please light lamp in the feet of Shri Sai every Thursday. Surrender to him completely. He will take care of every thing.
Thank you Kanti Ji… 🙂
baba pls bless me and pls solve my problem.
Hold our hands Baba… Give us life… Save My Husband.
Sai i feel your presence……….