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Devotees Experience: Sai Baba’a blessings for baby

Sairam friends,

Last night I went to Nagasai mandhir, was standing in car park under a tree in a corner where its dark and looking at the mandhir. I must tell you that on thursdays Sai is busy with thousands of his devotees. So I never go inside the temple unless such situation occurs. I feel its better to stay in distance and think about my life and Sai.

Then I came home and was about to work on a project. Suddenly I felt dizzy and thought I will be fine. But I continued to have giddiness all the night. My Ma gave me something to drink and I feel little better when I woke up. Don’t know why one after other something happens to me these days.

A devotee mailed me with following experience. I think she’s from Malaysia as she used the word “Sai center” instead of temple.

Sai blessings for a baby

“Sai Ram Friends,

I am going to share this experience which happened yesterday.

Somebody told me that bring home baba’a blessed coconut and consume it ,surely I will be granted with baby.As I have been desperate for the baby,I took two coconuts for baba and thought i will bring one coconut back home.
I visit sai center every tuesday for volunteer work.After finishing my work,I remembered about the coconut and went to pandit ji to have it as a prasad but,both coconuts have been given to someone else. I was very upset as I really wanted the blessed coconut.

I was very disappointed and went back to my kitchen work. As, I was leaving for home, few devotees came,all offered baba with coconut.I was so surprised and seemed like Baba saying to me”you wanted one coconut ,you can take all of them home” Baba is so great, he acknowledges even the small little things we wish for.
I was so delighted, took one coconut home and kept praising Baba.

I am sure he will bless me with lovely baby soon………….

I wish to post the below Sai Leela from Sri Sai Satcharitra

Mrs. Aurangabadkar

A lady from Sholapur, wife of Sakharam Aurangabadkar had no issue during the long period of 27 years. She had made a number of vows of Gods and Goddesses for an issue, but was not successful. She then became almost hopeless. To make a last attempt in this matter, she came to Shirdi with her step-son Vishwanath and stayed there for two months, serving Baba. Whenever she went to the Masjid, she found it full and Baba surrounded by devotees. She wanted to see Baba alone, fall at His feet and open her heart and pray for an issue, but she got no suitable opportunity.

Ultimately she requested Shama to intercede with Baba for her when He was alone. Shama said to her that Baba’s Darbar was open, still he would try for her and that the Lord might bless her. He asked her to sit ready with a cocoa-nut and joss-sticks on the open courtyard at the time of Baba’s meals and that when he beckoned to her, she should come up.

One day after dinner, Shama was rubbing Baba’s wet hands with a towel when the latter pinched Shama’s cheek. Shama feigning anger said, “Deva, is it proper for you to pinch me like this? We don’t want such a mischievous God who pinches us thus. Are we Your dependents, is this the fruit of our intimacy?” Baba replied, “Oh Shama, during the 72 generations that you were with me, I never pinched you till now and now you resent my touching you”. Shama, “We want a God that will give us ever kisses and sweets to eat; we do not want any respect from You, or heaven, balloon etc. Let our faith unto Your Feet be ever wide-awake”. Baba, “Yes, I have indeed come for that. I have been feeding and nursing you and have got love and affection for you”.

Then Baba went up and took his seat. Shama beckoned to the lady. She came up, bowed and presented the cocoa-nut and joss-sticks. Baba shook the cocoa-nut which was dry. The Kernal within rolled and made a noise. Baba said, “Shama, this is rolling, see what it says”. Shama, “The woman prays that a child might be similarly rolling and quickening in the womb. So give her the cocoa-nut with Your blessings”.

Baba, “Will the coconut give her any issue? How people are foolish and fancy such things!”
Shama, “I know the power of Your word and blessing. Your word will give her a string or series of children. You are wrangling and not giving real blessing”.

The parley went on for a while. Baba repeatedly ordering to break the coconut and Shama pleading for the gift of the unbroken fruit to the lady. Finally Baba yielded and said, “She will have an issue”. “When?” asked Shama. “In 12 months” was the reply. The cocoa-nut was therefore broken into two part, one was eaten by the two, the other was given to the lady.

The Shama turned up to the lady and said, “Dear madam, you are a witness to my words. If within 12 months you do not get any issue, I will break a cocoa-nut against this Deva’s head and drive him out of this Masjid. If I fail in this, I will not call myself Madhav. You will soon realize what I say”.

She delivered a son in one year’s time and the son was brought to Baba in his fifth month. Both husband and wife, prostrated themselves before Baba and the grateful father (Mr. Aurangabadkar) paid a sum of Rs.500/- which was spent in constructing a shed for Baba’s house “Shyamakarna”.

Bow to Shri Sai – Peace be to all


Hope you liked the above Sai leela. It shows Sai’s blessings is not in what we get from him like a flower, coconut etc. Its in his words which comes true. Sai’s assurance will surely come true and I believe Sai is taking care of his devotees with love he alone can show.

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Am in hurry



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  • dear all sai devotees

    what I pray to SAI is to give venkatji a good life and make him happy – more importantly – HIS PARENTS.

    if venkatji is sad, then it means that ALL OF US ARE SAD.


  • Dear sai,i came across this story of this woman who wanted a baby and your words came through and she got her baby.I am just like her,helpless and wishes for a child my self.I was trying for years and still not pregnant i really for one of sai devotee plead with him for a gift of a child for me also i will be grateful to him forever.

  • Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
    shree Sachinanand sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
    Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai

    Sai Baba Thank you for your gift and I pray to you for your support and guidance. Please be with me and guide me and support me. Sai Baba Thank you for the baby. I prayed to Sai Baba for a child and I was supposed to know I was expecting. It was all chamatkar of Sai Baba and without HIS blessings this was not possible. All miracles are due to the blessings of Sai Baba.

    I wanted to obtain a PhD funding to study, I got from my company which does not do such funding and Research and development and yet by Sai Baba’s Grace I was able to recieve it. It was a miracle of Sai Baba. My husband found an internal job and changed team as his old boss was difficult to work with and my husband was loosing his confidence and by Praying to Sai Baba in one week he got a another job in same company another team.

    The new boss was very co-operative and my husband’s confidence was regained. Both me and my hubsnad are very thankful to Sai Baba and we both pray to Sai Baba for his mercy and support. Sai Baba always helps his devotees. My husband also found another job in consulting field which he wanted to do and move his career for better prospects. Without an Mba this was very difficult and nealry impossible. again by Sai Baba’s grcae he found a job in consulting without having to do MBA and spend the money which we were struggling to afford at the time. He also moved his company to a better reputed company.

    There are so many miracles Sai Baba has shown and HE is the almighty. the deva the guru the father. I am so thankful to Sai Baba for this gift of baby. I pray to Sai Baba with my heart. I ask for forgiveness if I have made any mistake knowingly or unknowingly. Sai Baba please keep me in your sharan.

    I bow in Sai Baba’s Lotus Feet and pray with humbleness. I am thankful to Sai Baba. Please keep faith and have patience. Sai Baba always HELPS HIS DEVOTEES. even if it feels impossible Sai Baba’s Leelas are unlimited and very divine.

  • Dear All,
    Sai Baba always helps HIS devotees. Please pray to HIM. Do not leave Sai Baba’s path of guidance. Sai Baba has HIS ways of being with and helping devotees. Have faith. I was also crying a lot for baby and I was surprised to know SAi Baba’s grace this was possible. Pray to Sai Baba and believe in Sai Baba and HIS power of UDI.

  • OM Sai NAmoha OM Sai Namoh Jai Jai Bolo Sai Namoh. Shreee Sachinanand SAdguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Anantkoti Brahmanda Nayak Raja Thi Raja Yogi Raja Parahbrahma Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki JAi. Anantkoti Brahmandanayak Rajathi raja yogi Raja Parahbrahma Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai

  • baba, pls bless me.. i am hoping to to have a baby since long time .. i earnestly request you baba…

    Pls help me..

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