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Devotees who lived with Saibaba in dream and a message for people who are worried about relationship issues

Shirdi Saibaba
Written by venkatraman


I was really depressed yesterday and worried a lot. I felt it very painful and told Baba to show me a way.

Devotees who lived with Saibaba in dream

Sai blessed me with a dream as if i walk in a beautiful pilgrimage destination. It was like a street with shops and houses on both sides. People who met and lived with Saibaba during his lifetime in Shirdi are all living here in this imaginary village I saw in dream. Every one were busy and I saw only 2 devotees. One is Kakaji Vaidya and another is Bala Shimpi. I honestly don’t remember their faces but hear their names very clearly.

I see the house of Kakaji Vaidya (Priest of Sapthashringi Devi in Nasik district) and Bala Shimpi. It was painted in a vibrant grey color with colorful decoration in the front portion.

I walk in an area like a market. I see Kakaji Vaidya was doing pooja of Goddess Sapthashringi Devi. Few devotees were sitting around him. This Dapthashringi Devi was a small statue and they had offered flowers to her. Kakaji Vaidya smiles to me gracefully and I smile back to him. Then I walked ahead and saw my uncle. He gives me prasad and says it’s from a temple in Rajasthan. It’s like some jeera inside which I have and tastes sweet.

I see myself in a house where some people there have past memories. The parents in the house are saying nobody gave proper guidance to their children to choose the right stream of education and hence their life is not good. Then, I see a guy who’s very rich having many birds with him. One of the bird is very beautiful. I feel like always watching the bird. It has long neck and beak. It kept opening the beak asking for food.

Then I go to the balcony and see many men and kids playing in a huge mountain of sand. They are using some stuff to stake in the mud. Then, I desire to have a cute bird near me so that I can always watch it.

I put it in a box and bring it to Bala Shimpi’s home. As soon as I open the box, its long neck peeps out and Birdie starts to make sound asking for food. I suddenly realize that I took the bird without asking permission from the owner and it’s like stealing. So I get scared and plan to take the bird back to its owner. Meanwhile, the bird was trying to move to the roadside. I tell him “Do not go to road. It’s not safe”

I woke up and heard lots of birds chirping near my house!

I don’t know what this dream means friends. I just shared them because it was so vivid and true to life. I searched for the bird Sai showed me dream and I assume its Great Egret.

We must care for animals and birds. Please do whatever you can to keep them happy as it makes Sai happy too.

Great Egret

Great Egret – Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

A message for people who are worried about relationship issues

Firstly, Sai Saibaba photo sent by Sai Murali

Shirdi Saibaba

Shirdi Saibaba

Here’s a mail I received from a Sai friend of mine. It’s embarrassing because she wrote lots of good things about me but to be honest, I am yet to find the good karma which Sai expects me to do for years.

Sairam Friends,

A few days back I sent an email to Venkat explaining my worries and how I believed Baba for overcoming those with wisdom, strength and positive thoughts by seeking our SAI’s blessings. Actually I am facing few hardships in my love life due to some family problems at his(my boy friend’s) home. Though he has some problems I thought he will be very strong enough to face those at his home and give the same confidence to me. For some days he was really strong and told that he will try hard in his home but as the problems were becoming big day by day, he started avoiding me and he told that he cannot give me any hope as he is not sure of what will happen in his home.

Maybe even I might have done the same if I’m in his position as we cannot go against our parents but still all I thought after knowing about those problems is, he can even try after sometime when everything is fine at his home. I was praying Baba that the situation at his home should be normal and that they should accept me finally but it didn’t happen. So, I too lost complete hope at one point and felt very depressed. I couldn’t  eat, sleep or work properly. Then I prayed Baba that I should not be like this and whatever might be the case I need some peace of mind and strength, praying like that I started reading Sai Satcharitra.

And 2 days before I started reading Sai Satcharitra, I found this site while I was browsing for that book. It seems to be very inspiring and good to read all the articles written by Venkat. I was much moved, I thought okay I’m not the only one suffering like and there are many others like me, and all they last for finally is baba’s blessings. So, I wrote about me and my relationship with that guy to Venkat and I never expected even a reply from him. I know he will be getting many emails like this every day but still, I felt like sharing my story with him.

Out of my wonder, after few hours, I got a reply from him and I got a chance to speak with him in a call. I called him and explained everything about my problem. He spoke with me very nicely. He shared with me many such incidents and how baba has helped them in those situations and everything.

I felt even more confident after speaking with him and thought I should accept the result whatever it is. Even if it is not favoring me, I thought baba will surely show me a way to come out of it. Keeping this confidence in me, I spoke with my boy friend yesterday and asked him what are his future plans. I asked him whether he will try in his home seriously after some time or he is planning to leave me.  I know still he has that love towards me which he cannot forget that easily and expecting a positive reply. He felt very bad for hurting me all these days.

Though he has been avoiding me all these days, yesterday he told me confidently that he will try in his home and he never wants to lose me. After hearing his confirmation I felt somewhat relieved and I really thanked 3 people in my life for this.

1. Baba 2. My best friend and 3. Venkat without whom I would have never got this confidence and positive thoughts in me. I still don’t know how situations will be in the future when we talk about our marriage in our homes but i got that confidence in me now that baba will help me. So fingers crossed, I’m hoping for the best to happen 🙂

I appreciate Venkat’s work in helping the baba devotees through this site. Am really proud of you Venkat.

Thanks for everything…!!


So what’s the message here?

Its accepting whatever happens in life and living strong internally. Saibaba is a miracle worker but please be practical in some issues. Be very practical and see whats good for you and your family. Do not waste your time for people who don’t care for you or for people who are in a situation to go by their parents words. In India, Marriages happens based on 1000 factors and parents are the 1st factor. You can’t always convince them. So its OK to help your soul mate move on. My only piece of advice is, if you are married to someone, do not look back at your Ex girlfriend or boyfriend. These days, many people do this mistake.

Once you are married, focus on your life with your husband/wife and break all contacts with past. I believe this is good for your life.

I stopped replying to emails and never give my number to devotees since I am also an ordinary devotee and my guidance may not be appropriate. I simply pray for people who write me. Very rarely, I write back to devotees these days since I am also going through some issues. Anyway, the message I have always spread through my articles was “Accepting what ever happens in life and feeling satisfied with what we have”.

Some people think its negativity but its actually learning to live in peace even if something doesn’t happen. I always take the “Neutral” stand as I don’t know what’s good for my life. So if something works well as I desired, well and good. If something doesn’t happen, we still have to accept it. The problem with we people is that we think Sai is supposed to do what ever we ask for. It might sound genuine desire for us but some issues are not in Saibaba’s control and maybe we have a better life in future. So accept whatever happens and continue to stay the good person you are.

You might ask “If Sai cannot fulfill my desire, then why is he there for?” . The answer is

“A Guru thinks futuristic. What might sound to be happiness today may be a wrong decision after 5 years.” 

Especially in relationship issues, do not be attached to your desires. Let your heart accept the uncertainty in life.

You will be blessed. You are special because you are reading this. I believe this is first step towards a peaceful life. Your happiness must be in yourself and not in the decision of someone else.

Sai ki jai


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  • You definetely need sai support at this time swaroop garu… always remember sri sai. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

  • Our tendencies to reason stops at the very sight of Baba like Kakaji Vaidya called it the bliss of Darshan.

  • Anna,
    You are doing a great service. I have been following this site from 2012. Sai came to my life one afternoon at work,through and whenever I am down, I visit your site. May Sai be with you and everyone who pray to him. Thanks Anna.
    Sai Ram

  • Om sairam

    U r great venkat u r guiding directly or indirectly that helps to lead their lives very well without any confusion. thank u for your guidance.

    Om sairam

  • You are doing a great service. I have been following this site from July 2016. Sai came to my life in July 2014 one week before my birthday. I’m not so close to baba but every thursday i go baba temple and pray but since i start to visit your website there is so many changes in my life journey with baba. I love to read sai satcharitra. Daily in my office first thing in the morning i must visit your site. May Sai be with you and everyone who pray to him. Thanks Venkat.

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