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A diamond for your diamond, who is the light of your life, Your Wife!

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

There’s no saint in this whole universe like my Shirdi Saibaba. I don’t know what’s going to happen in my life but I can assure you that what ever I have been doing in the past 2-3 month, irrespective of how irrelevant it is to reality, I realized Sai took care of even very little thought process in my mind and answered me. Its worth getting confused when my Guru continuously shows his presence and asks me to be calm and bear it all.

The problem is these dreams confuse me to core as I am not able to move on with my life. I know reality has nothing to do with me. So why Sai is doing this to me? What Sai expects from me so that I can satisfy him? Sai wants me to live in such imagination forever? I am trying to understand what Sai wants me to do every single day.

A feeling of living a Virtual life

Because of this incident, I started getting a feeling that even whole wordily life is a dream and what ever we see in reality doesn’t exist. To me its like a video game simulation. People who walk around, who speak to me and whom I like. All this seems to be per-determined. We call it life. I can’t even tell anyone what I am going through because that’s the relationship between Sai and myself. May be, my time isn’t good and I am suffering. After few days, I will come out of it and be relaxed.

Another way to explain this to myself is that until the sins I would have done to someone in some birth is completely washed away, I am supposed to suffer like this. May be, I did lots of sins that Sai continues to confuse me. May be, he’s clarifying me but to me its totally unreal.

You are married to live in peace not to misunderstand, argue and hurt each other

Anyway, the past few years, I occasionally get mails from married girls saying their husband isn’t taking care of them, they got separated etc.  At times, even Men write to me saying their wife isn’t kind to them. Some girls write me to take decision if they should go for divorce or stay united. Spiritually speaking, it is not right to guide anyone to separate. So I always recommend to stay united for few more months and see how it goes. On the other hand, Some girls tells me stories about how much their husband has hurt them with annoys me.

I won’t directly ask them to split but tell them that their freedom is important and they must take decision based on advice of their parents because I am a total stranger to you. Only people who love you can understand your situation better and help you take right decision.

It’s surprising…Sai continues to show me dreams with songs

Yesterday, I had a dream of a Tamil song. While I was at work, I searched for lyrics of this song in a site. That site had an Ad for DeBeers Diamond. It was such a beautiful copy “Ek Heera appke Heere keliye“. Did you understand how I try to get message from Sai dreams.

It’s like a Chain.

A song in dream..

I go search for its lyrics

I find an Ad in the site

And I get inspired to write this article and assume that its the message Sai wants to tell me.

Call me stupid. I am crazy. I don’t know to laugh or cry thinking about the way I trust Sai’s words. It means my life.

 Diamond earring

I love this expression when her husband gifts her a Diamond earring

Earlier, I had a dream in which I heared the words “Do not trust Diamond. Your Diamond is your soul” I wrote about it in this link – Get rid of depression. Start Something Fresh!

I was upset about the dream but yesterday I was happy when I found this caption in the ad about Diamond. I kept telling myself “What a beautiful way to describe a Women? I wish I could write so beautifully”. At night, I reached Saibaba temple, lit lamps and distributed prasad to devotees after Shej Aarti.

I am really surprised why some people have to argue and misunderstand when they marry to begin a beautiful phase in their life? Will I also behave like this to the girl I marry because I too get annoyed easily. May be, that’s why Saibaba is teaching me the value of a girl in life by all this sufferings. If I had married a girl I love easily before years, Probably, I would have hurt her. It’s not my nature to hurt anyone I love but we never know how I might have changed.

Now, after all these sufferings Sai has personally spoke to me in dreams that the girl you marry is precious as a ‘Diamond” and you must take care of her.

It’s not a message for me. I believe its a message for all of you.

The girl you marry is like a diamond in your life. She brings light in your life. Take care of her with heart and soul

Please don’t argue, misunderstand and write to me asking for guidance. It hurts Saibaba when you hurt your husband or wife and do any mischief. Kindly, try to live in peace.

Its easy to write and hard to live in harmony because such arguments arises only since there’s incompatibility between a Man and a Women. In such cases, I believe your prayers to Sai and chanting his name will show you the right path. Have you noticed, I use the word “Love” so much in my articles?

Sai is all about “Love”

The moment you start to hate or hurt someone, it injures Saibaba’s heart.

“Love your wife for she’s your precious Diamond. Love your Husband because he knows you are precious Diamond who brings light in his life.”

Hope that makes my day.

I took a little Saibaba photo to my terrace and did some photography for all of you. I plucked some flowers at 6.30 in the morning decorated sweet little Sai!

Sai Sky

Sai Sky

The white flower kept falling down because of breeze


Sai Baba and his little white flower

The branches of Neem tree infront of my house is blurred (Like my life…he he)


Saibaba and Neem tree infront of my house behind him

And here’s Sai with blurred Coconut tree in my house behind him


Sai – Show me a way Baba

Now get close to Baba

Saibaba white

Make my heart white as the flower I offered you Saibaba

This article and photography is dedicated to Sai children who truly love their Husband and Wife!

Because Sai is all about “Love”


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