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If it din’t happen to me, it’s not at all a problem

Saibaba portrait
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I was thinking why none of us are really bothered about the problems faced by several thousands people. Example – There are few who are affected by rain, wind, poverty, relationship, bad career etc. We simply lead our life and believe everything is normal. We just see other’s problem as a breaking news or part of “their life” which they have to “handle”. I myself have not really taken any efforts to help people practically. This is the reason when I face a problem in my life, only I am supposed to find a solution.

Neither the God I pray or the Guru I love sends anyone to help me because they know I am selfish.

Yesterday, Someone at work told me that Chennai is quite normal but what we see in news is the areas where the land mass is low and hence the rain water has got into the houses. These are supposed to be lakes where people built houses. I suddenly became very thoughtful since I did my prayers for the people of Chennai and Tamilnadu.

Mean while, here’s a photo contributed by Nupur

Saibaba portrait

Dwarakamai Saibaba portrait

Everyone are busy with their life and hence no one has a minute to worry if their life is normal. Its a fast world out there. As long as something din’t happen to me, the whole world is normal. If something happened to me and my dear one’s the whole world is responsible for that. All of us are good people. We care for others. We feel bad when someone is suffering.

When we see news stories about the attack in Paris or the refugees in Syria or people affected by rain in Chennai, our heart melts for them but we just don’t have time to do anything about it. We are used to statistics. If 1000 people lost their house, its statistics. Deep in some corner of our heart, we all are used to such statistics and to be frank, we are entertained by News. The breaking News which happens globally and locally.

We are slowly becoming accustomed to the bad world.

Coming back to our own family and life, it has to be picture perfect.

Even a small scratch must not happen to us.

No obstacle must ever fall on what we endeavor to do.

I am one among you and today, I realized I am also practically living my life.

What can I do?

I move on…

Sai, let my life be picture perfect because you know how selfish I am. People who suffer are simply numbers. As long as I am not a part of these numbers, I am happy.

This is Me.

Many people have expected something good from me because I serve Saibaba. I tell them, I am not saintly and pure like Sai.

I am the biggest fraud of all…he he…

I wrote this article for 2 reasons

  1. We must respect people who do little good to others in pain. This way, we are encouraging them to do more good.
  2. You must never give respect to anyone or believe in someone just because they serve Sai or built a Sai mandir or they believe in Sai. We are also self centered

As Kaliyug grows, there will be lots of distraction from Shirdi Saibaba.

People will divert their mind from Sai to the people who serve Sai claiming themselves as a Guru or messenger of Sai.

Do not trust such people.

Focus on Sai.

He alone is all pure and all yours.

About me?

“If it din’t happen to me, it’s not at all a problem”

Probably, that’s why I faced some problems in my life so that I will do little good for people who suffer with what I had gone through.

Om Sai Ram



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