Raam Navami festival celebration in Saibaba temple and a Blessed dream by grace of Sai Maharaj
Sairam friends,
Yesturday i went to Nagasai mandhir from office. My friend Vengadesh asked me to offer Garland for all the Kalasam over the Gopuram (On top of the temple) and also the 5 Big sai baba statues and the Main Kalasam over the sai mandhir.

Shirdi Saibaba decorated over a Horse Palki - devotees carried Sai chanting Babas name
So i lit 3 lamps as usual in Dwarakamai, worshiped holy Dhuni (my best friend) , Little Dhuni Baba, Came around the Main hall in Nagasai mandhir and then climbed on Top of the temple terrace through a Iron Pillar in the corner. The priest chandru has already thrown the garlands on the platform in terrace for me to offer it to sai. He had come in dream last night and i told him about it.
Since the Big Shirdi Saibaba statues on top of temple are exposed to external weather , Baba’s face will have dust on it. I affectionately use my palm and rub them, i focuss on eyes of baba, keep my fingers to wipe off the dust contineously speaking to Baba. I tell him all my desires ! – Yes i am selfish …he he but then i also say Baba bless everyone who comes to this temple, Bless all sai children i know through StarSai (StarSai family)

Sai beautifully smiling over Saibaba's Palki
Switch off the Light – I want to go in between the serial lights and offer Garland:
Taking a Long Garland in my hand and climbing on the wall over the main Gopuram , I shouted to the Watchman standing down “Switch off the serial lights (small lights to decorate mandhir in india) as i want to go in between these wires to Offer Garland to Baba”.
The watchman cooly replied, No if i switch off the lights, then all lights will be Off. So you better offer it later. I told him its ok, I will offer with lights on itself.
I stood in the platform infront of Baba, climbed on the flower like design made in cement and reached the Big baba, I got hold of Sai Baba’s Leg and reached near him. Once again i cleaned Babas face and body with palm. Then i offered the Long Garland over Baba. Mission one – Accomplished.
Offering Garland to Kalasam over the Gopuram
Gopuram in Nagasai mandhir is not so High but i have slight fear to climb on Top. By sai grace, I managed to do it. I can see view of Coimbatore, near by buildings in darkness of the day. I feel as if baba will take me high in life as my parents wish or probably i am already in a good position because i am with Sai. I started chanting
Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
touching the Copper Kalasam with my palm and gently offering the Little Garlands.
Once i offered Garlands to all 5 Kalasam, i walked ahead towards the Main Gopuram to Offer Garland to the Main Kalash. My friend Aditya called up and i told her am on top of Mandhir exitedly, I kept her on speaker mode and told her , i shall tell you the commentry of how beautiful it is to offer Garland and how much i feel blessed to do this Seva.
I kept chanting “Jai jai Sairam Sairam Sairam” and started climbing the Main Gopuram with Garland in hand:
I kept telling Aditya how i climb and where i am holding and how nice it is to offer Garland to this sai mandhir in existance since 1939. Once i reached high near the Main Big Kalasam, I started chanting Sairam Sairam Sairam and wipped off the dust with my palm , took of the old Garland and offered the New Garland with lots of divine feeling in heart.
I started chanting
“Dhigambara Dhigambara Sri paadha Vallabha Dhigambara” as i always believe Sai is Datta Avatar – Dattatreyalotus.com
Then i offered Garland to Sai who talkes Alms statue and also my favourite Baba over the Dwarakamai.
I climbed down , Once the shej aarti got over, i offered the prasad near dhuni baba to few devotees, had it myself and gave few devotees.
I reached home and while sleeping i was remembering Sai peacefully.
A strange dream in Early Morning
I was blessed with a dream in which a Old Lady speaks about her Husband using a Walking Stick (cane). I woke up and realized A incident in Sai Satcharitra where sai says
“No matter what happens, Hold on to your bolster (Guru)”
I also realized Sai wants me to take proper decision in my Career.
I slept again remembering Sai very very affectionately in my heart
I told Baba, you are always my Guru and i know nothing beyond you Sai, I am always with you . If you are near me i will hug you. Since i got Hurt on my face – a deep cut last week which is getting healed, i told baba, kiss me on my wound so that it gets healed. Everyone are asking me about the scar on the face. ( I must mention Saibaba used to Kiss Tatya during his times in Dwarakamai)

saibaba loved a Horse Shyam Karna - so Ram Navami festival was celebrated with 2 real horses. I wish to take photo with horse !
A blessed dream by Sai grace on Holy Ram Navami Day
It was March 31st 2012 – Holy Raam Navami –
I got a dream as if i am doing a Music Concern – He he…i see few of my office staff there. I perform very well and they clap for it. It was like a devotional song and am playing drums. Then i see myself in my house Hall. A Black cow is coming towards me as if a bad omen, Suddenly a the Black cow disappeares and by Sai grace a White come runs towards me. He wants a Jalebi ( sweets). Even before i offer Jilebi, he hurries for it and i give him.
Then i suddenly see myself in a Village setting near some Marriage Hall. I see a Cow and apply Tumeric powder over it. The cow starts to run towards me and i also start to run inside the Hall. Every one fears but i say, the Cow is running towards me as he likes me. The cow sit near me and i apply Tumeric powder over his face. He licks me as if he wants to Kiss me.
Thats it.

Horse was dancing for music and Sai devotees danced too. It was as if Shyam Karna is saluting his Guru Sai Baba
I realized that Sai has come as Holy Cow in this dream and blessed me. I also feel happy as its Ram Navami Day and am blessed by such a sweet dream. Cow is all about auspiciousness and i wrote it in starsai family’s Animal Care site – StarSai.in
I will start in few hours to do Annadhan seva in Saibaba temple with friends…
Happy Ram Navami friends
Lets do good to animals, feed them and never hurt them.
Aum sri sainathaya namaha
Little Sevant of Shirdi Saibaba
31 march 2012
Nice article and very happy to see you for the first time in the picture you have uploaded. 🙂 May god bless you and all the sai children.
||Avadhoota Chintana Shree Gurudeva Datta||
||Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai||