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Dwarakamai was clean. So must be your home

Hi friends,

I see my Computer, the monitor have dust over it but I ignore to clean it and make it look good. My parents clean my place at times. Since they want me to do it myself, they don’t touch it too. All the Shirdi Saibaba books and Spiritual books I kept in the Almara with our arranging properly. I really don’t know why I don’t keep my things clean.

My sister scolds Katya every time she makes a mess in home and makes her clean it. My parents too keep things clean but this habit doesn’t come to me. My Mom tells me, its important to keep things clean.

I have a strange experience to share:

When ever I try to start a new work and come to my room, somehow, I will keep the water jug over my table and unknowingly it will fall down. So I will take a cloth and wipe off all the room with the water so that it looks clean. Sometimes, the water spills on my table and i will clean the entire table.

Everyday, I offer a glass of water to Sai. When ever its auspicious day, the glass of water will fall down. I will fastly clean the floor below the Sai statues.

These little incidents makes me realize, when we are spiritual, Gods and Saints wants us to keep our home, our place and where ever we reside clean.

I have had another experience – When people with ill thoughts are near us, I have experienced some bad stuff. So I always pray Saibaba to bless me with good people around and am fortunate to have some good people around me where ever I go.

Its surprising that I have swept Dwarakamai, I have cleaned it with water and made it look beautiful. I have been doing so much seva in temple but I won’t keep my own home clean. Once in a while, I get scoldings from my Mom and I clean it.

OK. Why did I write about keeping the place you live, work and sleep clean?

There are few information in Garuda Purana which I don’t want to directly say. My Mom tells me that one must read it only in temple as its very divine.

I have read that in dust/unclean place evil omen resides. When your time is good, it doesn’t bother you much but when your time isn’t good, it really can cause lots of problems. So its important to keep one’s place clean.

I am getting too late now.

Hope I learn to keep my place clean. You know, Radhakrishnamai cleans Dwarakamai every alternative day. When Saibaba goes to Chawdi to sleep, Radhakrishnamai, takes away all the things, cleans, washes and even white wash the entire Dwarakamai.

I myself clean Dwarakamai but not my home.

OK tata

How many of you contribute in keeping your home clean?


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  • Jai Sai Ram,

    I never given much importance to this cleaning. It depends on my mood. Thankyou very much for this wonderful message. I request SAI to bless me and all to behave like this wherever we are.

  • When we are with Baba our duties will be forced on us there is no choice.Baba’s Blessings.Shri Sainathayanamaha.

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