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The need to earn a living is the only reason most people don’t quit their job

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

A few years back, I don’t usually get dreams or even expect dreams every single day. Sometime in June 2011, Sai blessed me with a dream in which I saw Samadhi of Sai and got the message ‘You will get a gift”. Fortunately, within a month, I got the current job I am holding on to all these years.

Initially, I enjoyed my work.  Eight month after I was into the job during Feb 2012, I was really frustrated. They made me do some work which I hated. I kept telling my Mom that I don’t like this office and I wish to quit. My Mom told me that I must adjust as I have the comfort of living in Coimbatore.

Its not that I hated Chennai and Mumbai but everynight when I was in Mumbai, I used to pray Saibaba that I must have a job wherein I must come back to my own home and sleep. When I say “My own Home’, it also means, coming home to see parents.

When I kept on telling myself that I must resign from this job, Sai gave me a strange experience. Though I buy few books from the Shop in Saibaba temple, I also treat it like a library. I often go through books in the shop. I suddenly came across this book by Swami Vivekananda in Tamil called “Karma Margam”. I read Tamil very slowly but bought the book and read it completely.

I believe its the translation of “Work and its ethics”.

A very beautiful book which taught me why one should work and never expect fruit of what he/she does?

Our duty is to work. We have no rights to ask why things turned badly or why none recogonized us or why we are paid less? The message is very clear.

“The result of work should never bother us. We must keep working just because our duty is to work”.

Sai is a very strange saint. At times, when he can’t directly guide us, he will use other ancient saint to guide us.

Thankfully, I gave up the idea of resigning from job in 2012 as this book helped me learn that we are supposed to work no matter what goes wrong and how people treat us.

Atleast those days were good. Now, I desire to do a lot but for every single step, I am supposed to get approval and there’s none who understands what I wish to do. So I simply do some odd task and be calm. I don’t know how long I will be silenced like this? Sai has asked me to be calm and never once allowed me to consider a better option.

I am satisfied little for the first time 

I had previously wrote that Sai blessed me with a dream in which I saw this girl in office will be doing well at work because I saw people listen to her opinion in a meeting.

I wrote about it here – Everyone experiences glass ceiling in their Career.

This evening, I almost had tears in my eyes as I got too depressed thinking why should Sai show her in dream but never give me a clue on why he’s giving so much importance to her? She has her own desires, dreams and a real life and won’t have a minute for me for rest of her life. Then, why on Earth should Sai show her in dream and confuse me?

I never speak myself about this girl to any my friends for the past few month.

Actually, before 5 month, I used to regularly have lunch with one of my colleague. Since they had closed this Hotel opposite to our building, I stopped joining him during lunch. When ever we go out lunch together, these guys used to share thier issues with me and speak out all their frustration. I used to simply tell them “Things will improve gradually”.

One of this guy was even blessed with Saibaba in dream in which Sai asked him for dakshina of 120 Rs. He was expecting a good appraisal and thankfully, today he told me that he’s satisfied with the salary.

Anyway, these guys asked me to join with them to have Dosa. I wanted to go to Saibaba temple but since its been long since I went out with them, I agreed to join.

When ever we go out, I demand that they must show me a hotel which has enough space to park my car. I am an average driver and hence get tensed if parking space is too small.

As soon as this guy sat in my car, he told me ‘I wanted to tell this to you. You know this girl had put her paper and reverted it back?”

I was upset to hear this because I don’t know what happened to her? I don’t have any common friends to know why she should take such decision. I will be happy if she got a better opportunity or even if She is going to get married. But it will really upset me if She has plans to quit job for some other reason.

Surprisingly, I believe its the same time when Sai blessed me with a dream that She’s already doing well in her work and that She has a good future here.

Even this guy told me “She’s from a small team and hence She can grow easily”.

Wish she could have avoided all this because someone  in my workplace simply make stories even when nothing happened. Though I speak well to everyone, I have seen their other side too. They take credit for every silly issue. They will speak as if they only convinced a resource to work here.

I was really upset about it but I also felt little satisfied.

This is because, all these 20 month, I used to get dreams related to this girl or even have seen this girl in a few dreams.

Not a single dream will be any where close to reality.

I used to tell Baba “Nee solra maari onnume illaye Sai?”

I was deeply wounded when I realized Sai keeps on showing dreams which has nothing to do with reality. Being devoted to Sai, it was hard for me to ignore his dreams also.

Thankfully, atleast this is the only dream after all these month, which comes little close to reality.

In the dream, Sai showed as if She’s doing well at work and people ask for her opinion and respect her views.

The over all message in the dream was “She should continue to work here and there are lots of possibilities for growth”.

I am happy that this purticular dream was slightly true to reality. I take it as Sai’s blessings for her. 

On the other hand, I can’t even say this to this girl because I also stopped mailing her. I don’t have any common friends who understands me. They will only see me as a fool. Even if I tell, it could mean nothing to this girl because according to her, I am a stupid who bothered her.  So why should Sai show me this dream? I get curious when Sai gives me such experiences.

Majority of workforce is not happy with their job

Since I din’t go to lunch with these guys for over 5 month, I thought every thing is fine with them. Today, while having dinner, they told me so many stories happening in the organization. They are really frustrated. I often ask one of this guy to go abroad and study so that he can build a better future. This guy has already planned to get married next year. So he’s dependent on this job. He repeatdly told me that he wants to quit this job. I felt really bad for him.

Believe it or not, we sat in the car for almost a hour to speak about how horrible the situation is getting in the company. There’s so much internal politics and everyone tries to hinder other’s growth. These guys have no growth even if they stay back for years because they are recruiting seniors for every head role. So guys working for years will remain in the same position.

There’s another team where guys from Andhra openly tell that they hate this culture and leave the company within a week or 15 days.

Having said that, the place I work is not alien to the reality in any other part of the world.

Globally, vast majority of professionals are not happy with their job. They are sticking to it as they have run their life.

The need to earn a living is the only reason most people don’t quit their job.

Irrespective of all this, there are few who quit their job as they can’t withstand the pressure.

When ever people ask me if they should resign from job, I either tell them ‘No” or I never reply their mails.

What will you do after resigning from job?

Have you planned your life? Do you have a strategy to earn your living?

Is there a better opportunity? Then go ahead and resign but you can’t play around with your life.

My Sister is a Post Doc Research Scientist and even She has problems at work. Her funding seems to get stopped and they had told her She can with hold only one Employee in her lab. Currently, She has 2 assistants and She needs them both to continue the research.

My Sister is calling us to the U.S since my Mom often encourages her not to get fedup and things will be fine.

My Mom has always taught this to us. “We must never loose hope and things will improve gradually.”

Fortunately, in all the conferences She had attended, people were very supportive and assured her that She will get funding.

I don’t know what happened to this girl in my office because I am a stranger to her. I don’t know why Sai shows her in dream? I don’t have any idea if I will ever tell all these experiences to her. May be, I will gradually get bored of this and once for all, leave this topic. I might never know who She is and what’s the purpose of Sai’s dreams?

Thankfully, I atleast know She’s good in her own way.

There’s nothing wrong in seeing a good girl in dream and praying for her. All these days, I was worried there’s no relationship between Sai’s dreams and reality. Today, I feel little satisfied.

Sai is really there.

So what’s the moral of the article?

You just have to do some work. You have no rights to ask for positive results. Your duty is just to do your work and continue to do it sincerely. This is Karma Marga – The path of Work.

Sai wants you to hold on to your job no matter how much hardships you face.

I sincerely pray Saibaba to bless everyone who reads this with a good Career.

Keep remembering Sai.

Sai will always be with you.

Om Sai Ram


Edit – I wrote this article and slept only at 2 at night. One thing I found unethical about the whole issue is that, Why should I be curious about a girl whom I don’t even know as a friend? Atleast,when I started liking her back in 2016,17, I had interest in her. Now a days, I only regret for writing to her.

Sai must understand that I respect his words and that’s the only reason I get curious about what’s happening to this girl. I wish to do something that completely diverts my mind and let go of this girl. My parents are not keeping well. My Sister is calling us to the U.S. I don’t know how to take them safe and come back. I have to renew Visa for my parents and get one for myself. Wish my Sister comes to India this August.

I am honestly fedup and bored of this issue Sai. Please do something to end this soon. I started to have a perception that its wrong even to think of a girl without her concent.

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1 Comment

  • Om Sai Ram. Your message is good. One must keep on doing the work assigned to him without expecting anything.

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