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Try to maintain an equilibrium in your state of mind. Experience bliss inside yourself

Sairam friends,

Yesturday was my Sister’s wedding day. Every year, I usually go to Nagasai mandir and hence last evening I started at 7.40 at work and reached Nagasai Mandir and lit lamps. I prayed Saibaba and came back home. I was going through some problem and wondered how I can get rid of it. I decided to remember Sai and Lord Dattatreya. Then, I decided to think about Koothanur MahaSaraswathi. Finally, my mind took me to Lord Hanuman. I felt nice as I started to chant Sai Hanuman…Sai Hanuman..Sai Hanuman.

I like Hanuman because I feel he’s cute. As I kept chanting his name, I imagined there’s a little Hanumanji in my room and playing around me climbing my chest, my face and my palm. I actually felt it. It wasn’t a dream too. I wasn’t in sound sleep. I could feel a little lilliput sized Hanumanji playing around me in my room. he he…

Hanumanji has helped me to get rid of pain

Few years back, When I used to like my friend Vidhya a lot, I was pained as I couldn’t forget her. I kept worrying and had no ways to move back to Mumbai. During this time, I had a dream in which I see Hanumanji took form of a saint and told me not to expect anything from any girl. I forget what exactly the message was but this dream made me realize I must giveup expecting anything from Vidhya and stopped being emotional. I understood her lifestyle being an Airhostess won’t match mine. So I let her be free to live her life. Later, I was happy too.Now a days, I only pray Saibaba to bless Vidhya with a good husband because I am concerned about her harsh nature.

There are hundreds of girls and guys who write me that they can’t forget the guy/girl they are in relationship with. I want all of you to maintain an equilibrium in your state of mind. Don’t over react when you are seperated from your love. Its OK to go through this pain. For few days you can worry but there’s no point in carrying it forward.

Please remember Sai or any God you love and chant their holy name repeatedly. If you are not religious, simply focus your mind on something useful. A new course, a new language and a new environment. All these can bring about a change in your life.

Experience bliss inside yourself. Keep yourself calm and composed.

Don’t over react.

Only the Guy and the Girl whom you trusted most will cheat you. Well, that’s their state of mind. Its dirt. You must not loose your state of mind as you will be having your own family values.

So love your Mom and Dad.

Be silent.

Sai likes it when you are silent.

Sai Hanuman ji blessings


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